April 1, 2011

Successfully Cleaning Up the Fox River


Believe it or not, there are other things going on in Wisconsin besides the Budget Repair Bill! Next week, the Legislature will be back in session to pass the remaining portion of the original bill that we were forced to delay, as well as other bills to get our citizens back to work in Wisconsin. We seem to see stories every week of businesses coming to and opening up shop in Wisconsin. The recent news of Caterpillar contemplating leaving Illinois is another sign that raising taxes like Illinois is doing is the exact opposite of what you should be doing to foster a good business climate.

On a more local level, the Department of Natural Resources released a report on Wednesday highlighting the successful clean up of PCBs in the Fox River. PCB levels are down 73 percent in walleye in the Lake Butte des Morts. That's a level that otherwise would have taken 15 to 20 years to achieve naturally if nothing had been done.

If the same level is confirmed next year through sampling the PCB advisory for walleyes would be relaxed for this stretch of the river. This would make the fishery safe to eat, which has always been the goal.

More than 784,000 cubic yards of PCB contaminated sediment was removed, covered with an engineered cap or sand cover. Work was completed in May 2009, and the main staging area has been restored to include native upland plants, wetlands and a meandering stream, according to Gary Kincaid, a DNR engineer involved in oversight of the project.

Also, the average PCB levels in the sediment has been reduced by 94 percent in the project area, achieving the cleanup goal, and the PCB level in the water is down significantly as compared to the expected levels had the project not been done.

Veterans Capitol Rally

The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs is hosting a Capitol Rally and Legislative Day on April 13.  The Veterans Rally is an opportunity for all veterans’ advocates to network with friends and colleagues, meet with members of the Wisconsin State Legislature, and rally in support of veterans issues. Attendees can register online at www.wisvets.com/rally.


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State Capitol Room 221N- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7500
Email: Rep.Litjens@legis.wi.gov