March 11, 2011
Welcome to my e-update. I hope that this update will help keep you informed
on what is going on down at the Capitol and how it might affect you. I plan
on writing regular updates to you throughout the budget debate to keep you
involved with the long process we have between the Governor’s Budget Address
and the final passage of the 2011-2013 Budget.
You, along with the rest of Wisconsin, (and country) have probably followed
along over the last month as the State Senate and Assembly finally were able
to pass some major pieces of the Budget Repair Bill. As I have stated
throughout the debate, this bill was something that would not have been
necessary if politicians, both Republican and Democrat, over the last 17
years had acted responsibly with your money. While this bill itself does not
balance the state budget, we are giving our state and local governments the
tools and flexibility to balance their budget with the pending cuts in
shared revenue.
The Northwestern reported that the Oshkosh School District will save over $3
Million each of the next two years which will offset projected cuts in State
aid. The Winneconne News reported that at the end of the day, the Winneconne
School District will only see a net loss of around $60k. A loss for sure,
but not to the point where they need to lay teachers off or drastically cut
Raising taxes is completely off the table to balance this budget. The
Democrats passed $2 Billion in tax increases 2 years ago in a budget repair
bill they rammed through in 24 hours without a hearing (compared to the 4
weeks this bill took). The only way to solve this problem is to cut
government spending. This Budget Repair Bill gives the local communities the
ability to absorb these cuts. At the end of this budget cycle in 2013,
assuming no economic growth at all, the State will only have a $250 million
deficit; unheard of in recent memory. If there is ANY economic growth, the
State will be in the black. Also, today the Governor rescinded all layoff
notices to State workers, saving 1500 jobs in the immediate future which is
wonderful news.
I look forward to continuing our conversation regarding the budget in the
upcoming months. If you have any ideas to help balance our budget in other
ways, please feel free to contact my office at 608-266-7500 or
Representative Litjens Meets with Outagamie and Winnebago
County Officers
Janice Flenz, Outagamie County Register of
Sue Ertmer, Winnebago County Clerk
Dina Mumford, Outagamie County Treasurer
Julie Pagel, Winnebago County Register of Deeds