April 14, 2016

Closing the Legislative Session


As of April 15, my office will suspend sending any e-updates until November. This is part of State Statute, which prohibits elected officials who are running for re-election or seeking another office to distribute 50 or more pieces of identical materials to constituents after April 15th. I hope you've found my e-updates informative. Check my Facebook page over the summer for important notices on state issues.


Even though my e-updates won't go out, my office is still here to help with any questions you may have regarding state government. Feel free to reach out to us over the interim and we'll return to these updates again next fall.


I'm grateful for the opportunity to represent the great people of the 51st Assembly District, and I look forward to continuing to work together.



Rural Wisconsin Initiative: Bringing Progress & Awareness to Rural Issues

In January, we came together as rural Wisconsin representatives to announce the launch of the Rural Wisconsin Initiative, a package of bills meant to bridge the rural-urban gap and to bring leadership and focus to the discussion about the future of our communities in rural Wisconsin. Since then, the eight bills that make up the package have garnered positive attention from people and organizations across the state. Two of our bills passed both houses of the legislature, and have been signed into law by the Governor, while the remaining six remain priorities for next year’s budget.

The vision of the Rural Wisconsin Initiative is to ensure equal access to health care, technology, education and workforce opportunities, no matter where in Wisconsin a person happens to be born. To ensure a quality education, a school needs to keep good teachers, an issue where rural areas continue to struggle. With the passage of AB 793, retention will become easier. This bill expands the teacher loan repayment program, which has served Milwaukee, to include rural areas. The program has helped Milwaukee area teachers obtain and have forgiven up to $30,000 in loans. This adds an important recruiting tool to the toolbox of rural school administrators.

Technology can be a great equalizer for residents in rural areas – but once again, access is critical. Connecting all of Wisconsin with high speed internet is an important goal, and we took steps toward making that goal a reality by passing AB 820. This bill establishes the Broadband Forward! certification, which enables communities to voluntarily agree to standards that make it easier to implement broadband projects. Rural communities can use this certification to signal their desire and preparedness for new broadband investments.

The remaining proposals in the Rural Wisconsin Initiative continue to drive conversations in the capitol regarding our next budget. Full implementation of the initiative remains a goal we are working toward in 2017. We would like to see all of the remaining pieces of the Rural Wisconsin Initiative enacted next session, either through the budget or as standalone bills. Increasing funding for broadband expansion, for apprenticeship programs, and for rural medical residencies are top priorities.

However, the passage of the eight bills that made up the initial package is only the beginning. The Rural Wisconsin Initiative is an ongoing pursuit that depends on receiving input from rural people across the state. Throughout the remainder of this year, we will work together to draft new legislation that will help propel both our communities and the discussion of the future of rural Wisconsin forward.


Please visit the Initiative's website to learn about the bills, share your ideas, and make your voice heard today. Together, we can ensure that our towns and villages remain great places to live, work, and grow.



What's Been Happening


Recently, I've had the pleasure of attending some local events, in addition to meeting with people at the Capitol in Madison.


I had the opportunity to meet with the 8D, and 8A ABATE Regional groups to discuss current and upcoming topics important to ABATE of Wisconsin. It was a pleasure to meet with the representatives from 8A; Jerry Mann, Jim Skaife, Cletus, Barb Myers, Eugene Myers, and 8B; Shawn Petit, Dee Petit, Michelle Nusbaum, Gary Sutherland, and Ernie Strothman. Thank you guys for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your day in Madison!


Kyle Thompson, from Darlington recently received the rank of Eagle Scout. I attended the ceremony this weekend and presented a legislative proclamation in honor of his achievement . It was an honor to have had the opportunity to give him some well deserved recognition. He worked hard to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Congratulations again!


Saturday, April 2nd Governor Tommy Thompson and I gave eulogies to celebrate the life of Judge Bill Dyke. It was an honor to have been asked to give the Eulogy with Governor Thompson. Judge Bill Dyke will be missed not only in Iowa County, but throughout Southwestern Wisconsin.


ABATE of Wisconsin Region 8A (L to R); , Jim Skaife, Jerry Mann, Rep. Novak, Cletus, Barb Myers, Eugene Myers ABATE of Wisconsin Region 8B (L to R); Shawn Petit, Dee Petit, Rep. Novak, Michelle Nusbaum, Gary Sutherland, and Ernie Strothman

Senator Marklein and I Presenting Kyle Thompson, of Darlington with his legislative citation in honor of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.



As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 304 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7502
Email: Rep.Novak@legis.wisconsin.gov