E-Update - May 12, 2011     

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Rep. Tranel’s Common Sense “Rainy Day” Amendment Passes


Madison, WI – Today, the Wisconsin State Assembly passed State Representative Travis Tranel’s Wisconsin FIRST – Fiscal Responsibility and Stability Fund Amendment (AJR – 21) by a 57-37 margin with bi-partisan support.

“Responsible budgeting and planning for the future is something that the citizens of Wisconsin want government to do.  Today’s passage of a constitutionally protected rainy day fund, in the State Assembly, is a step in the right,” said Tranel.

Tranel’s amendment now moves on to the Wisconsin State Senate for consideration.  In order to become part of the state constitution, the amendment must be approved by two consecutive sessions of the state legislature, followed by passage in a statewide referendum. 

“I look forward to working with my collogues in the State Senate to get this important amendment passed, in the coming weeks, because I believe that it is important to ensure the long term fiscal stability of our great state.  Hopefully, in the future the divisive and difficult budgetary debates we are currently having will not be necessary if this common sense amendment is put in place.”

For more information on Representative Tranel’s bill please feel free to contact him at 608-266-1170 or Rep.Tranel@legis.wi.gov

Rep. Tranel represents the 49th Assembly District that includes all of Grant County, and parts of Richland, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties.


Rep. Travis Tranel


State Capitol - Room 308 North | Post Office Box 8953 | Madison, Wisconsin 53708
(608) 266-1170 | Rep.Tranel@legis.wisconsin.gov