Friends and Neighbors,
I am outraged that the 2015-17 state budget was jammed through both houses of
the legislature in less than 24 hours
The awfulness of this budget is truly extraordinary.
What the majority party passed is not a reflection of our Wisconsin
values, it’s a war on them. This budget isn’t about taking care of our
hardworking friends and neighbors, making them more free and prosperous.
budget was
crafted behind closed doors by special interests and presidential campaign
donors. I received thousands upon thousands of contacts from my constituents.
They know, like I do, that our state will not be better off tomorrow than they
were yesterday because of this budget, and in many circumstances, hardworking
people in Wisconsin will actually be worse off.
The bi-partisan opposition to this budget shows that the majority party will not be able to outrun the disastrous consequences of this
As always, if you have any topics you would like to see
discussed in future issues of the Sargent Voice, please contact
me at 608-266-0960 or
Melissa Sargent
State Representative
48th Assembly District
Budget Concludes
This week's budget debate was difficult. The things we cherish as a state
were directly attacked.
Wisconsin is a state that has traditionally looked to the future and is
well-known for having great public schools, strong universities, bountiful
natural resources and a nationally respected model for caring for our most
vulnerable. Yet the Republican legislature passed a budget that sells
out these proud traditions in order to support Governor Walker’s presidential
Some of the numerous issues that the GOP's budget targeted: |
Republican efforts to rapidly divert taxpayer money to private schools make it
clear their top priority is paying back their private-school campaign
contributors. DPI estimates that more than half of all Wisconsin public school
districts will see state aid cuts in the coming year.
Our local schools aren’t the only ones taking a hit. Legislative Republicans
also gutted our world-class university system. The Republican budget makes a
$250 million cut to the UW System, despite opposition from more than 70 percent
of Wisconsinites.
Long-Term Care
One of the biggest concerns we have heard from people across the state is the
Republicans’ dramatic and devastating changes to Wisconsin’s successful
long-term care system. Nearly every single long-term care advocacy group opposes
these changes, which will negatively impact seniors, people with disabilities
and others with fragile health conditions.
The current credit card approach to funding transportation is unsustainable. And
the governor, despite having multiple recommendations from his Transportation
Secretary and the Transportation Finance and Policy Commission, hasn’t taken
their advice and will continue to fund our transportation infrastructure in the
same unsustainable way. Now Republicans have chosen the worst of all possible
options – continuing to kick the can down the road while also gutting funding
for transportation projects with changes to the governor’s budget that will also
cost 5,500 good-paying jobs.
Meanwhile, Assembly Democrats offered over 30
budget amendments. These were changes that could've helped move our state forward.
- We brought forward an education package that
included provisions to fund education programs identified as most
important by superintendents, parents and teachers.
- We introduced an amendment to fully fund the UW System by
accepting the federal BadgerCare expansion money to ensure our state’s key economic
engine will continue to thrive.
- We reintroduced the Higher Ed, Lower Debt Bill
would allow Wisconsin residents to refinance student loan debts similar to
how people can refinance a mortgage.
- We tried to roll back the harmful changes to
long-term care and protect our most vulnerable residents and preserve
Wisconsin's successful programs.
- We tried, once again, to convince the GOP to accept
federal health care funding that would our Wisconsin’s federal health
care investments and provide health coverage to 85,000 Wisconsinites at a
savings of $360 million over this biennium.
I promise to keep fighting for my constituents in the
48th Assembly District and for people all over Wisconsin. We must return to a
government that works for the people, not for corporations.
Marriage Equality is the law of the land
Each and every American should have the freedom to marry the person they choose
to spend their life with.
The ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges which legalized same-sex marriage
across the United States was a victory for our nation. Marriage equality is
about fairness, love, and respect for one of our country’s oldest institutions.
We should be proud of this ruling as we celebrate our LGBTQ family, friends, and
neighbors receiving equal protection and opportunities under the letter of the
law. |
This is not a day that has come quietly,
easily, or without tribulation, loss, or setbacks, but finally, after
everything, love has finally won.
Affordable Care Act
Health Care is a human right. Thankfully, the Affordable Care Act has given
millions of previously uninsured people, access to health care. This access has
been threatened by numerous lawsuits made by conservative groups.
I was thrilled by the Supreme Court’s strong 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell
which maintained the federal subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. This decision saved health care for
approximately 166,000 of our friends and neighbors across Wisconsin. |
Expanded access to health care provides people the freedom to pursue a more
prosperous future. Affordable health care is the lynchpin toward a better life
for so many in our community. The Supreme Court's decision is a victory for
the well-being of our state. It is a victory for our hard-working friends and
neighbors who rely on the security of preventative health care. It is a victory
over the fear and stress that a lack of adequate coverage creates.
Simply put, this is a great moment for the health of Wisconsin. This is not a
partisan issue, and I would hope that Democrats and Republicans alike would all
celebrate the fact that 166,000 – including 11,000 children – of our fellow
Wisconsinites are able to keep their health care.
Beyond a doubt this ruling is a mandate for the Affordable Care Act. Now is the
time for Wisconsin to make the long overdue decision to accept the federal
Medicaid expansion money to ensure all Wisconsinites have access to quality
affordable health care.
Shocking Open Records Change Sought by GOP
An open and transparent government is necessary in a democracy.
A week after Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) passed new and
unprecedented restrictions on public access to government records – and the
resulting outcry from citizens and groups of all political stripes forced
Republicans to backtrack on their extreme position – many important questions
about this proposal remain unanswered.
It is my hope that members of the media and
the people of Wisconsin will join in holding Republicans responsible not only
for this terrible budget but also for making swift and damaging changes to
public policy under the cover of darkness – with no debate or public input. |
Following last week’s historic assault on clean, open and transparent
government, the people of Wisconsin are still waiting for answers on what
Republicans were trying to accomplish, what they are trying to hide and who was
responsible for requesting these changes.
During Thursday's floor session, Assembly Democrats held their colleagues across the aisle accountable
for their attack on transparency in government, forcing a vote on a resolution
that would ensure Open Records Law remains strong in Wisconsin. While
Republicans refused to commit to the preservation of open records laws in the
future, Democrats did force a majority of Republicans to recognize the grave
mistake they made in attempting changes in the state budget bill.
What's Happening at WEDC?
Last week I went to WEDC looking for our missing tax dollars and all the jobs
that we are missing in Wisconsin.
Not surprisingly WEDC was no help.
We, as stewards of taxpayer dollars, need to get control of this situation.
Gov. Walker is selling off Wisconsin’s
future for his own presidential ambitions.
He has treated WEDC as a slush fund for campaign contributors. Where is the
urgency? |
- In 2012, WEDC lost over $8 million dollars in loans and hid it from the
audit committee and the legislature.
- An Audit from May of 2013 showed misuse of WEDC funds with extravagant
purchases of Badger football tickets and iTunes gift cards.
- Over the course of the past 2 months we have learned that half a million
dollars was given out with absolutely to staff or financial review.
Money is flying out the door at WEDC and we have no idea where it’s going,
what it’s for, or whether we’re going to get it back.
If I send one of my sons to the store, I expect to know what he bought; and I
expect the change. WEDC has given away millions of taxpayer dollars and the
companies have run off with the change and then some.
20-Week Abortion Ban Passed
A woman must be able to make decisions using her own deeply held values.
On Thursday, the State Assembly passed a ban on abortions past 20-weeks.
I was a strong 'No' vote on this harmful piece of legislation. Simply put, it is
not my place to make these decisions. Medical experts agree that these decisions
should be made by women and their families and medical professionals. |
The cruel restrictions on women put in place by this legislation come at the
worst possible time: When they are faced with the need to terminate a pregnancy.
The vast majority of abortions in the United States are performed in the first
trimester of pregnancy. Fewer than 1.5 percent are performed at 21 weeks or
later, according to government data.
But what is essential to keep in mind is the complex, often heartbreaking
reasons why women tend to pursue second-trimester abortions. Not every pregnancy
ends the way a woman or family hopes it will. Some end in miscarriage. Some
create dangerous health conditions for a woman, like cardiac arrest or kidney
failure. Some end in terrible fetal anomalies that require a woman to make a gut
wrenching decision about her family.
The bill does not provide an exemption for a woman whose pregnancy is diagnosed
with a lethal genetic anomaly. Some genetic anomalies mean that a fetus cannot
survive to term. Some mean it will not survive long after being born. Some mean
that, once born, the baby would live a life of severe illness and pain.
The bill also contains no meaningful exception to spare the life or health of
the mother. Pregnancy has a profound impact on a woman’s health, and in some
cases, that impact can become dangerous.
It also threatens physicians with imprisonment for doing their jobs. A letter
signed by 99 doctors was sent to Governor Walker and members of the Assembly
warning that the ban on abortion would “block Wisconsin ob-gyns from being able
to treat our patients in a medically appropriate and humane manner.” This letter
comes following similar pleas from experts representing the Wisconsin Academy of
Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics and the Wisconsin Medical
The GOP continues to make moves to chip away at women's health access. While
they work to take away these freedoms, I will do all I can to fight for them.
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10, 2015
Issue 57
State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
Office: (608) 266-0960
On the Web:
"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than
-George Bernard Shaw
Does Motion 999 sound omninous to you too?
Well it certainly is.
Motion 999 is the last thing that the Joint Finance Committee does before the
budget bill is passed along to the full Assembly and Senate. It contains all the
items that didn't fit within another agency budget. And usually, it contains all
the items that special interest groups have been hoping for.
Among other things in this budget's 999 motion:
- Attempted changes to the WRS governance committee.
- Drastic Changes to Open Records Law.
Thankfully, due to outrage from citizens all over the state, both these items
were taken out.
I encourage you all, as citizens, to
always pay attention to the 999 Motion during a budget cycle because you will
often see the big money forces that are too influential in our political
In and Around the District
Northside Parade
Each year on July 4th we celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy in this
Team Sargent took part in the Second Annual Northside Parade and Independence
Day celebration. I saw many familiar faces and had fantastic discussions with
friends and neighbors. I am proud to live in such a special community, and I
look forward to taking part in this event for years to come.
Grandview Town Center First Public Meeting Upcoming
Thank you to Alder Amanda Hall for the following update:
Hello Neighbors,
I emailed you about this last week but in the hubbub of the holiday weekend it
may have been missed so I want to send a follow up and reminder.
A development company has stepped forward to develop Grandview
Commons Town Center, the space between Great Dane East and Metro Market. There
is a public meeting to discuss the proposed development:
Friday evening, July 17th, at 6pm.
Please mark your calendars and join us, as neighborhood input is crucial to the
success of this development. This will not be the only meeting regarding this
development of course, but as the process moves along it gets harder to change
and update details of the project.
Fun Wisconsin Fact
Miller Park is the only stadium in all of Major
League Baseball that serves more brats than hot dogs.
After seeing the horrible influence of big money on our
state government during the recent budget process, I authored the following
op-ed for the Capital Times.
Money speaks in Wisconsin legislative process
by Rep. Melissa Sargent
Let me share with you the worst-kept secret in Wisconsin: Money in politics is
shaping every decision made at the state Capitol.
As Gov. Walker and the Republican Legislature fight their way through the state
budget process behind closed doors, it is evident that high-dollar special
interest groups have a prominent seat at the table while the voices of the
people of Wisconsin are not being heard. This is not to say that the people
haven’t tried. My office has received thousands upon thousands of contacts from
constituents voicing their displeasure with this budget. In addition, people
traveled across the state to tell the Republicans on the powerful Joint Finance
Committee that the decisions they were making did not serve the will of the
In the budget and throughout the legislative process, money talks. Here's just a
couple examples of how special interests have influenced our state
• Supporters of expanding unaccountable voucher schools in Wisconsin have
contributed nearly $2.4 million since 2009 to Scott Walker — and vouchers are
being expanded in the state budget. Parents and professional educators who act
in the best interest of our children are not being heard.
• The owner of Menards received $1.8 million in WEDC tax credits after writing
$1.5 million in checks to a pro-Walker political advocacy group during the 2014
campaign cycle. Our hardworking friends and neighbors who are trying desperately
to stay in the middle class are not being heard.
These are just a few examples of how our democracy is under fierce attack. As a
result of the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United, we have a political
system in which corporations are able to buy elections and now legislatures.
Unregulated campaign spending corrupts politics and undermines the democratic
Our American democracy has been built on the ethic of citizens caring for one
another. Our moral mission is to protect and empower everyone equally. Without
campaign finance reform this is not possible.
Read the full op-ed by clicking
4-H Students
Last week I had the honor to speak to, and meet with, a
lively group of teens who were delegates to the Wisconsin 4-H and Youth
4H members, adult volunteers, and 4H staff came to our state Capitol to thank
legislators for their continued support of 4H and to share the impact that 4H
has on the lives of young people and their communities.
Youth engagement and youth voice must be raised and I am passionate about making
this happen.
Meet a Hero from WAGS
Got dog? A dog from the Wisconsin Academy for Graduate Service Dogs (WAGS) will
visit the library. Always a crowd favorite!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 2:00pm to 2:45pm
Pinney Library
Art Fair on the Square
Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 9:00am to Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 5:00pm
Capitol Square
One of the Midwest's most popular and highly regarded outdoor celebrations of
the arts will return to the Capitol Square July 11 and 12, 2015 as MMoCA
presents the 57th annual Art Fair on the Square. With its mix of music,
entertainment, and outdoor dining, as well as more than 450 artists exhibiting
paintings, prints, photographs, sculpture, jewelry, handmade clothing and
accessories, and fine craft, the fair draws nearly 200,000 visitors to Madison's
Capitol Square.
Event Cost: Free
Handicapped Accessible: Yes
FREE Bird & Nature Tour
Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Turville Point Conservation Park
1156 Olin Turville Court, Madison, WI
Ron Shutvet will lead the walk and discuss the geologic and human history of
Turville Point. He will point out the sites of homesteads and the effects the
farming operations of the Turville Family. Jeff Steele and Paul Noeldner will
help with the identification of the birds and flowers.
Event Cost: Free |