Friends and Neighbors,
Last week was busy both in the
Capitol and out in the community. Two of our session days on the
Assembly floor went past 10p.m., which is exhausting but
extremely important work. I spoke against Governor Walker's tax
plan which I believe should have gone towards restoring some of
the historic cuts seen to education funding over the past three
years. I also passionately fought against AB 750 which would
preempt local control in counties and municipalities which have
living wage ordinances.
Despite these harmful bills, I was able to honor the Boy Scouts
with a Assembly Joint Resolution. My family is deeply involved
in scouting and I understand their value to our neighbors and
our community as a whole.
On a personal note, I would like to thank each of you who sent
your condolences after the passing of my grandmother last week.
Your words were a comfort during this difficult time.
Thank you for all your support. I promise you that I will
continue to work each and everyday for the citizens of the 48th
Assembly District and for all Wisconsinites.
Please contact my office if you have any suggestions for future
issues of the Sargent Voice. or
Gay Marriage Amendment
Last week, Democratic Assembly
Representatives and State Senators joined together to
introduce a Constitutional Amendment that would repeal
the prohibition on marriage equality in Wisconsin. I
want to commend Rep. Jocasta Zamarripa and Sen. Tim
Carpenter for their steadfast leadership on this issue.
We stand at the precipice of a historic
moment as we push for marriage equality in the state we love. My
colleagues and I are introducing this bill because as went out
across Wisconsin, we heard your voices which overwhelmingly said
that the continued discrimination against our LGBT friends,
family, and neighbors does not portray our values.
Marriage equality strengthens families, brings stability and
validity to the children of same sex couples, and ties our
communities together. I encourage those on the other side of the
aisle to get behind this pro-family legislation. Our kids
deserve to grow up feeling valued, and LGBT families deserve to
be protected under the law.
This proposed constitutional amendment is about guaranteeing that
every Wisconsinite has the freedom and liberty to love who they
love. This bill will ensure that no Wisconsinite has privileges
and rights that are denied to others. I am resolved to be a
vocal champion for equality in our state until it is the law of
the land.
Currently, 17 states have legalized same sex marriage and an
October 2013 Marquette poll showed that a majority of
Wisconsinites now support same-sex marriage.
Senator Chris Larson has started a petition to support this
amendment. Add your voice to the 20,000 who have already signed
clicking HERE.
Harmful Living Wage Bill
Passes Assembly
I was extremely disappointed
that AB 750 passed the Assembly last week. This
bill would prohibit local governments from enacting a
fair living wage and will pre-empt the living wage
ordinance Dane County has had in effect since 1999.
As a lifelong resident of Dane County, and a proud
member of the Dane County Board of Supervisors, I know
the importance of honoring our local governments. It
should be these governments, and not the state
legislature, that decide on the value of paying a fair
living wage to their workers. |
Many of those affected by the living
wage ordinance are care givers for our most vulnerable citizens.
I know from my countless conversations at the doors with people
in my district that they value the independence provided by a
fair living wage.
People choose to live in Dane County and choose to elect their
local representative in our county government based on the
reflection of their values in progressive policies like the
living wage ordinance.
If signed into law, this bill will take $3 per hour away from
those who are serving our community and helping those who cannot
help themselves.
As of January, employees covered under Madison's living wage
ordinance earn at least $12.45 an hour. The city's living wage
is adjusted annually and is equal to 110 percent of the federal
poverty line.
Honoring the Boy Scouts
Last week, I was proud to honor the
Boy Scouts of America and the 74,913 scouts and their
families in Wisconsin as well as the 20,140 adult
volunteers from Wisconsin, with an Assembly Joint
Resolution on the floor. |
Scouting provides a platform for our youth
to serve their community and learn valuable skills that they
carry with them throughout their life. As the mother of two
future Eagle Scouts, I have seen first-hand how this
organization benefits youth development.
The selfless actions of many and the investment in the character
of our youth is immeasurable but the over 200,000 volunteer
hours in our great state are - and for that I am thankful.
Wisconsin Student Government Seminar
On Monday, February 17th I was
honored to speak at the annual Legislative Seminar
for Wisconsin Student Government. WSG is an
organization comprised of elected student officials
attending one of our sixteen technical colleges
across Wisconsin that advocate and protect the
interests of the over 400,000 technical colleges
that they represent statewide.
I was invited to
speak at this seminar by Caroline Russell, the current President of Wisconsin Student
Government and has served as an intern in my Capitol
office since August
of 2013. Each year WSG plans this seminar as a
conduit for student representatives to contact their
legislators and make their voices heard. |
In hopes to assist these student leaders
on their mission to advocate within the legislature, I shared my
own story about my journey into the Assembly.
I also spoke in
support of the positions that WSG chose to advocate for this
year which includes strengthening state funded aid programs and opposing additional credentialing barriers on technical college
programs. This is a great group of students does a wonderful job
of representing Wisconsin technical college students and
advocating for their needs.
Cell Phone Privacy Bill Heads to the Governor's Desk
The Cell Phone Privacy Bill
which I co-authored with Rep. Rob Hutton
(R-Brookfield) has now passed the Assembly and the
Senate on unanimous votes. The bill will now head to
the Governor’s desk for his signature.
The bill will
prohibit law enforcement from tracking an
individual’s movements or historical data through
their cell phone without first obtaining a search
warrant. Privacy-related bills have been a major
focus of my first term. |
Our cell phone location data creates an
intimate portrait of our lives. It can reveal whose house we
visited, our place of worship, a doctor’s office visit, and much
more. This information should have a higher degree of protection
under the law.
This bill creates a legal framework for law enforcement
seeking to track a suspect’s movements electronically, putting
in place uniform rules that would still allow officers to act
quickly in an emergency. It puts in place, the higher warrant
standard for historical data records. The bill also ensures that
if a person is found innocent, the data will be deleted; similar
to the process of DNA collection in our criminal justice system.
By providing parameters for the collection of this high personal
data, we are providing clear guidelines, and less chance for
data to be found inadmissible in court. No officer wants to
collect information on a potential crime, and then have it ruled
inadmissible by a judge.
I want to thank Rep. Hutton for his leadership and pragmatic
work on this bill. I am pleased that we could work across the
aisle in a bi-partisan manner on this important legislation.
YSOSW New Location Opening
After years of hard work, we are
now able to celebrate the opening of the new location of
Youth Services of Southern Wisconsin and the opening of
8 beds in our community for homeless and unaccompanied
Youth Services of Southern Wisconsin has provided
services to some of our community’s most vulnerable
people for more than 4 decades. |
Unaccompanied, homeless youth is a
serious issue. Couch-surfing, sleeping in cars, staying with
unsafe strangers – it’s estimated that approximately 300 Madison
youth live that life every night. This is a problem that
deserves a strong solution, and I’m proud to say that we’re
working each and every day towards a solution. This is a
something we will earn day by day and inch by inch, but we will
get there.
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February 24,
Issue 28
State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
Office: (608) 266-0960
On the Web:
I will be holding the following
community listening sessions:
Tuesday, February 25th: @ Cool Beans Coffee Shop
1748 Eagan Rd, Madison, WI 53704
from 9a.m. - 10a.m.
Tuesday, March 4th: @ Lakeview Branch Library
2845 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WI 53704
from 5:30 to 6:30
w/ Senator Mark Miller
Monday, March 24th: @ Pinney Branch Library
204 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI 53716
from 5:30 to 6:30
w/ Senator Mark Miller
According to a new Pew
Research Survey, 51% of the public, nationwide, now
favors allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry
legally, up from 32% in 2003.
See the full survey by
clicking HERE. |
Library Legislative Day
I recently welcomed a group to the Capitol who were advocating for
our local libraries. Our libraries are important and special
for many reasons. Healthy communities, healthy families, and
healthy societies depend on their funding. I am thankful for
the outreach and advocacy that these great people took the
time to share with me.
My friend, Dr. Dipesh Navsaria pointed out this wonderful
quote to me regarding libraries:
"My two favourite things in life are libraries and
bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting
-Peter Golkin
Wisconsin Conference
I was on a legislative panel
for the 7th Annual HealthWatch Wisconsin Conference
discussing the realities of health coverage in Wisconsin and
where Wisconsin could be headed in 2014 and beyond. I shared
with the group my legislation which would allow counties to
access the federal Medicaid expansion money despite Governor
Walker's ill-advised decision to turn it down.
Visit from 'The A-Team
I was thrilled to welcome the A-Team of South
Central Wisconsin to my office during their "Day at the
Capitol" on February 19th. This group supports community
integrated employment for those with disabilities or
rehabilitation needs. These jobs provide independence and
self-worth for many throughout or community. I support them
and was honored to hear their stories during their visit.
Q: I've heard the term 'pulling motion'
used before. What does that mean?
A: Under the Assembly Rules, a legislator is
allowed to make a motion on the Assembly floor to 'pull' a
bill from committee (and onto the Assembly floor) for a vote
if it has been in a committee for 21 days. |
"We will never have true
civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights
of others."
-Will Rogers |
I had a great time on 'A Public
Affair' on WORT here in Madison. Senator Miller and I
discussed the anniversary of the 2011 Wisconsin
protests. Those protests awoke the people of Wisconsin
like never before in our history. The people knew that
our values were under attack and they raised their
voices in opposition to the attack on workers’ rights.
I am proud that I was part of those protests and I will
continue to fight for our shared values. Let us continue
to work with the passion we harnessed during those cold
months, 3 years ago. We are strongest when we speak
together with one united voice.
Thank you to John Quinlan for having me on the show.
After a
late night session in the State Assembly last Thursday, I
was up and at 'em with the early birds talking with the
Wisconsin's Speech Language Pathology & Audiology
Association (WSHA) about the power of advocacy.
WSHA's mission is to provide leadership and support for
speech-language pathologists, audiologists and speech,
language and hearing scientists in Wisconsin through
advocacy, education, and public awareness.
Wisconsin's Department of Revenue offers free tax help on
their website. Their Youtube page is a great place to start
if you are having trouble filing or e-filing your taxes this
Click HERE to be directed to the help page. And if
you need further assistance, please contact my office at
608-266-0960 or and we will be
happy to direct you to a tax specialist within our state