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Hello Neighbors,

You have not heard from me in a couple weeks because Joint Finance has not yet met to take final votes on budget provisions. Key topics that are still being discussed include Transportation, the Milwaukee Bucks Arena deal, and Prevailing Wage. The committee is expected to finish up sometime next week, possibly Monday or Tuesday. Here are the final areas that still need to be voted on:

  • General Fund Taxes -- Income and Franchise Taxes

  • General Fund Taxes -- Sales and Excise Taxes

  • Department of Revenue -- Departmentwide

  • Department of Revenue -- Tax Administration

  • Sports and Entertainment District

  • Department of Transportation -- Transportation Finance

  • Department of Transportation -- Local Transportation Aid

  • Department of Transportation -- Local Transportation Assistance

  • Department of Transportation -- State Highways Program

If you have questions or comments about these areas, or any other area of the budget you'd like to discuss, please let me know and we can set up a phone call in the near future.



As you may know, 70 mph speed limit signs were recently posted on I-39/90, between Beloit and Madison, as well as other Interstates across Wisconsin. Keep safety in mind:

  • Not all vehicles will be going 70 mph such as trucks that are governed slower. Slower traffic should keep to the right lane.

  • Construction zones have reduced speeds. Those speeds are posted and remain 55 mph at this time.

  • Most important, remember to MOVE OVER and slow down for roadside workers. It's the law!



Happy Father's Day this coming Sunday to all the fathers out there in the 42nd district and beyond!


The latest survey of state and area employers shows that the hiring outlook looks very good for the next quarter. The ManpowerGroup, Inc. report revealed from July through September, nearly 30 percent of employers in the state said they plan to hire staff. A similar number was reported for companies in the metro Milwaukee region. This is good news for Wisconsin, especially when our state unemployment rate continues to be on the decline.


A survey from Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce has identified the top concerns among Wisconsin business executives, which are rising health care costs, a weak national economy, and the worsening of qualified and/or willing workers. All three of these factors are holding back Wisconsin’s economy according to the semi-annual survey.


My colleagues and I in the Assembly are committed to reducing the skills gap, which is the reason we are working to make sure that the state budget contains increased funding for Fast Forward, the state’s successful job training program. The Wisconsin Fast Forward program helps people get the skills they need to succeed through technical college courses, apprenticeships, and training programs.


The budget contains a $15 million funding increase for Fast Forward grants over the biennium. It also makes high-demand programs eligible for grants, including the training and hiring of skilled apprentices, local youth apprenticeships and K-12 schools that graduate students with industry-recognized credentials aimed at reducing workforce shortages.


As in the past, I would continue to encourage you to contact my office with ideas for this next legislative session and on individual pieces of legislation. Now more than ever your ideas and opinions need to be heard, so we can begin to get Wisconsin back to work. Please contact my office at 608-266-3404 or email me at, or stop by my Capitol office at 223 North.  I look forward to hearing from you. As always, I will continue to work across the aisle to find common ground and move legislation forward.


Please share this update with your friends and neighbors within the 42nd Assembly District and if there is anyone you know who would like to be included, please respond to this email with their email address.


State Capitol - Room 223 North | Post Office Box 8953 | Madison, Wisconsin 53708 | (608) 266-3404 |