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Bills promote consumer protection and business growth

Madison- Four bills authored by State Representative Keith Ripp (R-Lodi) were signed into law by Governor Scott Walker Tuesday afternoon that address issues with the Wisconsin No Call List, public records scamming, and burdens on Wisconsin winery expansion.


Senate Bill 155, co-authored by Senator Tom Tiffany, transfers all telephone numbers currently on the Wisconsin No Call List to the list maintained by the federal government. While the Wisconsin list must be renewed every two years, the federal list is permanent for the remainder of time that number is in service or associated with the current consumer. Although the state list is updated quarterly, the federal list is updated daily, ensuring that those who sign up are protected immediately.


“This bill is a great solution allowing for the state to save money each year and actually maintain our current level of consumer protection at the same time,” said Ripp. “We’re requiring less work for the consumer but still ensuring that they benefit from the same safeguards provided under the law. It also allows for the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection to focus more on enforcement of our current solicitation laws.  


The second measure, Assembly Bill 592, co-authored by Senator Luther Olsen, increases protection surrounding solicitations that companies can send to consumers. Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in deed-processing schemes that target new and existing homeowners. Homeowners receive official-looking notices recommending they obtain a deed to their home in order to confirm their ownership in the property for a fee of $50 to $100. However, these deeds are often readily available for almost no cost from the local Register of Deeds. This bill places specific perimeters on what these notices must include to help consumers more easily identify that they are unnecessary.


“Scamming activities like this are popping up more and more frequently across Wisconsin and the country. While it is unfortunate that we must continue to draft this type of legislation, I am confident that this bill will give consumers the tools to recognize these scams for what they are and protect themselves,” Ripp said.


The final bills, Senate Bills 452 and 453, also co-authored by Senator Luther Olsen, reduce burdensome red tape on Wisconsin wineries that can prevent business expansion. The first would allow underage persons to participate in a tour of the winemaking process with or without a parent present, allowing those persons to attend with extended family and/or friends. The bill does not allow underage persons to sample during the tour, but would promote tourism for traveling families and friends looking for activities that everyone can enjoy together.


The second would add wineries to the list of acceptable furnishers of taste samples at Trade Shows. Under current law, a manufacturer, rectifier, or wholesaler of intoxicating liquor may furnish taste samples free of charge. However, wineries are currently not listed as an acceptable furnisher. Winemakers may attend Trade Shows to give presentations, but cannot furnish samples, a restriction that constrains winery expansion.


“Wineries are a growing industry in Wisconsin. One of the best ways for government to promote business expansion and job growth in any industry is to get out of the way and continually reduce burdensome red tape. These bills clarify state law, bring wineries more in line with breweries, and remove unnecessary roadblocks,” Ripp said.


All four bills passed in both houses of the Legislature with broad support and they were signed into law at the State Capitol on April 8th, 2014. Rep. Keith Ripp is still waiting for the Governor’s signature on eleven other bills passed this session and anticipates that they will be signed this month.


Rep. Ripp with Governor Walker, Senator Luther Olsen, and winery stakeholders at the signing of SB 452 and 453.


Rep. Ripp with Governor Walker, Senator Luther Olsen, and several Registers of Deeds from around the state for the signing of AB 592.



The Transportation Moves Wisconsin campaign, run by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, provides an opportunity for Wisconsinites like you to get information and share your thoughts on how transportation impacts your life each day.


This spring, DOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb will travel around the state to host a series of town hall meetings to give you an opportunity to get information and share your thoughts on those transportation impacts on your life. Please join DOT at a town hall meeting near you. I am providing all of the dates and locations in the event that you others that would like to participate as well.


April 8 (already passed)
WisDOT Southwest Region Office
3550 Mormon Coulee Road
La Crosse, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


April 9 (already passed)
WisDOT Southwest Region Office
2101 Wright Street
Madison, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


April 15
WisDOT Northwest Region Office
1701 N. 4th Street 
Superior, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


April 16
UW-Eau Claire
Centennial Hall Building, Room 1614
Eau Claire, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


April 30
Northcentral Technical College
1000 W. Campus Drive
Center for Health Sciences Auditorium, Room 1004
Wausau, WI 
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


May 7
US 41 Project Office
1940 West Mason Street
Green Bay, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


May 8
UW Alumni and Conference Center
625 Pearl Avenue 
Oshkosh, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


May 20
MATC West Allis Campus, Room 117
1200 South 71st Street 
West Allis, WI
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


May 21
Gateway Technical College
Madrigrano Auditorium
3520 30th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 
5-6:30 p.m. (presentation at 5:30 p.m.)


If you have any questions, please visit or feel free to funnel your questions through me and I can get them to the right people over at the Department of Transportation.




Last week, Governor Walker announced a proposal for another two-year tuition freeze in the next biennial budget for all schools in the University of Wisconsin System. His proposal comes after projections last week showing that the UW System will continue to carry a surplus of more than $1 billion. The proposed freeze would follow the current freeze that was passed in the last budget.


In a time when higher educational costs are continuing to increase, I believe we need to seriously look at this proposal and support our Wisconsin students. How do you feel about this freeze proposal? I would like to hear from you on your thoughts as we move into the next budget cycle.



Do you have plans to vacation or spend a nice day at our beautiful Devil's Lake State Park this summer? You are in luck this year! The Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey has developed a Devil's Lake State Park geology free app for the iPhone and iPad (not yet available for android devices). I’ve included some more information about the app below.


Do you want to know about the rocks and hills that you are looking at in Devil’s Lake State Park? Want to get around in the park using just your iPhone or iPad? GeoHike can be your tour guide to the geology of Devil’s Lake State Park. The app will follow you through the park and will guide you to points of geologic interest. Photos and text will explain what you see and will enrich your enjoyment of Wisconsin’s favorite park.

This free app is now available at the itunes store: (Sorry, the app is not available yet for Android devices) You can also read more about the app at the Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey’s website:



  • Map of the park with photos and explanations of sites of geologic interest.

  • Description of geology as you tour the park.

  • Designed for use by anyone interested in the park’s geology.

  • View your route on a high-resolution LIDAR image.


I wanted to provide all of you with a copy of my legislative newsletter for this session.


Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about its content!


Click here: 2013-2014 Legislative Newsletter




Because Wisconsin campaign laws prohibit distribution of mass mailings from official offices within a certain time frame of Election Day, this will be my last Weekly E-Update until after November 4th, 2014.


However, this does not mean you cannot contact my office with your thoughts, concerns, and ideas for reform. I still want to hear from you and I hope you will stay involved during the coming months!


I want to thank all of you for your input and communication over the 2013-2014 Legislative Session. I believe we accomplished some great initiatives together that will move Wisconsin forward, and I know we will continue to do so in the future.


As in the past, I would continue to encourage you to contact my office with ideas for this next legislative session and on individual pieces of legislation. Now more than ever your ideas and opinions need to be heard, so we can begin to get Wisconsin back to work. Please contact my office at 608-266-3404 or email me at, or stop by my Capitol office at 223 North.  I look forward to hearing from you. As always, I will continue to work across the aisle to find common ground and move legislation forward.


Please share this update with your friends and neighbors within the 42nd Assembly District and if there is anyone you know who would like to be included, please respond to this email with their email address.


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