The Joint Finance Committee
Approves Transportation and Child Support Budget Items
Madison- Two large budget items increasing
funding for local transportation aid and child support
collections passed the Joint Finance Committee (JFC)
last week.
The first item includes funding increases to General
Transportation Aids for local municipalities. Towns will
see a 2.4% increase in their mileage rate, and counties
will see an increase of 2.4% in their calendar year
county distribution. Rep. Keith Ripp (R-Lodi) suggested
and supported both increases to the Joint Finance
“I’ve heard from the citizens and the local
leaders in my district and one thing is clear; our local
infrastructure needs to be protected,” Ripp said. “Local
aid is vital to ensuring that our towns and counties can
adequately maintain their roads. Ensuring an efficient
transportation system will only serve to help our small
businesses and local economy."
The second item is
$4,250,000 in state funding for local child support
enforcement activities, generating $8,500,000 biennially
in addition to federal matching funds. This funding will
allow for counties to continually implement and
administer the child support enforcement program at the
local level.
“This funding addresses taxpayer concerns
and those of the parents in my district,” Ripp said. “I
think it is so important that we promote personal
responsibility by holding these parents accountable.
Helping our local child support enforcement agencies
protect our children is just one of many ways we are
protecting the taxpayer dollar.”