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I wanted to provide you with a list of bills the Assembly plans to hear and vote on today and tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 7th, 2013


AB 11 (Rep. Kleefisch) Relating to: notification requirements for registered sex offenders who are on school premises and providing penalties.


AB 62 (Rep. Bies) Relating to: the definition of intoxicant.


AB 66 /SB 67 (Rep. Ballweg / Sen. Olsen) Relating to: the vehicle registration exemption for amphibious motor vehicles. This was a bill we heard in Transportation Committee and will allow the vehicles commonly known as "Ducks" in the Wisconsin Dells to travel a maximum of 5 miles on the highway without registering the vehicles. Current law allows for them to travel a maximum of 2 miles and we are extending that due to an increase of development and construction areas in the Dells.


AB 106 (Rep. Honadel) Relating to: municipal utility customer information.


AB 110 (Rep. Kaufert) Relating to: a pilot program to limit foods under Food-Share and providing an exemption from rule-making procedures.


AB 159 (Rep. Jagler) Relating to: penalties for certain traffic offenses committed while sanitation workers are at risk from traffic and providing a penalty.


SB 29 (Sen. Leibham / Rep. Severson) Relating to: creating an off-road vehicle council.


Wednesday, May 8th, 2013


AB 19 (Rep. Jacque) Relating to: torts and personal injury trusts.


AB 22 (Rep. Thiesfeldt) Relating to: municipal court fees.


AB 27(Rep. Kuglitsch) Relating to: state agencies entering into contracts for legal services on a contingent fee basis.


AB 85 (Rep. Sanfelippo) Relating to: changing the compensation structure by which a Milwaukee County supervisor may be paid, changing the term length of a Milwaukee County supervisor, affecting the right of an annuitant under the Milwaukee County Employee's Retirement System to be rehired by Milwaukee County, limiting the authority of Milwaukee County to enter into certain intergovernmental agreements, removing and clarifying some authority of the Milwaukee County board, increasing and clarifying the authority of the Milwaukee County executive, deleting obsolete statutory references, and requiring a referendum.


AB 112 (Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules) Relating to: telecommunications systems installed on tower sites under the management and control of the Department of Natural Resources and the suspension of portions of a rule of the Department of Natural Resources.


AB 139 (Rep. J. Ott) Relating to: the duty of physicians to inform patients of treatment options.


Please let me know if you have any specific thoughts about any of these bills. I would love to hear from you!


The Joint Finance Committee has completed the public hearings around the state and has now begun executive sessions on separate portions of the budget individually. They have completed two of these executive sessions and will convene again this Thursday, May 9th, to discuss various issues.


These sessions are typically covered by Wisconsin Eye. If you are interested in watching, please go to


In the last few weeks, I've already held listening sessions in DeForest and Randolph, but I wanted to inform you of some sessions coming up in the month of May.


Lodi Listening Session

Date: Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Time: 6:00pm

Location: Lodi Public Library

130 Lodi St.

Lodi, WI 53555


Fall River Listening Session

Date: Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Time: 6:00pm

Location: Fall River School

150 Bradley St.

Fall River, WI 53932


If you would like to come to speak with me and Senator Olsen about the budget, legislation, or issues affecting your area, please feel free to stop by these listening sessions! If you have any questions, please let me know.


As I am sure you have seen in the news, it was released a couple weeks ago that the University System has nearly $650 million in reserve funds. Together with the Governor and many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I am calling for at least a two year UW-wide tuition freeze.

While UW System President Kevin Reilly is calling for a 2% increase for each of the next two years, I don't believe this is the right move for Wisconsin students or their families, and I support at least a two year tuition freeze. As a small business owner, I do understand the importance of having a reserve fund for rainy days. However, a reserve fund this substantial should not be maintained on the backs of our students. Calling for a tuition increase in the face of such a substantial reserve fund will not inspire our students or foster faith in our UW schools. We must encourage and demand that our universities be just as fiscally responsible as our Wisconsin businesses and families.

Please contact me with your thoughts on this issue.


As in the past I would continue to encourage you to contact my office with ideas for this next legislative session and on individual pieces of legislation. Now more than ever your ideas and opinions need to be heard, so we can begin to get Wisconsin back to work. Please contact my office at 608-266-3404 or email me at, or stop by my Capitol office at 223 North.  I look forward to hearing from you. As always, I will continue to work across the aisle to find common ground and move legislation forward.


Please share this update with your friends and neighbors within the 42nd Assembly District and if there is anyone you know who would like to be included, please respond to this email with their email address.


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