On Monday of this week, Governor Walker signed five of
Representative Ballweg's bills into law.
Senate Bill 409 authored by
State Senator Wanggaard and State Representative Ballweg, deals with various changes to the Workers
Compensation Law. They also co-authored Senate Bill 219
which deals with various changes to the Unemployment
Insurance law.
Rep. Ballweg and staff stands with Gov. Walker,
Secrectary Reggie Newson, of Department of Workforce Development and his
Senate Bill 416 authored by
State Senator Grothman and State Representative Ballweg, updates Wisconsin Statutes to reflect changes
in Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The
UCC is meant to match federal law and standardize the
laws amongst the 50 states regarding loans, collateral,
and other transactions that give one party interest in
personal property.
Alan Zastrow, president of Markesan State Bank, joined Rep.
Ballweg at the Governor's signing of Senate Bill 416.
Mr. Zastrow wrote an e-mail stating that having one
officially recognized document of record greatly
simplifies UCC 9 filings and searching of loan
documents. The clarification of a person's name will
prevent unnecessary litigation in the future.
Rep. Ballweg and staff joins Gov. Walker, Senator Grothman,
Alan Zastrow, of Markesan State Bank, and wife
Nancy Zastrow and various bank representatives.
Senate Bill 314 creates a
system for gas station owners to run license plates
through a DOT database when people fail to pay for
gasoline purchases. This will give the small business
owner another option to recover losses.
Rep. Ballweg and staff joins Gov. Walker, Senator
Olsen, Tom Rentsch of Condon Oil, Doug Parrott from Wi
Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Assoc.,
Ed Francois, of Francois Oil Company.
Bill 144 creates a temporary commission on financial
aid consolidation and modernization for programs
administered by the Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB).
The commission will study the feasibility of
consolidating all grant programs into a single,
needs-based grant program.