November 18, 2011

Thank you for reading my e-newsletter! 

I hope everyone has a safe hunting season and a happy Thanksgiving.

Deer Gun Hunting

The nine-day gun deer hunting season is here.  There are some changes this year that our hunters should know about.

Earlier this year, I authored a bill that returns Wisconsin to the traditional gun deer hunt.  That means the gun hunt will always begin the third weekend in November.  Also through this law, DNR has limited authority to use Earn-a-Buck to manage the herd.  We hope this will restore Wisconsin's proud hunting tradition.

Another important change is a new law that allows people to carry uncased firearms in their vehicles so long as they are unloaded while the vehicle is in motion.  Unloaded means no bullets in the chamber or in the clip.  The clip can be loaded, but cannot be attached to the gun.

I was on the radio talking about some of these changes earlier this week.  You can listen by clicking here.

If you have questions about hunting, you can contact the DNR Call Center.  The call center has expanded its hours and is on pace to receive more than 370,000 contacts this year, with more than 20% of these coming during nights and weekends. 

Call Toll-Free 1-888-WDNR INFO (1-888-936-7463)
Chat available at
7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m., 7 days per week

Youth Invited to Decorate Christmas Tree

Governor Walker is asking art teachers, parents, and youth across Wisconsin to help decorate the Capitol Christmas Tree.  The theme  will be Honoring 163 years of Wisconsin’s Veterans.

“As the holiday season comes, I am excited to announce that the Christmas tree displayed in our State Capitol will have homemade ornaments created by Wisconsin’s youth,” said Governor Walker.  “I am hopeful we receive ornaments from all across Wisconsin so that we are able to showcase the diversity that makes up our great state. I invite all Wisconsin residents to stop by the Capitol and view our state’s holiday display.”

The 2011 Capitol Christmas Tree was located by a DNR warden in the Brule River State Forest area.  The tree will be put up in the Capitol Rotunda.  Decorating will begin on Monday, November 28th and will be completed by Friday, December 2nd.

Teachers or students interested in displaying ornaments on the tree should make their submissions by December 1.  Please remember the theme is Honoring 163 years of Wisconsin’s Veterans theme.  The ornaments can be mailed to:

Governor Walker’s Office
State Christmas Tree Ornament Program
P.O. Box 7863
Madison, WI 53707-7863

Good luck and thank you for participating!

Veterans Day

I'd like to take a moment to thank our veterans for their service.  Our country has been celebrating Veterans Day for almost one century.  It is a day to pause and give thanks to those who protect us, including those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

There are a number of ways you can show support for our troops if you would like to be involved.  One way is to attend veteran events, like parades, to show support.  If you would like an alternative, there are a number of different non-profit organizations set up to lend extra help to our troops.

You can help by sending a care package, cutting coupons for military families, or offering a veteran a ride.  Your donations and kind thoughts will be much appreciated.


Office Contacts

Many of you had great responses for me on the issue of double-dipping.  Thank you to all who took the time to write.  I really appreciate the feedback both for and against.


If you are interested in following double-dipping, you can read about them here or here.  One bill has been authored by Rep. Stroebel (R - Saukville) and one Rep. Ziegelbauer (I - Manitowoc).  The assembly committee held a public hearing yesterday on both bills.  The committee has not voted on either yet.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, my office was not staffed over a majority of the past two weeks.  If you contacted me and didn't receive a response, please know we are working on getting through the backlog.  If you do not hear from me, please contact me again.  Sorry for any inconvenience.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

If you would like to be removed from future mailings, email me and ask to unsubscribe.

State Capitol Room 208 North- PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7694