January 13, 2012

Thank you for reading my e-newsletter and happy new year!

Mining Bill Moves Forward in Assembly

This week, the Assembly Committee on Jobs held another hearing on proposed iron mining legislation near a potential mining site in Hurley.  It was the third hearing on mining, and the second since the bill was introduced.

Locals of Hurley overwhelmingly support opening an iron mine in Penokee Range, with both the Republican and Democratic parties of Iron County endorsing improved legislation.  Of course, mining has to balance both economic and environmental concerns.  The committee is working diligently to this end.

I made a video that briefly explains some of the reasons the assembly committee introduced this bill.  As I say in the video, please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

Counties Declared Disaster Areas

Lincoln, Langlade, Oneida and Marathon counties have been declared disaster areas due to crop losses from rain.  Because of the declaration, some farmers are eligible for federal assistance through the Farm Service Agency.  Affected farmers have eight months to apply for emergency loans.

If you have been affected, you can check out the Farm Service agency Disaster Assistance Program webpage.  You can also call the Wisconsin state FSA office at 608-662-4422.  That office is open 8am-4:30pm Monday through Friday.

DNR Expands Counter Service

The Department of Natural Resources will phase in expanded over-the-counter service hours at a number of service centers statewide.  Hours will be increased 40 percent statewide.

Please check with the DNR’s Call Center at 1-888-WDNRINFO (1-888-936-7463) or service center pages of the DNR website to confirm when new hours for your local center will start.

DNR will provide two customer service counter options.  Full service centers, like Rhinelander, will be open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., remaining open over the lunch hour.  Satellite service centers, like Antigo and Wausau, are open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  These hours went into effect January 3, 2012.

DNR Customer Service Director Diane Brookbank said the hours of 11a.m. to 2p.m. were chosen because citizens wanted services available over lunch.

DNR also expanded services through new registration agents.  DNR contracted with 250 businesses statewide to register boats, ATVs and snowmobiles.  This means the public no longer has to go to a DNR center to do basic registrations.  Hunting and fishing licenses, as well as recreational vehicle registrations can also be completed online.

Wisconsin Retirement System

My office has received emails that the governor and the legislature are making changes to the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).  This is untrue.  The last budget simply required the non-partisan Employee Trust Fund (ETF) to study WRS.

As the ETF points out in this memo, the study is being conducted to take a closer look at exactly why the WRS is so successful and to suggest ways to ensure that it remains healthy and solvent into the future.

Further, any changes to the fund would have to be made by the legislature and signed into law by the governor.  No such legislation has been introduced or even suggested.  Wisconsin law provides protections to ensure that benefits already earned cannot be modified in any way.

Letter from the Newest Office Member


My name is Joshua R. Solin and I am the new intern at the office of State Representative Tom Tiffany.  I am 23 years old, born and raised in Antigo; son of Robert and Vonda Solin.  I am still fairly new here in the office, but loving the atmosphere and looking forward to the challenges yet to come.  As I write this bio, it is only my third day in the office, and I have enjoyed every bit of it. Working with Representative Tiffany and his staff member Ms. Augustyn has been a great pleasure.

I am currently a senior at UW Whitewater, looking forward to receiving my Public Policy and Administration degree this May.  I am not nervous, but rather excited to graduate college.  My plans post graduation is to move to downtown Chicago and start my career, then to retire either in northern Wisconsin or on the east coast.  My favorite hobby currently is learning how to cook; a difficult task in a 13x8 kitchen, but I enjoy the challenge.

I have to take this opportunity to give thanks to my family for helping and supporting me throughout my life.  They have taught me a lot and I love them very much.

A very thrilled new intern,
Joshua Solin


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this s
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 208 North- PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7694
Email: Rep.Tiffany@legis.wi.gov