October 17th, 2013

Property Tax Relief for Wisconsin Homeowners

During floor session today, the Assembly will take action on legislation containing a $100 million property tax cut, part of the Special Session on Jobs. I am proud to support this proposal and stand with Wisconsin taxpayers.

The additional property tax cut is the latest in $1.5 billion in overall tax relief during the last two budgets. It helps continue to reverse the trend of the last decade, during which state property taxes had risen 27%. According to the Wisconsin Taxpayer Alliance, Wisconsin is currently one of the highest property taxed states in the nation.

Click to Enlarge

Some have said they consider this amount to be small, and of course we all wish we could do more all at once. This is simply the latest achievement in a long line of significant budget reforms for our state. These dollars that will stay in the pockets of families and homeowners, rather than being used to grow the size of government.

The property tax legislation has already been approved by the state Senate and upon Assembly approval will move to the Governor’s desk for his signature. The tax relief should be seen on property tax bills going out in December

Honor Flight Volunteers Recognized by State Assembly

This week during session the state Assembly held a tribute ceremony for Wisconsin’s Honor Flight volunteers, the men and women who provide our veterans with one more tour of honor. More than two dozen volunteers from chapters around the state were on hand for the special ceremony.

The Honor Flight Network began in May 2005, with one plane serving 12 veterans out of Ohio. Today, the program has grown to 130 hubs and has served more than 100,000 veterans in 42 states. The Honor Flight program started up in 2008 in Wisconsin; there are now six hubs that serve our veterans, including central Wisconsin’s Never Forgotten Honor Flight headquartered out of Wausau. Never Forgotten’s next flight is scheduled to depart this Monday, October 21st from the airport in Wausau, please take a moment to remember these incredible veterans and volunteers.


Tomahawk American Legion Dedicates new Honor Room

Earlier this month, I was honored to attend the dedication ceremony for the new Honor Room of American Legion, Bronsted-Searl Post 93 in Tomahawk. We also had the opportunity to recognize Legionnaires Gordon Lovsletten, Bill Jelinek, Ron Jensen, Gary Randall, and Gerry Johnson who donated over 100 hours of project labor on recent construction for a fellow veteran.

Crossbow Legislation Heads to Governor’s Desk for Signature

Today the state Assembly will also take final action on AB 194, legislation I authored to allow for the expanded use of crossbows.  AB 194 initially passed the Assembly with a unanimous vote in June, was amended last month in the state Senate and with this final approval will now head to the Governor’s desk.

AB 194 is not only good for Wisconsin hunters; it also brings increased opportunity for outdoor retailers and manufacturers. One of the world’s largest archery equipment manufacturers, Matthews Inc., is headquartered in Sparta, WI and poised to meet increased crossbow equipment demand in the state.

Statistics show that Wisconsin is in the bottom 20% nationwide for attracting young hunters, and that the hunter replacement rate has been declining. Crossbows can encourage entire new groups of hunters to become involved; including women, the disabled, and both young and aging hunters. By removing the onerous proof of disability requirements, Wisconsin will show it welcomes hunters of all ages and physical ability levels



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State Capitol Room 15 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7694
Email: Rep.Czaja@legis.wi.gov