June 11, 2013

Joint Committee on Finance Finished With Budget

Last week the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) finished its review of the 2013-2015 proposed budget. The process began back in February when the governor proposed his biennial budget. The JFC held four hearings throughout the state and accepted letters and emails from all Wisconsinites who wanted to share their opinions on the proposed budget. After several long weeks of debate, the JFC completed their revisions and changes. The altered budget will now go before both houses of the Legislature. Once a budget is agreed upon, it will go to Governor Walker's desk for final review and passage.

  • $654 million tax cut - one of the largest in state history

  • Property tax freeze

  • Additional per pupil increase of $150 in 2013-14 and $150 in 2014-15 ($450 total increase) for K-12 funding

  • Addition of $10 million over the biennium for a new high cost transportation categorical aid program directed to northern districts

  • Two year tuition freeze for UW-System schools

  • Additional $500,000 for Tourism marketing, vital to the recreation and industry of the northwoods

No budget is ever perfect, but the framework for the 2013-2015 budget will protect taxpayers and families, while investing resources to help our most vulnerable citizens with areas such as mental health services and domestic violence prevention.  The full Legislature will take up the budget later this month.


Assembly Unanimously Approves Crossbow Use for Deer Hunters

Last week Thursday June 6th, the State Assembly passed Assembly Bill 194, legislation that I authored, by a vote of 95-0.

 AB 194 lifts the current age and disability restrictions on crossbow use, and establishes a season to run concurrently to the traditional archery season.  This follows a growing trend nationwide, where 29 other states already allow for the expanded use of crossbows.  AB 194 gained wide support from sporting and hunter’s rights groups, and thousands of citizens statewide signed petitions in support of crossbows.

 Outdoor recreation and hunting opportunities are not partisan issues.  I was glad to welcome Rep. Chris Danou (D-Trempealeau) as my co-author on this bill, and the Senate companion bill also has a Republican and Democratic co-author.  Statistics show that Wisconsin is in the bottom 20% nationwide for attracting young hunters, and that the hunter replacement rate has been declining.  Crossbow use will create additional opportunities for both young and aging hunters to remain in the woods, and remove the onerous proof of disability requirements.

 I have also met with both crossbow manufacturers and retailers across the state, who know there is a demand for their industry and with this change are planning to grow and hire more local workers.

 The bill will need to be approved by the State Senate, and signed into law by the Governor before the changes take effect.

 Press Release

Wisconsin Public Radio News

Speaking during Assembly Session June 6th on Assembly Bill 194

Reminder – Spring Legislative Survey

We have already received over 500 responses to the Spring Legislative Survey that was recently sent out. This is a short, ten question survey on hot-button issues and other legislative items. There are spaces for two members in a household to answer, and the results will be tabulated and shared in a future update. Please take the a few minutes to answer if you are able; one quick and convenient way is to take the survey online at my legislative website.

Department of Transportation Construction Update

Summer means construction, and the Hwy 51 project is a major undertaking in our area. More details on the timeline for the project are below.

Lincoln County

Highway: US 51
Location: Between Lincoln County K (Merrill) and County S (Tomahawk)
Schedule: June 10 to early September 2013
Description: Crews will resurface the highway; resurface the interchange ramps at County K and County S; perform routine bridge maintenance on the County S overpass and apply an anti-skid surface to the bridge deck; and repave the highway shoulders.
Traffic impacts: During construction, motorists on US 51 can expect to encounter single lane closures and a reduced speed limit to 55 mph in the work zone. Some flagging operations will be necessary at the interchange ramps.



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E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 15 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7694
Email: Rep.Czaja@legis.wi.gov