October 2012

I-39/90 Expansion Project

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) recently held three Public Information Meetings (PIMs) for each segment of the I-39/90 expansion project. If you were unable to attend a PIM, the handouts, presentations and maps/exhibits can be found on the project website, www.i39-90.wi.gov. Public feedback is important as the project continues to move forward and we encourage you to provide input and ask questions regarding this expansion project. More PIMs are tentatively scheduled for spring 2013. In the meantime, stay involved and informed with the project website, www.i39-90.wi.gov and project Facebook page, www.facebook.com/WisconsinI3990Project.

New Voter Information Center

The GAB has created a new Voter Information Center where you will find answers to questions about how to register, where to vote, when to vote absentee, and much more.

DNR Learn to Hunt Program

Learn to Hunt events combine classroom instruction and field work before a novice goes hunting with an experienced hunter. They are a great way to introduce someone new to Wisconsin's hunting heritage. Visit the Learn to Hunt website to find out about upcoming events.

Submit Your Comments on the Unemployment Insurance Program

The Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council (UIAC) is soliciting input on unemployment law and potential reform from the public later this month. Please send an email to UILawChange@dwd.wisconsin.gov or attend one of the Unemployment Insurance Public Hearings across the state on October 30th. 

My Capitol office at 209 North is here to help you with general inquiries as well as questions and concerns regarding legislative matters. Feel free to contact me or my legislative assistant, Lonna Morouney.  We are always ready to assist you in your needs. Please visit my website for press releases and other Capitol updates. 


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 209 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
Toll-Free (888) 534-0045 or (608) 266-9967
Email: Rep.Loudenbeck@legis.wi.gov