April 5, 2012

Second Chance Legislation Signed

This week Governor Walker signed legislation to provide additional support to the Second Chance Partners for Education Program. Second Chance creates partnerships between public education and the business community to provide an education alternative for disengaged high school students. Second Chance students are educated under the roof of a sponsoring business outside of the traditional school atmosphere. In addition to required academic coursework, the students learn skilled trades they can take into the workforce.

I was proud to co-sponsor this legislation which was introduced by Rep. Paul Farrow (R-Pewaukee) and Senator Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa). Second Chance students have an incredible record of achievement and graduate at a rate of over 90%, greatly exceeding the state average for at-risk students. This program will provide alternatives for students to succeed and the opportunity for businesses to create a new pool of skilled workers. For more information about the Second Chance program, visit here.

Rock County Job Fair - Wednesday April 18th

The Rock County Job Center, located at 1900 Center Avenue, Janesville, will host a multi-employer job fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 2012.  For a complete list of employers that have registered to participate click here.

Last week, the Governor’s office also announced that the number of job postings on JobCenterofWisconsin.com during 2012 is outperforming last year’s totals at this time. This is consistent with other indicators showing that employers are optimistic we’ve turned the corner and Wisconsin’s economy is moving in the right direction. 

JobCenterofWisconsin.com is a free online service launched in 2008. Over 34,000 job openings are currently listed, and thousands of jobs are posted daily both directly from employers and other partner sites. Visitors to the site have the opportunity to post their employee resume and find additional job resources.

Senior Helpline Improved

I have some great news for seniors! The Joint Committee on Finance just approved a funding request to improve a senior helpline run by the Board on Aging and Long-Term Care. The Board will now have the ability to consolidate services and add counselors to the state-wide toll-free helpline. This improvement is expected to reduce administrative costs and overhead costs. In turn, more dollars will be spent on direct assistance.

The goal of the Medigap Helpline is to help seniors make wise decisions on insurance issues. Medigap counselors can help with questions regarding any kind of health care plan whether it’s about long term care, nursing home insurance or Medicare. This improved helpline is intended to be a one-stop shop. It’s exactly how government should be helping its seniors: in a simple and efficient manner. With the Medigap helpline, seniors will have a great resource at their fingertips and a counselor who can answer their questions and help them navigate the complex health care system. Seniors needing assistance can call the Medigap helpline at: 1-800-242-1060.

WisconsinEye Now on Time Warner

Good news for WisconsinEye viewers! Time Warner Cable will now broadcast WisconsinEye on Channel 363. Recently it was announced that Time Warner and WisconsinEye have entered into a long-term agreement for distribution of the channel at no additional cost to digital consumers.  WisconsinEye is an important public service, allowing residents all across the state an up-close view of the Legislature in action. It also features other news-making events and public policy forums. WisconsinEye is also available to Charter Communications cable customers on digital Channel 995, and online viewing.

Financial Literacy Program at Craig High School

I had the privilege of touring the Cougar Credit Union at Craig High School. This is a financial literacy program sponsored by  Blackhawk Community Credit Union dedicated to helping our young citizens become responsible money managers.

Tours of the Executive Residence

Our beautiful Executive Residence is open to the public for free tours this spring and summer. The Executive Residence is located 99 Cambridge Dr, in the village of Maple Bluff, Madison. It was built in 1921 in the Greek Revival Style and stretches over 4 acres of land on Lake Mendota. Tours run 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. every Thursday, April 5th to August 30th. As mentioned in last week's E-Update, I presently serve on the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board which ensures public access to and appropriate preservation of these historic state treasures.  For more information about the Executive Residence click here.

My Capitol office at 209 North is here to help you with general inquiries as well as questions and concerns regarding legislative matters. Feel free to contact me or my legislative assistant, Lonna Morouney.  We are always ready to assist you in your needs. Please visit my website for press releases and other Capitol updates. 


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E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 209 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
Toll-Free (888) 534-0045 or (608) 266-9967
Email: Rep.Loudenbeck@legis.wi.gov