July 20, 2011

Beloit Welcome Center Grand Re-Opening

I am pleased to report that the Beloit Welcome Center on I90/I39 was officially re-opened on July 18th. Governor Scott Walker, Department of Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb, Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett, and many volunteers and supporters were present for the ribbon cutting ceremony. The Beloit Welcome Center is the busiest center in Wisconsin and serves an average of 900 visitors per day. You can find out more about Wisconsin Tourism here.


Badges for Baseball Program in Beloit

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen and the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation officially kicked off the Badges for Baseball program in Beloit on July 18th. After a presentation and a game of 'quickball' with the kids at the Stateline Boys and Girls Club, we enjoyed an exciting Beloit Snappers game (Snappers won!).  Badges for Baseball provides opportunities for at-risk youth to work with law enforcement mentors through the game of baseball.  Partners in this project include the Office of the Attorney General, Beloit Police Department, Beloit Fire Department, Rock County Sheriff's Department, and the Beloit Snappers and the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation.


Beloit DOZ Bill Signed into Law

Assembly Bill 13, designating Beloit as a Development Opportunity Zone, was signed into law by Governor Walker on July 18th at the Alliance Warehouse facility on Kettle Way in Beloit. This important economic development tool will make $5 million in tax incentives available to new and existing businesses in the City of Beloit. I am proud to be the author of the bill, but the passage into law would not have been possible without the involvement by Beloit and Rock County leaders. Thank you to everyone involved with making this happen!



Balanced Budget Passes

I am happy to report that the Wisconsin Legislature passed the first truly balanced budget in almost a decade, closing a projected $3.6 billion shortfall. You can find my budget floor speech on my website's media page.

Job creation and getting Wisconsinites back to work continues to be a top priority . The latest jobs report shows that Wisconsin has added more than 26,000 jobs to the private sector with 13,000 of those in manufacturing alone. Our national ranking on "good places to do business" rose from 41 to 24!

Please feel free to contact me or my legislative assistant, Lonna Morouney if you have questions regarding legislative issues or need assistance with a situation involving a state agency or service.   Please visit my website to view recent press releases and to access various links and resources.  Thank for your for opportunity to serve you and have a safe and pleasant summer.  


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Email: Rep.Loudenbeck@legis.wi.gov