July 20, 2011

Beloit Welcome Center Grand Re-Opening

I am pleased to report that the Beloit Welcome Center on I90/I39 was officially re-opened on July 18th. Governor Scott Walker, Department of Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb, Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett, and many volunteers and supporters were present for the ribbon cutting ceremony. The Beloit Welcome Center is the busiest center in Wisconsin with over 4,000 visitors over the July 4th weekend alone.



Concealed Carry and Voter ID

New to Wisconsin is the ability to carry a concealed weapon with the proper training and licensed permit. Permits certifying your eligibility will hopefully be issued and verified by early fall of this year.

Voters will be asked to show state issued identification in order to cast their ballots beginning in 2012. Accepted forms of identification include the following: Wisconsin driver’s licenses; state-issued ID cards; military IDs; passports; naturalization certificates; IDs issued by Wisconsin-based tribes; and certain student IDs. Free ID's will be made available for anyone who requests them.

If you have an questions or concerns about the Voter ID law or Concealed Carry please feel free to contact my office or email me.






Balanced Budget Passes

I am happy to report that the Wisconsin Legislature passed the first truly balanced budget in almost a decade. It closes a burdening $3.6 billion shortfall by reforming and restructuring the way Wisconsin does business. The 2011-2013 biennial budget allows fiscal stability to be passed on to future generations and is another step in getting Wisconsin working again. You can find my budget floor speech on my website's media page.

The budget maintains and continues to provide a safety net for those in need of assistance. To continue getting Wisconsin back on its feet the Wisconsin Legislature saw it absolutely necessary to support needy families and children as well as our seniors. SeniorCare, the prescription drug program for Wisconsin low-income seniors, was preserved in the budget.

Numerous education reforms are included that continue to provide a superior education and individual families more school choice options.

Our budget reduced taxes compared with the previous two biennial budgets which increased taxes on Wisconsin families.  

Job creation and getting Wisconsinites back to work continues to be a top priority . The latest jobs report shows that Wisconsin has added more than 26,000 jobs to the private sector with 13,000 of those in manufacturing alone. Our national ranking on "good places to do business" rose from 41 to 24!

As always my office, which is on the second floor of the Capitol in 209 North, is here to help you with all information, questions and concerns regarding legislation or simple inquiries. Feel free to contact myself or my legislative assistant, Lonna Morouney.  We are always ready to assist you in your needs. Another way to keep in touch with all the happenings at the State Capitol is to check out my website at http://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/loudenbeck/Pages/default.aspx.  As your representative I want to hear from you, so please feel free to contact me with your concerns. Know that the constituents of the 45th Assembly District obtain the highest priority in my office and that my door is always open.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 209 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
Toll-Free (888) 534-0045 or (608) 266-9967
Email: Rep.Loudenbeck@legis.wi.gov