June 3, 2011

Budget & JFC Updates

The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance (JFC/committee) has been meeting since late April to review individual sections of the budget.   The committee considers motions submitted by members of the legislature, state agencies and others as well as alternatives provided by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau.  The following is a summary of some of the major topic areas that have been covered.  There are additional topics to be considered over the course of the next several days.  After the JFC completes their work, the Fiscal Bureau will incorporate all of the changes into a new document which the Assembly will likely vote on the second or third week of June.  Please feel free to contact my office if you have any questions on the topics below or any other areas of the proposed state budget. 


Medical Assistance-Services

The JFC voted to keep Senior Care “as is”, with no changes to the program and full funding to support it.  JFC approved the Family Care enrollment cap to allow DHS to get a better handle on the true costs of the program.  It will still receive $1.4 billion in each of the next two years to fully fund the 30,000 people currently enrolled in the program in counties that have implemented the program.  Rock County would be required to provide a plan showing Family Care is more cost effective than other options before proceeding with implementation of this program. 


Health Services-SSI and Public Health

The JFC reinstated funding for public health clinics to provide essential health services for women.  The Women's Health Block Grants specify that these funds will go toward but are not limited to pregnancy testing, perinatal care coordination and follow-up, cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infection prevention, testing, treatment, and follow-up and general health screening.  The appropriation level would provide $1.7 million annually to these services, which would be in addition to federal and Medicaid funding.  The committee also established new dental grants that would go to non-profit dental clinics that provide services to needy individuals who may or may not receive medial assistance, individuals over 65 years of age or under 18 years old. 



JFC members showed bi-partisan support for DOJ's crime-fighting efforts ranging from the narcotics enforcement funding to new positions for the Internet Crimes against Children Task Force. In the next two years, the department will get 11 new positions to fight crime on the internet against children and six more DNA analysts.



The JFC passed a motion that repeals early release of felons and approved the closure of two Juvenile Corrections Centers, which would save the state $23 million a year.  The motion also provides some potential cost savings to increase the time counties can house a juvenile in its own facilities from 30 days to 180 days.  This would decrease transportation costs and keep offenders closer to their homes. 


Working Lands Initiative -- Conversion Fee and PACE Program Funding

The farmland preservation program called PACE will be preserved, but the Joint Finance Committee has asked the department to look for a less-costly alternative.  The approved motion will provide stewardship bonding for the 16 projects that was approved for the PACE program last year, which amounts to roughly $5 million.  However, no new applications will be accepted and the $12 million in bonding authority was repealed.  DATCP must provide an evaluation on the PACE program to the legislature by June, 30, 2012.


Public Instruction – General School Aids and Revenue Limits
The finance committee voted to restore $116 million in education funding over what Governor Walker had proposed.  Additionally, the committee voted to allow all school districts to levy up to an additional $50 on the property tax levy with an equal amount matched by the state in the second year of the biennium, amounting to an additional $100 for every child in the school district. This funding would be a one time categorical aid meaning it would not go into the state equalization aid formula, thus allowing every school district in the state to qualify.

The JFC provided additional funds to municipalities for road improvement programs and approved additional dollars for the segregated transportation to help replace the $300 million used as general purpose revenue in past budgets.  The JFC also approved the Governor’s recommended enumeration of the Interstate 39/90 expansion from the Illinois/Wisconsin stateline to connect with the existing three lanes in each direction in Dane County. 

Bill to Pay the Bills

With a unanimous vote (16-0) the Joint Finance Committee passed the “Bill to Pay the Bills” - Assembly Bill 148.  AB 148 responsibly utilizes the re-estimated general fund balance to pay bills and capture $23 million in additional federal Medicaid funds.  The bill would also pay back $235 million the Supreme Court ruled was illegally taken from the Patient’s Compensation Fund in the 2007 state budget.  The Assembly is scheduled to vote on AB 148 on Wednesday June 8th.  I have signed on as a cosponsor of this legislation and remain focused on reducing the structural deficit and holding the line on tax increases. 


My office is here to help you with all information, questions and concerns regarding legislation or simple inquiries. Feel free to contact me or my Legislative Assistant, Lonna Morouney. We are always ready to assist you in your needs. As your representative I want to hear from you, and I encourage you to contact me with your concerns. The constituents of the 45th Assembly District obtain the highest priority in my office and in the District.  

As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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