November 14, 2011

Helping our Local Businesses Go "Beyond Compliance"

I am inviting local businesses to learn about partnership opportunities currently offered by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Bureau of Cooperative Environmental Assistance. At this meeting you will learn about the Green Tier program and several other sustainable development and recognition programs that are available. You can preview some of the current programs at There are many possibilities with Green Tier and other alliances between the various sustainability programs which are unique to Wisconsin. These could produce competitive advantages for individual companies as well as for our region.

This meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16th at 10 a.m. at Vision Beloit, 500 Public Avenue in beautiful downtown Beloit. Please contact my office at (608) 266-9967 to RSVP to the event.

Join me for Office Hours on the Bus!

I will be holding office hours on the bus on Friday, November 18, 2011. I will be riding the Beloit-Janesville Express (BJE) route departing from the Beloit Transit Center at 10:00 a.m. and arriving in Janesville at 10:45 a.m. From there I’ll ride the Wright Road bus route which services residents of the 45th Assembly District. I’ll spend some time at the Janesville Transit Center and at 1:15 p.m. I’ll return to Beloit on the BJE and then head back on the Beloit Route 4 bus that travels along the Milwaukee Road business area.

One of my priorities during the campaign was a commitment to interacting with citizens in a format and location that was comfortable for them.  I try to attend local government meetings and community events as much as possible, and of course people can always call or email me with their concerns.  But this is different.  This isn’t a listening session on the budget or a citizen email exchange about an article they just read in the news.  This is the opportunity to ask people, "What keeps you up at night and what can I do to help?”

Special Session Bills Signed into Law

Several Special Session bills have already passed the Senate and the Assembly.  I cosponsored two special session bill that will help those who are seeking credit to establish or expand a business.

Special Session Senate Bill 2 makes the following changes to the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) small business development loan guarantee program:

1. The cap on the amount of a loan that may be guaranteed under the program is raised from $200,000 or 80 percent of the principal of the loan to $500,000 or 80 percent of the principal of the loan.

2. The definition of "small business" is expanded from businesses that employ up to 50 full-time employees to businesses that employ up to 250 full-time employees.

3. The requirement that the owner of a small business be actively engaged in the small business in order to qualify for the program is deleted.

4. The permitted use of proceeds of a loan for the start-up of a small business in a vacant storefront in a downtown area is expanded to apply to a community of any size by removing the limitation to rural communities.  

Special Session Senate Bill 20 made important modifications to the WHEDA agricultural production loan guarantees.  The bill changed the range of loans available from a maximum amount of not less than $30,000 nor more than $100,000, to a new range of not less than $2,000 nor more than $150,000.  SS SB20 also changes that term of the loan to a maximum of 12 months. 

The following September 2011 Special Session bills have already passed the Senate and have been concurred in by the Assembly. 

 Se11 Senate Bill 2 relating to small business loan guarantees by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.

      Se11 Senate Bill 3 relating to film production services tax credit application fee.

      Se11 Senate Bill 12 relating to factors for determining the reasonableness of attorney fees.

      Se11 Senate Bill 14 relating to interest rates on judgments in certain civil actions.

      Se11 Senate Bill 20 relating to changes to agricultural production loan guarantees administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.

      Se11 Senate Bill 22 relating to the duty of care owed to trespassers.

      Se11 Senate Bill 23 relating to various duties of the Department of Revenue.


Hunters Update

The Department of Natural Resources strives to provide accurate information to the public in a timely manner, and I want to inform you of some revisions to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) regarding new firearm casing laws that are on the DNR Website. 

The revisions clarify that it remains illegal to place a loaded rifle, shotgun, or muzzleloader inside any vehicle.  A loaded rifle, shotgun, or muzzleloader may only be placed on the top or exterior of a stationary motor vehicle, or leaned against a stationary motor vehicle.

Transportation Bills Signed Into Law

A number of transportation bills were signed into law this month which will reduce regulation and transportation costs for businesses and farmers, while maintaining the safety of our roads.            

AB-248. Hay Trucks (Petrowski) Annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles transporting over height loads of hay or straw. Act 58.

AB-252. Truck Weight (Petrowski) Extends to December 31 seasonal weight limits for vehicles transporting agricultural crops. Act 52.

AB-253. Truck Length (Petrowski) Eliminates DOT permit required for certain vehicles carrying poles, pipe, girders and similar materials on highways.  Act 53.

AB-254. Vehicle Length (Petrowski) Increases to 45 feet the maximum permissible length of single vehicles operated on a highway without an over length permit. Act 54.

AB-267. Vehicle Combinations (Petrowski) Operation of three-vehicle combinations on highways. Act 59.

SB-215. Trailers (Galloway) Creates a new weight registration category for trailer registration (12,000-14,000 lbs, pulled by a vehicle other than a truck tractor). Act 60.

SB-222. Sealed Containers (Lazich) Permits for overweight vehicles or combinations transporting sealed containers or vehicles in international trade. Act 55.

SB-223. Agricultural Vehicles (Lazich) Annual or consecutive month permits for certain overweight vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting agricultural products. Act 56.

As always my office, which is on the second floor of the Capitol in 209 North, is here to help you with all information, questions and concerns regarding legislation or simple inquiries. Feel free to contact myself or my legislative assistant, Lonna Morouney.  We are always ready to assist you in your needs. Another way to keep in touch with all the happenings at the State Capitol is to check out my website at  As your representative I want to hear from you, so please feel free to contact me with your concerns. Know that the constituents of the 45th Assembly District obtain the highest priority in my office and that my door is always open.

As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 209 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
Toll-Free (888) 534-0045 or (608) 266-9967