Toll Free Number: 888-529-0025 January 16, 2015

Lt. Governor Kleefisch Visits Manitowoc

This Monday, I was proud to welcome our Lt. Governor to tour two great Manitowoc companies, Red Arrow Products and Extrutech Plastics. Check out more pictures of our time at Extrutech here. Following the tours we attended the Business Connects with Government luncheon hosted by the Manitowoc Chamber of Commerce. It was a great day to show off some of what Manitowoc has to offer, and I appreciated Sen. Devin LeMahieu and Rep. Tyler Vorpagel joining us as well.

Governor Walker's State of the State Address

Tuesday evening it was a privilege to hear the Governor's State of the State address in the Assembly chambers for the third time! Our State is strong, better off from four years ago, and continuing to move in the right direction. It was great to hear the governor highlight several of the Assembly's initiatives in our Forward agenda, including Mental Health Reform, of which I am the chair of that committee.

US Navy Seal Robert O'Neill - An American Hero!

I enjoyed meeting SEAL Team Six veteran and genuine American hero, Robert O'Neill, who spoke at the Dairy Business Association awards Wednesday evening. He had a simple, but inspiring message: "Never Quit."

Dairy Business Association - Legislative Excellence Award

I was honored to receive the "Legislative Excellence Award" from the Dairy Business Association for my work in supporting a great Wisconsin industry!

What could bring together the Tea Party and WI School Superintendents? AB1.

This week there was a considerable amount of discussion regarding the Assembly Bill on School Accountability, including 9.5 hours of a public hearing that I was able to witness parts of. I believe, along with many of my colleagues, that there should be accountability for schools that take public dollars, but this bill has serious issues. I cannot support it in its current form, and I appreciate the many of you who have reached out to me or my office in regards to this important matter. I will consider your input when I have the opportunity to vote on a School Accountability bill on the Assembly floor. 

Founders Quote

"Power in any form ... when directed only by human wisdom and benevolence is dangerous."

--John Adams, An Attempt to Land a Bishop in America, 1769


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State Capitol Room 219 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708708888 Toll Free: (888) 529-0025 or (608) 266-0315