Putting “Integrity” back in Program Integrity
introduces bi-partisan bill focusing on W-2 fraud
In 1994, Governor Thompson
unveiled Wisconsin Works (W-2), a bipartisan plan that would dramatically
reform welfare by ending cash handouts and placing a greater emphasis on
work. W-2 programs subsidize employment, help parents find childcare, and
even provide transportation assistance to adults who have found jobs. Since
inception, W-2 programs have served as a model for national welfare reform,
and have helped thousands of Wisconsin families get back on their feet by
providing individuals the tools they need to become self-sufficient.
In recent years, the state has started to back away from the principles that
made W-2 a success. The underlying premise of W-2—that honest individuals
willing to work should be given a helping hand—was forgotten as fraud
infected the system and criminals stole from taxpayers and the truly needy.
For example, under the Doyle administration, Wisconsin law allowed an
applicant for assistance to lie twice (!) before they could be subject to
sanction. As Governor Walker’s Taskforce on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse recently
discovered, this type of program administration made a mockery of program
integrity and cost taxpayers roughly $200 million annually. I believe
Wisconsin deserves better.
To that end, I have teamed up with Representative Scott Krug and Senator
Alberta Darling to introduce legislation to give the Department of Children
and Families the tools they need to go after welfare cheats. My legislation
ensures W-2 programs continue to emphasize the importance of work while
giving honest individuals the assistance they need to get back on their
First, the bill fixes a fundamental problem in the law, and makes it clear
that applicants cannot lie on their forms when applying for W-2 benefits.
Second, this proposal cuts through red tape and allows front-line workers in
W-2 agencies to apply sanctions when applicants have been caught lying.
Finally, the legislation creates a more progressive system of sanctions that
will protect taxpayers from dishonest individuals who would steal not only
from the state, but from the truly needy.
I will continue to work to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in our public
assistance programs. Not only does this protect taxpayers, but ensures that
we can continue to help those who are truly needy. That's Integrity!
IRS/Wisconsin E-file Free Tax Software
If you are
looking for some help with your tax returns, I would encourage you to take
advantage of free tax preparation services available through the IRS Free
File program. Since its inception in 2003, IRS Free File has offered 70
percent of taxpayers free access to leading commercial tax preparation
software. Every taxpayer with a 2010 Adjusted Gross Income of $57,000 or
less may visit www.IRS.gov/freefile
to prepare, complete and e-file their federal tax returns at no cost. This
service is made possible through a partnership between the IRS and the Free
File Alliance, a coalition of industry-leading tax software companies.
Once at the website, users will find a list of Free File Alliance member
companies and may either choose the one that fits their needs or utilize the
“help me find a company” tool. After selecting a tax software company, users
will be transferred to the company's website to prepare, complete and
electronically file their federal income tax returns.
Once your
federal taxes are complete you can go to
http://www.revenue.wi.gov/wi_efile/index.html to get more information on
how to fill out your Wisconsin tax forms online for free.
Moving Wisconsin in the Right Direction
(To view video of my State of the State Comments, click the picture above)
Last week I
had the chance to talk to reporters about how our efforts to balance the
$3.6 billion deficit turned Wisconsin around and got us moving in the right
direction. As we move forward this session, I will continue to
remain focused on reforming job-killing regulations, improving education,
and eliminating waste in state government.