January 27, 2012

Rep. Knodl's Floor Comments Regarding
Mining Legislation

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(Please note there is some vulgar language due to protesters in the gallery)

Yesterday the State Assembly passed the mining bill, one of the most important jobs bills of the session.  By moving forward, we can start getting family-supporting jobs to the workers in northern Wisconsin.

Assembly Bill 426, the mining bill, could create thousands of high-paying, family-sustaining jobs, on top of the hundreds of construction jobs this bill will bring to northern Wisconsin. All while maintaining our state’s focus on environmental integrity. This bill does not green light a mine, but provides for a reasonable permitting process similar to Minnesota and Michigan so a company can secure a permit.

"Wisconsin Working"

As Governor Walker iterated during his state of the state address, the focus of your government should be on creating an atmosphere that will allow employers to expand and hire, as well as helping the unemployed find work. To this end, that is why I support the governors “Wisconsin Working” plan. Wisconsin Working is a group of bi-partisan bills currently working their way through the legislature.

As I visit with small employers in the area, many of them have voiced their concerns as to the lack of skilled applicants to fill open positions. The Wisconsin Working plan will help people get the tools they need to get back to work. The plan will give training for job seekers so they may be adequately qualified for the available positions throughout numerous industries.

To make sure this plan doesn’t become part of the Madison bureaucracy, a council will be comprised of individuals from small businesses, the State School Superintendant, Cabinet Secretaries, and officials from our universities and technical colleges. This council will work together to improve student readiness for college as well as the workforce. Improved workforce training is something that is essential to provide job seekers with appropriate skills and our proposed legislation will do just that.

As discussed above, many employers find job applicants lacking in skills and the Wisconsin Wins legislation is an attempt to remedy that problem and aid the unemployed in finding work or obtaining the necessary skills to be qualified for open positions.

• Wisconsin Wins legislation, AB 450, authored by Representative Honadel of South Milwaukee, allows unemployment recipients to take part-time training jobs with the potential for those to result in full-time employment. While they receive on the job training they are still able to collect unemployment benefits and the potential employer has an opportunity to evaluate their skills. The legislation will also allow for unemployed individuals to receive job training as well as display their skills for potential employers.

One group of people that have been hit especially hard is veterans. The unemployment rate for veterans in Wisconsin is estimated at 13% to 15%, roughly double the rate for the state as a whole. To address this, one of the Wisconsin Working bills aims to reduce the obstacles for veterans seeking employment.

• AB 429 and 438 authored by Representative Wynn are both tailored to aid veterans in obtaining employment. One primary way is that it will allow some military training to fulfill the requirements for certain state licenses as well as waive the fees on licenses for specific veterans.

• VETranfer is another important program for veterans which encourage entrepreneurship on behalf of military veterans. Launched in March 2011, it is the first veteran focused entrepreneurial program. The program provides resources and support to veterans who are building and developing their businesses.

Entrepreneurship will be a key aspect of putting Wisconsinites back to work as well as creating the jobs of the future. I firmly believe that the private sector must play a significant role in fixing the Wisconsin economy. This is what makes the “Wisconsin Works” plan so unique. Instead of working as enforcer vs. employer, we can partner together to provide job skills training. A number of Wisconsin business associations have expressed their support for the “Wisconsin Works” plan. Among the supporters are the Wisconsin Retail Association, the Independent Business Association of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Economic Development Association.

With the support of these organizations we know that we are taking the necessary steps in order to put Wisconsin back to work. As previously stated, it is essential that we have the support from these private industry associations to show that recovery is and will be a combined effort. We will try to do what is asked of us by the private sector in order to encourage job creation.

Kiwanis Club of Menomonee Falls Spaghetti Dinner

I want to encourage all to attend the annual Menomonee Falls Kiwanis Club Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday the 29th from 4 to 7pm. The event will be held at the Trysting Place Pub. Carry-outs are available this year. Again I encourage all to come out and support a good cause.


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