Around the Capitol
On the Capitol Square
The following places of interest are located on the Capitol square:
Close to the Capitol Square
There are also a number of places very close to the square of interest:
- Madison Museum of Modern Art
- Monona Terrace Convention Center
- Overture Center for the Arts
- State Street is a popular area to visit. It starts at the Capitol and leads to the University Wisconsin-Madison campus.
Capitol Events
There are a number of events that take place on the Capitol Square of interest:
Around Madison
Useful Visitor Information
These sites provide detailed information for visitors to the Madison Area:
Getting Here
- City of Madison
- Dane County Regional Airport
- Madison Preservation has information on walking tours
Parking in Downtown Madison
There are a very limited number of short term parking stalls (an hour or less) on the Capitol Square. Visitors parking on the square should be certain that they are NOT parking in a reserved stall; violators will be ticketed. Stall holders who have unauthorized vehicles in them, should contact the Capitol Police directly at (608) 267-8797.
For most visitors one of the city operated ramps in the downtown area is the best option. The first link is a google map of downtown Madison, the second image is the parking layout on the Capitol square provided by the Wisconsin Capitol Police, and the final is a breakdown of the various permit stall numbers for Legislators.