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A Note from Rep. Edming

Thank you for taking the time to check out the latest edition of my e-update. I hope you find this update from the State Capitol informative.

I was very busy serving the people of the 87th Assembly District this past week. In Madison, I participated in several committee hearings including chairing a hearing in the Labor and Integrated Employment Committee. I also had an opportunity to testify in support of a bill I've authored that would make it easier for relocated servicemembers and their families to continue to be considered residents of Wisconsin for the purposes of paying tuition at our state's public technical colleges and universities. You can read about this and more below.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any thoughts on issues before the legislature or if you need assistance with a state agency.


Helping the Families of Those Who Serve

As part of a very busy day at the Capitol on Wednesday, I testified before the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities in favor of my bill, Assembly Bill (AB) 635. This bill helps address a challenge that can arise related to tuition charges for relocated servicemembers and their families when they are required to relocate to a new post.

Unfortunately, if the spouse or parent of a student at one of our state’s public technical colleges or universities is relocated outside of Wisconsin due to their military service, it may cause the student to lose their state residency status. This would result in the student being required to pay nonresident tuition even if the student was treated as a resident prior to the relocation.

AB 635 corrects this problem by allowing relocated service members, their spouses, and dependents to be considered residents which permits them to pay in-state tuition at UW System universities and Wisconsin Technical Colleges if they can demonstrate that they are bona fide residents during the relocation period. Those who serve in the military and their families make great sacrifices for our state and nation. This bill is another way we can say thank you to service members and their families by making college more affordable for them.

To learn more about AB 635 click here to read my written testimony or on the picture below to watch me testify before the committee.

Labor & Integrated Employment Committee Hearing

Also on Wednesday, I chaired a hearing in the Labor and Integrated Employment Committee. The committee voted to recommend passage of Assembly Bills (AB) 324 and 361, and their Senate companions.

AB 324 would expand the allowable work hours for 14 and 15-year-olds if the employer and employee are not covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. This bill will help out some of our state's smallest businesses by giving them another tool to help meet their staffing needs.

Under current law, in most cases, an employee is required to be paid within 30 days of performing the work. However, there is an exemption that allows school district employees to request that their pay be spread out over the course of 12 months for the work performed during the school year. AB 361 extends that exemption to employees of our state's 12 cooperative educational services agencies (CESAs). This flexibility will afford CESA employees the same income stability as other public educators in Wisconsin.

After voting on these bills, the committee then heard testimony on AB 691. This bill
would eliminate the consideration of a motor carrier’s use of safety improvements in determining the driver’s classification as an independent contractor or an employee under state law.

The State Capitol Christmas Tree is Lit!

It's officially the Christmas season at the State Capitol! Last week, the 2021 State Capitol Christmas Tree was lit for the first time. This month is one of the best times of the year to visit the Capitol. If you can, I encourage you to make the trip down to Madison to check out the tree and other decorations around the building. They will be on display through the New Year.

Around the 87th

Sawyer County Snowmobile & ATV Alliance Fundraiser

I had a great time this past Friday evening supporting the Sawyer County Snowmobile & ATV Alliance at their fundraiser in Hayward. Thank you to the alliance and its member clubs for the great work you do promoting outdoor recreation in Sawyer County!

Upcoming Events

One of my favorite parts about serving as your state representative is getting out and interacting with constituents at many of the wonderful community events across the 87th District. Check out some of the upcoming events around the district below. Also, if you know of any other events, please contact my office and let me know, so I can include them in a future e-update and try to attend myself.

Check out some of the events coming up around the district:

Stay Up to Date

One of the best ways to stay up to date with what is going on in Madison is to sign up for the legislature's notification tracking service. This service allows you to follow legislative activity in Madison. Once you create a free account you can sign up to receive notifications about specific bills or committees as well as legislative activity pertaining to a subject area (i.e. agriculture, veterans). You can sign up for this service at notify.legis.wisconsin.gov.