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Contact me

Please feel free to contact me to share your questions, concerns, and ideas. Your voice is very important to me!


Room 304 West, State Capitol

PO Box 8953 

Madison, WI 53708


Office: (608) 267-9649

Toll-Free: (888) 534-0071


Send me an email:

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How to Contact Your Elected Officials 

The best way to contact your state legislators and Congressional representatives is by phone or email. Always include your name and address, and be clear about the issue you are supporting or opposing. Communicate the stance you would like your legislator or congressional representatives to take and let staff know if there's any follow-up needed.

Find Your Elected Officials

  • To find your state legislators, visit and enter your address in the “Find My Legislator” search bar. The website will then take you to a map of the state with your Assembly district outlined in red and your Senate district highlighted in orange. There will also be an information box with contact information for your Senator and Representative. If you are curious to see who is representing other areas of the state, click anywhere on the map to see the corresponding districts.
  • To find your Congressional Representative, visit and enter your zip code in the search bar. The website will then take you to a map with your Congressional district highlighted in green. Contact information for your Congressional Representative will appear on the left hand side.
  • Your current federal Senators are Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson, their contact information can be found on their websites: and

Keep up with state politics in the Capitol  

To receive updates on bills related to topics of interest, sign up for notifications under “Notification Service” on the state legislature's website:


Tracking bills of interest

You can follow state legislators at and

Tips for Effective Advocacy

  • Become an expert on an issue and develop relationships with staff and the elected official when possible.
  • Stick to a positive message, buoyed by personal story and facts.
  • When advocating for an issue, focus your message so it’s simple and understandable.
  • In person meetings are the most effective. Phone and email are effective. Form letters and petitions are the least effective.
  • When scheduling a meeting, make sure to include: name and organization, time and location of the meeting (provide multiple options if possible), list of everyone attending, meeting topic, and contact information.
  • Prepare for your meeting! Bring handouts, do your research, and don’t be nervous. Allow yourself plenty of time to find the correct room and understand that sometimes legislators are in committee hearings, taking votes on a session day, or in the district. It is equally important to meet with staff.

Top 10 Ways to Participate in State Government

  1. Call my office – to weigh in on an issue, ask a question of legislative staff, get information on a bill or issue, or schedule a meeting.
  2. E-mail me at
  3. Write a letter: State Capitol, PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
  4. Attend my office hours: Office hours are advertised in local newspapers and on Facebook.
  5. Get involved in meetings, forums, and events in the district – I like to attend as many meetings and events in Portage County than I can. See you at the next one!
  6. Social media – You can catch me on Facebook and Twitter, especially when we're in committee or session:, Twitter: @Repshankland. Note that private messages sent to my social media accounts are not monitored by staff and may have a longer response time than contacting me by phone and email.
  7. Joint Finance Committee Listening Sessions – The Joint Finance Committee travels across the state to take input on the state's biennial budget. Testify at a public listening session near you – but be prepared to wait a few hours to speak, depending on what time you get there. Sometimes testimony is limited to two minutes.
  8. Testify at a public hearing on a bill – You can participate in the policymaking process by testifying on legislation at a public hearing. Fill out a hearing slip with your name and position on the bill, then wait to testify. Share your personal story and how the legislation would affect you. Please let me know if you are planning to come to the Capitol to testify and would like any assistance. It's a great way to add your voice!
  9. Workplace and School Visits – I really enjoy spending time touring businesses, nonprofits, and meeting with school groups in the district – ask for a visit!
  10. Visit the Capitol – Come to the Capitol! I'm always grateful to meet with constituents in the Capitol. The best days to come to advocate on an issue are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, when most legislators are in the Capitol for committee meetings, session days, and legislative business. Schedule a meeting in advance!