Welcome to my e-update

Thank you for taking the time to read this week's e-update. I always strive to include information you find interesting and informative as it relates to my work in Madison and the 60th Assembly District.

My most important goal remains serving you, my constituents. Helping you find solutions to difficult problems when it seems like the state is unresponsive is the single greatest reward for my staff and me. I take constituents' input seriously and continually work hard on your behalf.

I always have your thoughts and concerns in mind when deciding whether or not to support legislation. Furthermore, I appreciate when you take time out of your schedules to contact me.

Have a great week,

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Protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions
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This week, the Assembly approved, with overwhelming bipartisan support (76-19), Assembly Bill 1, relating to protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions. I joined the majority of my colleagues in supporting final passage.

Are you aware that one-in-six Wisconsinites suffer from a pre-existing condition? Assembly Bill 1 applies only if provisions of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are no longer enforceable or no longer preempt state law relating to individual or group health insurance policies.

Assembly Bill 1 ensures that all three elements of pre-existing condition protections would remain in place for state residents regardless of changes at the national level. 

Specifically, preventing insurance companies from implementing the following provisions: denying people a policy because they have a pre-existing condition (the "guaranteed issue" requirement), refusing to cover services that people need to treat a pre-existing condition ("pre-existing condition exclusions"), or charging a higher premium based on people's health status (the "community rating" provision). 

The bill, as amended also:

  • Specified that the commissioner of insurance must ensure a statewide 45-day open enrollment period.
  • Stipulated that health benefit plans cannot impose an annual or lifetime limit on the dollar value of benefits under the plan.
  • Aligned more closely with the definition of a "pre-existing condition exclusion"  to the definition used in the Affordable Care Act (ensures that the pre-existing condition must be covered regardless of whether or not any treatment or care was received).
  • Stated that any health plan currently exempt from these requirements under the ACA will also be exempt from complying with the corresponding provisions of the bill.

By enshrining these protections into our state statutes, Wisconsin consumers can be assured that no matter what occurs in Washington, D.C., they will have access to coverage. 

As a cancer survivor and small business owner, I am aware of the difficulties those with pre-existing conditions face. I was honored to join with my colleagues, Republican and Democrat, to ensure that those with pre-existing conditions will have access to quality, affordable health insurance. 

See the video below for more information about Assembly Bill 1:


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State of the State

The state of our state is strong thanks to eight years of Republican leadership. Wisconsin went from billion dollar deficits to budget surpluses; billion-dollar tax hikes to $8 billion in tax cuts; and 9 percent unemployment to 11 months straight at or below 3 percent. We will look for areas of common ground, but we will not allow government to grow, taxes to be increased, government-run healthcare to expand, and educational opportunities to decrease. 

Last week, Governor Evers met with Senate and Assembly Republicans to share his vision for Wisconsin and identify areas in which the two parties could work together. As denoted in last week's e-update, Assembly Republicans sent a letter to Governor Evers outlining 11 issues on which we could work together: internet access, education funding, transportation debt, and reducing homelessness, to name a few. Assembly Republicans are moving forward on several of these items, particularly middle-class tax relief and expanding coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. 

This week, Governor Evers delivered his first state of the state address. Wisconsin voters chose divided government, not inaction or the agenda Governor Evers outlined in his remarks. Less than a month into his tenure, he is showing that he will govern from the far-left with Madison and Milwaukee liberals dictating his agenda. 

Governor Evers' speech was laden with progressive policies and no definitive plan on how to pay for them. Clearly, this is where Governor Evers and I differ; I will not be supporting new taxes. What is more, the governor has indicated that he will work around the law and legislature to advance his agenda. 

In his address, Governor Evers indicated that he does not intend to use surplus dollars to cut taxes on hard-working middle-class families. Rather, he would place the burden on local manufacturers and farmers. 

Governor Evers' priorities show that he will be a tax-and-spend governor who is more interested in scoring political points from his progressive base than working on behalf of Wisconsin families.

Despite Governor Evers' call to raise taxes, I am committed to reducing the tax burden, protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions, investing in education, and championing individual liberty and personal freedom. 

I look forward to working with Governor Evers to accomplish these goals and continue moving the state in a positive direction. 

60th District Events

Winter Hike and Chili Potluck, Cedarburg, January 27

Second Annual Chili Bowl, Port Washington, January 29

Riveredge Kids Cooking Series, Saukville, January 26

Cedarburg Cultural Center Members Exhibit, Cedarburg, January 25-March 10

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