January 24, 2019

Working for you!


The State of the State is Strong

The state of Wisconsin is strong. Reliable Republican leadership of our state has ensured a strong economy, with unemployment at record lows, incomes increasing, poverty decreasing, and UW tuition frozen for the longest period ever.

There is still work that needs to be done by the political leaders of our state, and I’m hopeful it can begin with bipartisan issues that both Republicans and Democrats across Wisconsin campaigned on. This week, the State Assembly adopted a bill by a vote of 76-19 to ensure health care coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions. Sixteen Assembly Democrats joined us in adopting this bill and I’m hopeful that this will be the first act signed into law by our new governor.

I’m looking forward to working with Governor Evers on a middle class tax cut, which he campaigned on, that we can fund with the $588 million budget surplus created under Republican leadership.

The most important issue to me, however, is ensuring safe roads in our community, which is why I will be making the same request of Governor Evers that I made to Governor Walker, to fix Highways 41 and 15 in our district.

My Take on Covington Catholic Coverage

I recently reviewed a full video of the Covington Catholic High School students interacting with Black Hebrew Israelites protestors and a Native American protestor who marched in between them.

To me, the student approached by the drum beating Native American protestor appeared cornered and uncomfortable. I witnessed a young man struggling to handle a confrontation without escalation, his uneasy smile clearly an attempt to defuse the situation. The media, seeing only his white skin, red MAGA hat, and young friends around him, immediately painted him as an antagonizer, filled with contempt for the man beating the drum in his face.

Video clips and viral social media posts are seldom what they first appear to be. News media carried far and wide the incorrect story of Catholic high school students chanting “build the wall” surrounding the elderly Native American man; however, a review of an extended video of the event shows the man walking into the center of the high school students in an apparent attempt to stir the pot.

These interactions should be recognized for what they are, three different groups crossing paths in our nation’s capital. Instead, they were painted as some sort of intentional act of hate. The rhetoric of division does a huge disservice to our country and I was disappointed in our new Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes when he perpetuated this false characterization of events, going so far as to call the high school students a “mob surrounding and taunting a Native American Vietnam War veteran.”

I sincerely hope that this event helps high school students, protestors, the media, and our Lieutenant Governor learn that we gain nothing from perpetuating our divisions, especially by weaving false narratives that discourage future interaction across lines of diversity.”


When Bias Harms UW Learning

Yesterday, I sent a letter to UW-Madison Professor Ken Mayer regarding a syllabus he wrote for his course "The American Presidency" that begins by painting a very negative picture of the Trump administration. This sort of bias at the beginning of a course serves only to stifle critical thinking and it doesn't meet the high academic standards I expect of our state's flagship public university.

You can read my letter to Prof. Mayer and his syllabus in the Wisconsin State Journal by clicking here. 

Here is an excerpt from Prof. Mayer's syllabus:

Capitol Visitors

If you’re planning a trip to Madison, consider scheduling a visit to my office or feel free to just pop in. You just might end up in my e-update!

UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank and I had a good chat about the university and the upcoming state budget.

Members of the Credit Union League braved the snowy roads on Thursday to turn out in great numbers, including Cheryl Ellis, Ryleigh Nelson and Shannon Palm from Prospera Credit Union, Brandon Fleenor and Lynn Marie Hopfensperger from Fox Communities Credit Union, and Ryan Didreckson and Karrie Drobnick from Verve Credit Union.

Matthew Albert and Christopher LaFreniere, from Grand Chute, were my guests at the State of the State address on Tuesday. We had a chance to catch up over dinner across from the Capitol before the speech.

Apply to Serve Wisconsin on a Board or Commission

As the transition from one governor to another progresses, the new administration is looking for Wisconsin citizens to serve on advisory and governance bodies.

Please consider applying for and serving on a state board or commission. You can view the application process online here.

You can find a description of the various state boards, committees, commissions, and councils in the Wisconsin Blue Book.

Eagle Days Along the Fox River

Once a year we have a wonderful opportunity to observe and learn about our national bird right here in our community. This year, Eagle Days on the Fox River is Saturday, January 26 with events in Kaukauna and Appleton. For more information, visit their Facebook page.

Check out upcoming events near us by visiting the Wisconsin Tourism website or  https://appletondowntown.org/upcoming-events/ and if you run into me while you’re out and about be sure to stop and say hi!

"Like" Representative Murphy's Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page so I can continually engage with you on important topics facing the state. Please like it by clicking here!

I use Facebook to update constituents more frequently on my work in Madison and the 56th Assembly District. I look forward to using this as another way to connect with constituents and encourage you to follow it and watch for regular updates.

"Like" Representative Murphy's

Official Facebook Page



I live in Greenville, but have an office at the State Capitol in Madison. If you are in downtown Madison, please feel free to stop by and say hello! Just go to the information desk in the rotunda, and they can direct you on how to find my office, 318 North. At the bottom of each e-update, you'll see my office contact information.

If your school or group plans to tour the Capitol building, please let me know in advance. I'd love to visit with you for a few minutes and take a group photo.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

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Rep.Murphy@legis.wisconsin.gov State Capitol Room 318 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708 Toll Free: (888) 534-0056 or (608) 266-7500