January 24, 2020

Working for you!


The Importance of a Tuition Cap

Yesterday, Senator Jacque and I testified on our bill to put a hard tuition cap for in-state UW undergraduates into state law. Right now, the current tuition freeze is non-statutory, which means if it isn’t renewed in the next state budget, UW institutions could increase tuition as much as they would like. After the last freeze tuition increased by 60% after just three years. When asked if the Board of Regents had a plan for tuition in the future, President Cross responded that he intends to ask for an inflation based increase, but did not offer specifics about why this specific amount was required.

Our bill would not lift the current tuition freeze or prevent the freeze from being renewed in the next budget.

You can watch the full hearing online by clicking on the image above.

Defending School Choice

Next Tuesday at noon there will be a School Choice rally at the Capitol and a visit from United States Vice President Mike Pence. If you have the ability to make your way down to the Capitol I’d be happy to have more people join us in support of freedom to choose a school that is the best fit for every child.

Wisconsin Revenues $818 Million Higher Than Expected

The Legislature has insisted on responsible budgeting, preventing the governor time and again from breaking the state’s piggybank wide open. Due to our careful use of taxpayer dollars, the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau is reporting revenues are $818 million higher than expected. With these additional revenues, the state’s Rainy Day Fund could top $1 billion by June of 2021.

You can read the full Fiscal Bureau report online here.

Protect Life Day

The Wisconsin State Assembly proclaimed Tuesday as Protect Life Day. Read the full resolution by clicking on the image above.

Capitol Visitors

Members of the Wisconsin Credit Union League from throughout the Fox Valley visited the Capitol on Tuesday.

I'm glad when Fox Valley poeople stop into the office, especially when they're advocating for disability rights. Thank you!

New Legislation

Here is the legislation I've recently authored or co-sponsored. Click on the links to learn more about each bill or resolution:

·         1/22/2020: 2019 Assembly Bill 786
Relating to: guardian training requirements and making an appropriation.

·         1/22/2020: 2019 Assembly Bill 785
Relating to: creating Hmong-Lao Veterans Day.

·         1/21/2020: 2019 Assembly Joint Resolution 121
Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Madison Badgers football team on a great season and winning the Big Ten West Division game against the Minnesota Gophers.

·         1/16/2020: 2019 Assembly Joint Resolution 118
Relating to: proclaiming January 22nd as “Protect Life Day.”

Upcoming Events

Check out upcoming events near us by visiting the Wisconsin Tourism website or https://appletondowntown.org/upcoming-events/ and if you run into me while you’re out and about be sure to stop and say hi!

"Like" Representative Murphy's Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page so I can continually engage with you on important topics facing the state. Please like it by clicking here!

I use Facebook to update constituents more frequently on my work in Madison and the 56th Assembly District. I look forward to using this as another way to connect with constituents and encourage you to follow it and watch for regular updates.

"Like" Representative Murphy's

Official Facebook Page



I live in Greenville, but have an office at the State Capitol in Madison. If you are in downtown Madison, please feel free to stop by and say hello! Just go to the information desk in the rotunda, and they can direct you on how to find my office, 318 North. At the bottom of each e-update, you'll see my office contact information.

If your school or group plans to tour the Capitol building, please let me know in advance. I'd love to visit with you for a few minutes and take a group photo.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

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Rep.Murphy@legis.wisconsin.gov State Capitol Room 318 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708 Toll Free: (888) 534-0056 or (608) 266-7500