May 1, 2020

Working for you!

Special Public Health Emergency Update

A big thank you to my Republican and Democratic colleagues for passing our COVID-19 legislative package. Because of that bill, representatives and senators are permitted to send out e-updates like this one to keep constituents like you informed on public health emergency topics. Usually, after April 15 in an even-numbered year, state legislators are not allowed to send more than 49 identical copies of anything to the public, like a mass mailing or e-update. We are allowed to respond to individual requests from constituents all the time. I appreciate the many people who have reached out to my office. Some examples of problems I’ve been able to help with are folks are having trouble getting through to Wisconsin’s unemployment insurance division, or people needing assistance or clarification pertaining to a health insurance glitch due to the virus. We look for timely information that will be of help to constituents to include in these updates, and I appreciate the feedback from you on what’s helpful.

Rural Hospitals Struggle to Survive Lack of Patients

The extended economic shutdown is having a direct financial affect on hospitals, leaving them in a weakened state going into any COVID-19 surge that might occur in the future. WSAW in Wausau recently covered this story and the heightened impact it is having on Wisconsin’s rural communities.

Even with additional federal funds, hospitals are in need of lifted restrictions in order to serve all patients, including those who come down with COVID-19.

A Better Plan: for Health and the Economy

Yesterday, the Assembly Committee on State Affairs heard testimony from experts around the state regarding a detailed plan to allow businesses and employees to get back to work safely. Wisconsin must take action to get the economy back on its feet before permanent damage is done. Permanently shuttered businesses won’t just mean financial loss, it will directly result in significant negative health outcomes for our entire state. I go into more detail about this below in my response to a constituent question.

To watch the full informational hearing about the proposed alternative to the governor’s plan, click on the image above.

Don't Avoid the Hospital if You Need Medical Assistance

Hospitals and clinics around Wisconsin have seen a steep decline in patients seeking help for serious medical conditions. In order to ensure you receive the care you need, the Wisconsin Hospital Association has asked me to pass along the following message:

Wisconsin hospitals are encouraging patients to use the emergency department or urgent care if it is needed. Patients should never hesitate to seek emergency care if they are experiencing symptoms. Our state’s hospitals and clinics are safe, clean and taking all necessary precautions to care for patients and their families. 

Patients should also contact their provider to discuss when they can schedule other important care.

Contituent Questions

Jim from Larsen writes: Why don’t you support the governor’s order to shut down businesses? Isn’t keeping as many people at home the best way to save lives?

A strong economy is critical to maintaining public health. Right now, we are on the brink of an economic depression, with nearly one in five Americans unemployed. Even with government benefits, a massive economic downturn will result in widespread increases in crime, suicide, malnutrition (and its accompanying lifelong health issues), lack of access to healthcare, domestic violence, and substance abuse. The reduction in tax revenue will also mean that cities and states will have little ability to address these problems. Simply put, shutting down the economy will cost us more than money, it will cost lives. I’m not willing to sacrifice these lives because there is a better option—one that will allow us to slow the spread of COVID-19 without severe economic destruction.

I’m advocating for proactive approach to keep Wisconsin safe by helping businesses adapt to public health needs. Extending “Safer at Home” calls for widespread government forced unemployment and poverty in exchange for temporary safety. The better option is for society to adapt in order to keep people working but in safer conditions.

Many businesses categorized as essential have demonstrated that it is possible to maintain operations with new safety procedures in place. While we have a lot of work left to do in order to adapt all industries for safer operations, our state government needs to focus on these efforts instead of focusing on keeping everyone locked in their homes. The sooner the Governor gets to work on supporting businesses’ ability to reopen safely, the more lives we’ll be able to save.

Today In the Fox Valley

The Wisconsin Hospital Association maintains a dashboard where the public can view the data being used by the state to make public health decisions.

COVID-19 Guidance and Assistance


Help is available if you are in need. You can’t control whether you lose your job or your benefits because of the Coronavirus. However, you can take steps to protect yourself in case you wind up without health insurance during the pandemic. If you have lost coverage (or fear that you might), you have options! Call 920-882-6420 or dial United Way’s 2-1-1 for free help.

Below are additional resources:

Unemployment and Job Opportunities

  • Unemployment insurance claims should be made online if possible, and requirements have been relaxed. Many employers are currently hiring in order to fill gaps in delivery and retail services. Learn more by visiting

Small Businesses

  • Grants of up to $20,000 to targeted small businesses with no more than 20 employees to cover rent and to meet payroll expenses, including paid leave.

Financial Resources

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I have a Facebook page so I can continually engage with you on important topics facing the state. Please like it by clicking here!

I use Facebook to update constituents more frequently on my work in Madison and the 56th Assembly District. I look forward to using this as another way to connect with constituents and encourage you to follow it and watch for regular updates.

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Official Facebook Page



I live in Greenville, but have an office at the State Capitol in Madison. If you are in downtown Madison, please feel free to stop by and say hello! Just go to the information desk in the rotunda, and they can direct you on how to find my office, 318 North. At the bottom of each e-update, you'll see my office contact information.

If your school or group plans to tour the Capitol building, please let me know in advance. I'd love to visit with you for a few minutes and take a group photo.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

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