Rep. Tranel Welcomes Summer Intern to Capitol Office

For the third summer in a row Rep. Tranel’s office, participated in the Cullen Internship program. This six week program gives teenagers the opportunity to intern in legislative offices as well as meeting with and interviewing important government officials, businesses, and community leaders.  “This program helps teenagers learn firsthand what the state government entails. It was a pleasure to have Carter join our office and he did a great job this summer,” said Tranel.  Carter Schmidt will be a senior at Janesville Craig in Janesville, WI this fall.
 “Interning in Rep. Tranel’s office was a marvelous experience. I was able to draft press releases, legislative citations, and sit in on assembly hearings,” said Carter.  His interest in government existed since he was young, but it increased due to his U.S. government class in school.
Through the internship, Carter had the opportunity to learn about various aspects of the state government. Carter along with the other Cullen interns had the opportunity to interview inmates at the Oakhill Correctional Facility, Joe Chrisman from the Legislative Audit Bureau, Kerry Swanson from St. Mary’s Hospital in Janesville, and several lobbyists. 
Carter said, “I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, and I think this is one of best ways to spend the summer because it’s truly a once in a lifetime experience.” Carter plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison to pursue a degree in engineering after graduating in the spring of 2016.
The program came to a close on July 24th, when the interns presented their experiences and newly found knowledge to former State Senator Cullen and invited guests of the students.