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Governor’s Budget Would Help Local Communities

Historic Investment in Shared Revenue, Public Safety, and K-12 Education

MADISON, Wis. - The Governor’s Budget Address promises to give 20% of sales tax back to local communities as shared revenue. This investment includes 250 million dollars in public safety aid to help local communities with police, fire, and EMS services. The budget also includes a 2.6 billion dollar increase in K-12 education. That is a billion dollars in school aid through the state’s general equalization formula and over a billion dollar increase in special education funding.

In response to the Governor’s Budget Address, Rep. Anderson said, “Local governments in our district are struggling. I know from my time on the Beloit City Council how hard local communities work to stretch a dollar. The Governor’s proposed increases in funding for local government and public education will directly help the people of the 45th district.”

