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Ribbon Cuttings, Governor's Budget Address, and Sully

Since our last update, I attended the Town of Beloit's new Town Hall and Fire Station open house, the Pearsons Hall ribbon cutting, the Governor's budget address, and Sully visited Hospital Hill.

Town of Beloit's New Town Hall and Fire Station

It was great to attend the Town of Beloit's open house for their new Town Hall and Fire Department. The new facilities will serve the community well, providing improved resources for both town operation and emergency services. 

Pearsons Hall Ribbon Cutting

Congratulations to Beloit College on the ribbon cutting for Pearsons Hall School of Business! This exciting addition will provide students with incredible opportunities and strengthen our community. I'm looking forward to seeing the impact it will have!

Governor Gives Budget Address

The Governor presented his budget Tuesday night. His budget stands up for working families across Wisconsin. From incentivizing local governments to not increase property taxes, doubling the state income tax exemption, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, investing in public education and in rural communities, Wisconsinites should know that Wisconsin Democrats are fighting for them.

Sully Visits Hospital Hill

Sully loves being outdoors, especially in the snow! For this #SullySunday, we took a trip to Hospital Hill in Beloit. It's one of the best sledding spots around. If you’re looking for a fun winter adventure before the snow melts, this is the place to be! If you have a recommendation for where Sully should go next, nominate a location here.

Representative Clinton Anderson