MLK Jr. Day, State of the State, and Sully
Welcome to our regular e-update! Since our last update I attended multiple Dr. MLK Jr. Day celebrations, met with Lieutenant Governor Rodriguez, watched Governor Evers State of the State address, while Sully went to Classic Cinemas in Beloit to celebrate National Popcorn Day.
Attended Dr. MLK Jr. Celebrations
I attended many MLK Jr. Day events in our communities including at Blackhawk Technical College, MLK Jr. Day Commemorative Breakfast, Beloit Public Library, and then at Beloit College. Thank you to everyone who made all of these events a success! I’m so thankful to live in a community like ours. It was great to be at these events.
Meeting with Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez
It was great to chat with Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez about priorities for the upcoming legislative session. I deeply appreciate her taking the time to hear from legislators about what matters most to us.
Governor Evers State of the State
Governor Evers showed that Wisconsin is headed in the right direction, but we still have work to do addressing the challenges our state is facing. Last fall, the top concern I heard from voters was the cost of living crisis many families are facing, and this speech showed we have a Governor committed to a state where every family can thrive. Governor Evers outlined our agenda to keep taxes low, and reduce the cost of healthcare and childcare while increasing funding for public education. These investments will make a meaningful difference in the lives of Wisconsinites.
Sully Sunday
On National Popcorn Day, Sully knows there's no better place than Classic Cinemas in Beloit to celebrate. Recliners, heated seats, and of course, popcorn make the best movie going experience. Next time you're looking to see the latest movies, check out Classic Cinemas in Beloit! If you have a recommendation for where Sully should go next, nominate a location here.
Representative Clinton Anderson