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Juneteenth, Colonel Robert Morse Library, and Shared Revenue.

In this week's e-update, I celebrated Juneteenth, took part in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Colonel Robert Morse Library at Beloit College, helped pass Shared Revenue, and Sully promoted Lake Leota Park in Evansville.

Colonel Robert Morse Library

It was exciting to be at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Colonel Robert Morse Library at Beloit College on Saturday. This project will strengthen not only the campus but the community.

Shared Revenue

On June 14th we passed a historic investment for towns, villages, cities, and counties in the 45th district and throughout Wisconsin. Local governments have not had a real investment from the state in over a decade. I am proud to have played a role in securing millions more in funding. While the bill was not perfect, I’m pleased to be able to deliver this much needed money that will support vital services for our communities.

Sully Sunday

Sully wanted to celebrate Father's Day and Sully Sunday by going to Lake Leota Park in Evansville. This park has a ton of amenities for the entire family to enjoy. If you're looking for a fun place to visit, Sully suggests Lake Leota Park. If you have a recommendation for where Sully should go next, nominate a location here.

Representative Clinton Anderson