Serving the Northwoods Communities of Rhinelander, Eagle River, Minocqua, Phelps, Florence and Forest County.

District Dialogue

April 11, 2014

Child Enticement Bill Signed by Governor Walker

On Tuesday April 8th, Governor Scott Walker signed Senate Bill 226 which adds the crime of child enticement to the forfeiture law in current state statues.  Senate Bill 226 was drafted at the request of the Eagle River Police Chief, Mark Vander Bloomen.

I co-authored this legislation with Senator Olsen (R-Ripon). It allows law enforcement officers to seize an offender’s vehicle or property that is directly involved in a crime of child enticement. Current statues allow law enforcement to seize a vehicle involved in a felony, prostitution, and impersonation of a law enforcement officer.  

The increase in technology, such as internet chat rooms, has led to more children being enticed into a stranger’s vehicle. Senate Bill 226, which is now Act 262, will protect children from these sexual predators. 

I would like to thank both Chief Vander Bloomen and Senator Olsen for their hard work on this legislation.


From Left to Right, Back Row: Eagle River Police Chief Mark Vander Bloomen, Rep. Swearingen, Dan Perchinsky (legislative aide to Rep. Swearingen), Michelle Merdler, Senator Olsen.  Front Row: Governor Walker.

DNR Annual Spring Fish and Wildlife Public Hearing this Monday

Residents throughout Wisconsin will have their chance to provide input at the upcoming Spring Wildlife and Fisheries public hearings. Every county in Wisconsin will host the event at 7:00 p.m. at a designated location on Monday, April 14. The public hearing allows residents to have a discussion with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Natural Resources Board, and the Conservation Congress.

The only potential rule change that will be discussed is the expansion of motor trolling statewide. As you may know, motor trolling is not allowed on any waters in Vilas County. Be sure to attend the meeting to voice your opinion on this issue in Northern Wisconsin.

Additional questions will serve to advise the Natural Resources Board, Conservation Congress, and the DNR. Some issues that will be discussed include pan fish and trout regulations, a change in the fishing season's opening day, deer baiting restrictions, and the removal of protections for Albino deer.

For more information about the public hearings please visit the DNR website. This link provides information about public hearing locations and a copy of the public hearing’s agenda.

Northland Pines Political Science Class Visit

This morning I was invited by Mr. Tulppo, a political science teacher at Northland Pines, to meet with students and discuss the daily tasks of a legislator.  During my visit, I described the legislative process of a bill from the drafting period to the final approval by the Governor.  I illustrated the process of passing the Boulder Junction Shooting Range bill that was signed into law this session. 

Rep. Swearingen speaking to the Political Science class at Northland Pines.

It was a rewarding experience to speak with students that share similar interests in politics.  I would like to thank Mr. Tulppo for inviting me to his classroom, and the students for allowing me to spend some time with them this Friday. 

Thank you for presenting me with a Northland Pines T-Shirt!

Wisconsin Tourism Tips

If you're planning on a family vacation this summer, maybe your destination is closer than you think.  Be sure to visit the Travel Wisconsin website to learn about places to explore with family and friends all around Wisconsin.  Have a safe and fun summer in the Badger State! 

Please click on the video below for vacation tips in Wisconsin!

Legislative Newsletters and State Publications

My freshman year has been an extremely humbling experience in Madison.  I am proud of all the work I have done for the Northwoods in my first year as your representative.  As of April 15, my office will be prohibited from sending out E-Updates and state publications due to the elections board regulations and state statute 11.33.  All legislators running for re-election or another state office shall not distribute more than 50 pieces of identical materials after April 15th.  My E-updates will resume this upcoming November. 


Thank you all for reading my District Dialogue and providing feedback and observations.  Have a great summer!

Upcoming Community Events

5th Annual Spring Celebration (9:00am-3:00pm), Eagle River, April 12

Easter Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt (9:00am-11:00am) Boulder Junction, April 12

Easter Pancake Breakfast and Egg Hunt (9:00am-12:00pm) Manitowish Waters, April 19

Monochromatic Collage Class (9:00am-3:00pm) Arbor Vitae, April 21

Nath's 5th Annual Soup for the Shelter (5:30pm) Woodruff, April 26

Silver Blades Ice Show (2:00pm-4:00pm)Eagle River, April 13

Winter Farmers' Market (12:30pm-5:00pm) Eagle River, April 16

Managing Fish Habitats (5:00pm-7:00pm) Manitowish Waters, April 17

Earth Day Bird Hike (8:30am-10:00am) Manitowish Waters, April 22

7th Annual Taste of the North (6:00pm-9:00pm) Minocqua, April 24

Master Naturalist Session #1 (9:00am-3:00pm) Manitowish Waters, April 21

6th Annual Father/Daughter Dance (6:30pm-8:00pm) Arbor Vitae, April 25

North Stars Garden Conference (8:00am-3:00pm) Florence, April 26

Lions club Easter Egg Hunt (12:00pm) Crandon, April 19

Spring Book Sale (10:00am) Minocqua, April 24

Crane Count and Training (10:30am) Manitowish Waters, April 11

Earth Day Yoga (6:30am-8:00am) Manitowish Waters, April 22

Picture Post Workshop (1:00pm-4:00pm) Manitowish Waters, April 26

Acoustic Bat Monitoring Training (5:00pm-7:00pm) Manitowish Waters, April 29


Please contact me at if you would like to UNSUBSCRIBE from my E-Updates

Office of Representative Rob Swearingen

Room 107 West

PO Box 8953, Madison WI 53708

Office: 608-266-7141

Toll Free: 888-534-0034