Serving the Northwoods Communities of Rhinelander, Eagle River, Minocqua, Phelps, Three Lakes, Florence and Forest County.

District Dialogue

April 24, 2015

REMINDER:  Spring Survey Season!

It's Spring Survey time in the Wisconsin State Legislature!  I invite all of my constituents to take a moment to complete my 2015 Spring Survey that is posted on my legislative website. Click here to take my survey. The survey will allow you to provide comment on the proposed Governor's budget that is the process of being debated by state legislators.  If you have any further comments or concerns

 on the survey or the proposed state budget, please feel free to contact my office by emailing or by calling toll free at 888-534-0034.



In addition, the new foldable 2015 state highway maps have been delivered to my office in Madison.  If anyone would like a new state highway map, please contact my office and I will send one to your home. 


QR Codes have been added to the maps that can be scanned with smart phones. These bar codes have the capabilities to alert the reader on travel conditions and state attraction areas.


Joint Finance Executive Sessions Begin

During the last two weeks the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) began executive sessions on the 2015-17 biennial state budget.  At the onset of the initial meeting, the JFC Co-Chairs Rep. John Nygren (R-Marinette) and Sen. Darling (R- River Hills) removed 14 non-fiscal policy items from the state budget.  Members of the JFC agreed that these policy items should be removed to be debated on their own merits as stand-alone legislation.  To see a list of the 14 items please click here. 


Below are a number of fiscal items that were debated and voted on during the first two weeks of the executive sessions.  Additional JFC executive session information can be found by accessing the Legislative Fiscal Bureau's website. Please follow the link.  You can also follow the JFC's actions at home by watching coverage on Wisconsin Eye. 


Public Service Commission:


Broadband expansion was a large topic of discussion last session as the Speaker's Task Force on Rural Schools traveled the state to meet with local school district administrators, teachers, parents and taxpayers.  However, broadband is not just an issue that affects schools.  Expansions in broadband will attract more businesses and people to the Northwoods which will boost the local economy.  The  Governor's proposal included $6 million for broadband expansion grants for 2016-17 fiscal year.  The JFC modified the proposal to spread the funds for the broadband expansion grants over four years. 


During the last budget cycle a majority of the broadband expansion grants were allocated to the 34th Assembly District.  Broadband expansion in the Northwoods is an issue that I will continue to advocate for in Madison. 


Department of Natural Resources:


The JFC began voting on portions of the DNR state budget on Wednesday, April 22nd.  The Joint Finance Committee voted to remove 13 vacant positions in the DNR and the appropriated funding.  This will save the Fish and Wildlife Account over a million dollars annually.   


One portion of the discussion focused on deer carcass removal after being struck by a vehicle.  The state will continue to provide funds to DNR to continue this practice.  However, changes were made to the reporting process that occur after a deer is struck by a vehicle.  Previously, a driver would need to complete a paper permit in order to acquire the deer carcass.  The committee voted to change the process which now allows the driver to contact the DNR to report the incident and gain approval to remove the carcass.


Below are a number of items debated and voted on during the DNR portion of the meeting.  The memos were provided and produced by the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. 


Transportation Funding Update:


Last week the Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) released a memo that reevaluated the revenues for the transportation fund.  The LFB confirmed that the revenues for the transportation fund is over $73 million higher than originally estimated.  The additional funds will help lessen the amount of state bonding in the state budget for state highway funding. 


So far this budget season, we've:

· Reduced all funds by $19.5 million
· Reduced GPR spending by $9.7 million
· Reduced the number of Full Time Employees (FTE) positions by 26

Goodman Armstrong Creek School Forest Harvest Day

On Monday, Senator Tom Tiffany, Representative Jeff Mursau, and I attended the School Forest Harvest Day at Goodman Armstrong Creek School Forest.  There were a variety of forestry activities and educational stations set up to show the importance that proper forest management has on society.  The event displayed many of the  forestry activities in the Northwoods, such as wood products, wildlife identification, and firefighting.  It is amazing the amount of technology that is utilized by forestry industry here in rural Wisconsin. 



As many of you know, the forestry industry is the largest employer in seven Wisconsin counties.  Logging provides family sustaining jobs in Northern Wisconsin that benefit the entire local economy.  It is vital to strengthen the industry while providing healthy and maintained forests in Wisconsin.  I would like to thank school superintendent Ben Niehaus for inviting me to attend the forest harvest in Goodman. 



Rep. Swearingen at the forest harvest in Goodman

North Lakeland Elementary Visits State Capitol

On Thursday the North Lakeland Elementary School visited the State Capitol for a tour.  It is always exciting to have children from the Northwoods travel to Madison to view the workings of state government. Please visit again next year!



If school groups plan to visit the state Capitol this Spring, please feel free to contact my office at (608) 266-7141 and my staff will help arrange a tour and photo opportunity. 

Northwoods Rail Transit Commission Meeting

On Friday April 17, I attended the Northwoods Rail Transit Commission meeting in Rhinelander.  The discussion focused on the importance of replacing log rail cars, which will soon be decommission due to age.  Log rail cars are required to be retired after being used for 50 years.  Over the next five years, a large portion of the fleet will be depleted due to such retirements, with no plan by the federal government to replace the log cars.  The Northwoods Rail Transit Commission, a group of northern Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula Michigan counties have devised a strategy to fill the void.  The group submitted an application to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for grant monies to help replace the rail cars. 


In addition, Freight Rail Preservation is always a hot topic come budget season.  Currently the Governor's budget includes $43 million in funding to preserve Wisconsin's rail.  Transporting goods and timber products by rail is very important to preserving our local, county, and state highways and roads from heavy truck loads. 



Discussion at the Northwoods Rail Transit Commission Meeting.

Oneida County Economic Development

This morning I attended a great networking lunch with community business leaders and economic development members at Holiday Acres Resort in Rhinelander. I would like to take a moment to congratulate Phil Albert, Roger Luce and all of the board of directors on another productive year for Oneida County Economic Development.  Today's guest speaker was Division Administrator and Chief Economist for the Department of Revenue, John Koskinen.  John spoke of Wisconsin's recovery from the recession and the importance of Wisconsin manufacturing, especially in the Northwoods.


For more information on Oneida County Economic Development, visit their website, or like them on Facebook.




Roger Luce addressing the crowd this morning.

Bob Knops

Not only did the Northwoods lose and outdoor legend and enthusiast, but a dear family friend last week.  My family was fortunate enough to have celebrated his life with family and friends on Thursday.  Bob, an author and founder of the Fishing Hot Spots Company, was a true and avid outdoorsman.  Spending much of his time on the water in his canoe, "Dr. K" was also known for his fishing expertise and overall love of nature. 



Thoughts and prayers are with his wife of 52 years Carole, his daughter Kristen, and two sons Jeffery and Daniel and their families.

Upcoming Community Events

Please click the following links for upcoming community events!

Spring Aluminum Can Drive: April 25, Lake Tomahawk

Hodag Hops & Vines: April 25, Rhinelander

Live Lobster/Prime Rib Dinner: April 25, Presque Isle

Florence Roadside Clean-Up Day Saturday April 25th: April 25, Florence

Get Your K's On: April 25, Minocqua

Lotto's Log Cabin Outdoor School - Twiggy Welcome Sign: April 25, Eagle River

The Dead Pigeons/Live Music: April 25, Minocqua

Danceworks Unlimited Dance Recital - 23rd Annual: April 25, Eagle River

Northwoods Children's Father Daughter Dance: April 25, Eagle River

Lakeland Community Concert Band: April 26, Minocqua

The Artist's Muse 2015: April 28, Woodruff

Kid's Spring Craft: Bedazzled Branches: April 28, Minocqua

Acoustic Bat Monitor Training: April 28, Manitowish Waters

Minocqua Police Department Citizens Academy: April 28, Minocqua

Community Blood Drive - Conover Lions Club: April 28, Eagle River

Lakeland Art League - Open Painting & Critique: April 29, Woodruff

Trig's Riverwalk Centre Blood Drives: April 29, Rhinelander

Eagle River Farmers' Market - Winter: April 29, Eagle River

Tunesmith Academy: April 29, Rhinelander

Hanson's Herb Basket Class: April 30, Rhinelander

Friday Matinees: May 1, Minocqua

Spring Rummage Sale: May 1, Rhinelander

Artist Display At Vilas County Incubator: May 1, Manitowish Waters

The Nicolet Players present: The Mystery of Edwin Drood: May 1, Rhinelander

Annual Fishing Day Opener Spaghetti Dinner: May 2, Woodruff

North Stars Garden Conference: May 2, Florence

Hiroya Tsukamoto: May 2, Three Lakes

Spring Kick-Off Craft Show: May 2, Rhinelander

Funding the Future of Our Youth Spaghetti Dinner: May 2, Boulder Junction

The Artist's Muse 2015: May 5, Woodruff

Retirement Planning Course: May 5, Rhinelander

Lakeland Art League - Open Painting & Critique: May 6, Woodruff

Brown Bag Series - Loons of the North: May 6, Manitowish Waters

UW Alumni/Science On Tap/A World Without Antibiotics: May 6, Minocqua

Eagle River Farmers' Market - Winter: May 6, Eagle River

Trig's Riverwalk Centre Blood Drives: May 6, Rhinelander

Date With Dad: May 7, Eagle River

YMCA Girl's Night Out: May 7, Rhinelander

Helping Hands Day: May 7, Manitowish Waters

11th Annual Northwoods Birding Festival: May 8, Manitowish Waters

YMCA Family Night: May 8, Rhinelander

High School Art Show: May 8-10, Three Lakes

Please contact me at if you would like to UNSUBSCRIBE from my E-Updates

Office of Representative Rob Swearingen

Room 123 West

PO Box 8953, Madison WI 53708

Office: 608-266-7141

Toll Free: 888-534-0034