The Goyke Report
  • Budget Concludes
  • Parole Commission & Pardon Advisory Board  
  • Summer Celebrations 

Contact Us: 

State Capitol
P.O. Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708 

PH: (608) 237-9118
TF: (888) 534-0018
FAX: (608) 282-3618





Dear Neighbors, 

Hope you are enjoying your summer! I'm excited to be able to spend more time in Milwaukee now that the budget has been voted on and signed. As most of my June was spent working on our state budget, I will spend the majority of this newsletter discussing it as well. 

To also provide more news and daily updates, I post frequently on my official Facebook page. I hope it helps keep you informed. Please feel free to visit my page here. This session I'm expanding my use of twitter as well. This is a link to my twitter page. 

I hope this e-update is helpful. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office at (608) 266-0645. I welcome any feedback or ideas you may have. As always, please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you. 

Evan Goyke
State Representative
18th Assembly District

The Budget Concludes

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After months of debate, the Joint Finance Committee concluded our work in committee on the state budget. Since the Governor introduced his budget, I have fought for important issues - especially increased transportation funding, increased special education funding and the expansion of Medicaid.  Milwaukee was also singled out over and over and I was proud to stand up for you and our community - click HERE to listen to the debate about Milwaukee.


I was honored to appear on UpFront to speak on the state budget, click the image below to watch and see the discussion of how the state budget debate wrapped up. 


Voting on the Floor 

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Click this photo to view my comments on the floor about the budget

The budget, as modified by legislative Republicans, then went before the full Assembly and Senate for consideration and a vote. My colleagues and I were extremely disappointed with many of the changes that were made and therefore opposed the budget as it appeared on the floor.

The legislative Republicans missed opportunities to follow the Governor’s lead and listen to the will of the people. However, this budget still contains the tenants that the governor set—increased spending for education, transportation and healthcare, even if it was less efficient and equitable than the original proposal. With his veto, the Governor has done the best with what he was given and maximized opportunities for investment in our schools, as well as vetoing harmful proposals such as a catastrophic cut to Milwaukee's Shared Revenue.

Final Thoughts 


Overall, this process has been tiring, stressful, but extremely rewarding. I've enjoyed travelling around the state, engaging in debates in committee, and learning more about the details of our state finances. Thank you all for your engagement throughout this process! Some of my favorite moments were hearing your thoughts and concerns—we can never forget that budgets are about people, our priorities and our values—thank you to all that participated and made your stories and your voices heard. 

Parole Commission and Pardon Advisory Board


The governor has taken steps to establish both of these avenues for those seeking relief from a sentence or conviction. The requirements are detailed and the processes for each are very different, but there is plenty of information available online. You are also welcome to contact my office if you have any additional questions! 

Click HERE for more information about the Parole Commission

Click HERE for more information about the Pardon Process

Free Summer Concerts in Milwaukee!

I'd like to highlight two summer concert series near or in the district that are happening this summer. 

Concerts in the Park - Gengler Park 

Hosted by Ascension St. Joseph hospital, these concerts are free but food and beverage sales go to benefit neighborhood schools. Parking is available for free in the hospital parking structure. 

 July 10 and 24, August 7 and 21 5:30-7:30pm

Washington Park Wednesdays - Washington Park 


Featuring a wide variety of types of music, diverse food options and sponsors, Washington Park Wednesdays are one of my favorite summer activities in the district. I hope to see you there! 

Each Wednesday through August 21 at 6pm 

Honoring Juneteenth 

I was honored to attend the celebration in Milwaukee this year and speak to community members about the issues that affect them. Thank you to all that stopped by my booth, I appreciated the chance to talk. thank you also to the hundreds of individuals that signed our petitions in support of expungment reform! I look forward to next year's celebration! 


Happy Fourth of July! 

I had a happy and relaxing weekend spent with my family, and I hope that you did as well! 

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