

  • COVID-19 Response Updates
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Information
  • Local Resources




State Capitol

PO Box 8952

Madison, WI 53708


PH: (608) 237-9118

TF: (888) 534-0018


Email: Rep.Goyke@legis.wi.gov 




Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I hope this message finds you and your family healthy and safe.

Together we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic and advocate for the health, well-being, and safety of our neighbors and families. This update includes information on the COVID-19 response from the State and vaccination information. I have also included a brief update on legislative action here at the Capitol and the majority party’s efforts to overturn the public health emergency and mask mandate.

Please follow my Facebook or Twitter for more frequent updates. I hope they help keep you informed and engaged with what’s going on in Madison and Milwaukee.

As always, I welcome any feedback or ideas you may have. Stay tuned for an update in the near future about further updates and legislative priorities going into the 2021-2022 legislative session. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you.


Evan Goyke

Evan Goyke
State Representative
18th Assembly District

COVID-19 Response Updates

Public health and the safety of Wisconsinites must remain our top priority as we fight this pandemic. This week, my Assembly Republican colleagues worked hard to repeal the statewide mask order and derail the bi-partisan COVID-19 relief bill by injecting it with hyper-partisan changes that will only further delay relief and recovery for our state.

For now, they have failed.


Masks work to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the pending GOP resolution will result in fewer people wearing masks. Fewer people wearing masks means more infections, more hospitalizations, more people dying of COVID-19. We also know that our healthcare workers, schools, businesses, and communities need resources and relief now in order to continue fighting the COVID-19 crisis.

By authoring and attempting to pass these pieces of legislation, my Republican colleagues are choosing politics & ideology over the health and lives of Wisconsinites.

Attempting to end the mask mandate isn’t just about masks. The GOP resolution to end the public health emergency would also result in Wisconsin families losing out on $49 million of federal food benefits, impacting 243,000 households in our state, according to a Legislative Fiscal Bureau memo I requested.

The loss of federal revenue shouldn't overshadow the potential human loss repealing the mask mandate may bring, but it does show that the authors and proponents of the resolution acted only with partisan political motives and pushed forward without doing the basic homework that every public official should do when advancing public policy.

I will continue to support the mask mandate and advocate for your health and safety. I consider this one of the most important duties I have as your State Representative. This battle at the Capitol is far from over. Please stay tuned for future updates.

Today at the State Capitol, I heard from numerous constituents and I spoke with the media about the Republicans' attempt to overturn the mask order. I appreciated all of the engagement and advocacy from Wisconsinites. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

One of our best tools to beat the COVID-19 pandemic will be the vaccine and distributing it to as much of our population as quickly as possible. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is committed to the equitable and fair distribution of the vaccine and is following prioritization guidelines from the Federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (link is external) and the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC).

As vaccine supply and the number of vaccinators increase, phases for distribution will expand and may overlap. The number of vaccines that DHS receives from the federal government can vary by week which impacts the vaccination schedule. 

Expanding Eligible Populations – Last week DHS announced that adults age 65 years and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. DHS estimates that this group consists of more than 700,000 individuals. Phase 1A eligible individuals (e.g. health care providers and long-term care residents), as well as police and fire personnel, also remain eligible. This week, DHS announced the next populations that will be eligible for the vaccine tentatively beginning March 1st. DHS determined eligibility for group 1B based on the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee approving the Recommendations for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Group 1b last week.

Accessing the Vaccine for Populations that are Currently Eligible

How to access the vaccine differs by eligible populations. This information is detailed below and can also be found HERE

Frontline health care personnel

  • Primary vaccinator: Employers
  • If you work within a health care system, you should expect to receive information from your employer about receiving the vaccine.
  • Other options: If you are an EMS worker or not affiliated with a health care system, please visit your local health department’s website.

Residents in skilled nursing and long-term care facilities

  • Primary vaccinator: Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program
  • If you are a resident of a nursing home or assisted living facility, you will likely be vaccinated through the federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program. CVS and Walgreens pharmacies have been contracted to offer onsite COVID-19 vaccination services. This program began vaccinating patients at skilled nursing facilities on December 28 and will begin vaccinating residents of assisted living facilities on January 25.
  • Enrollment into the Pharmacy Partnership for Long Term Care Program has closed. If you are unsure if your facility is enrolled please email DHSCOVIDVACCINATOR@dhs.wisconsin.gov and provide the name and address for the facility. For facilities that are not enrolled in the program please contact your local health department for information.

Police and fire personnel, correctional staff

  • Primary vaccinator: Local health departments
  • Local health departments will lead the coordination for the vaccination of police and fire personnel. Local health departments will work in partnership with local vaccinators, including health care systems and pharmacies. To ensure everyone that is eligible for a vaccine has access to a provider, DHS will work alongside local health departments in coordinating with police and fire associations.

Adults ages 65 and over

  • Primary vaccinators: Health care providers and pharmacies
  • Other options: DHS and local health departments are coordinating additional vaccination options throughout the state. We ask for everyone's patience during this time as vaccination efforts ramp up.


Staying informed for populations not yet eligible - We will continue to provide updates on how populations that become eligible to be vaccinated can access the vaccine.

Milwaukee County Residents - Milwaukee County has a tool that allows you to sign up to be notified when you become eligible for the vaccine and be connected to an approved vaccinator by visiting this site: https://www.healthymke.com/home

Data updates - The Vaccine Distribution Summary has been updated to provide more clarity and transparency on the distribution process. The Shipped category has been replaced with two new categories: Ordered and In transit. Ordered represents the cumulative total number of doses that have been ordered by COVID-19 vaccine providers in Wisconsin and shipped by the federal government from the state’s total allocation. The In-transit category reflects COVID-19 vaccine orders from the previous week that have been shipped by the federal government and are en route to vaccine locations in Wisconsin.

Important Local COVID-19 Resources

During these unprecedented times, I want to make sure that you are connected to the resources that are available in our community. Each e-update will include resources and opportunities that may be helpful for anyone experiencing hardship due to the pandemic. 

2-1-1 Social Service and Community Resource Referral Support through IMPACT, Inc.:

  • Dial 2-1-1, or (414) 773-0211
  • To avoid being charged a long-distance fee, call 2-1-1 toll-free at (866) 211-3380
  • Text your zip code: TXT-211{898-211} Mon- Fri 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
  • Chat online and access the 2-1-1 resource database: https://211wisconsin.communityos.org/
  • Visit: Coordinated Entry for Homeless Services (Navigation Center), 1918 N. 6th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212- Alley Entrance, Walk-in Hours: Tuesdays – Fridays 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM