Sen. Smith’s Statement on Governor Evers’ Veto Action

MADISONToday, Governor Tony Evers signed the 2021-23 state budget into law while using his partial veto authority to make significant improvements for Wisconsin’s children, families and seniors. The budget provides one of the largest tax cuts in Wisconsin state history, delivers historic broadband investments and frees up more dollars for local K-12 schools. Governor Evers also announced today he will be allocating an additional $100 million in federal recovery funds to invest in classrooms across Wisconsin.

Sen. Smith (D – Brunswick) released the following statement in response:

“This budget offers the relief families need after the hardest year we’ve faced in a generation. The governor’s veto pen did a lot of good to a budget that left a lot of Wisconsinites longing for greater investments.

“Republicans spent the last decade making drastic cuts to schools. Even with the unprecedented amount of funding we have available, the Republican Majority shortchanged our K-12 classrooms. I’m proud that Governor Evers has invested $100 million more into our schools and shaped a more equitable budget for Wisconsin kids. We heard loud and clear from Wisconsin families and Main Street businesses that our state needs to invest in children, worker training opportunities and 21st Century infrastructure. My Democratic colleagues and I will continue working with Gov. Evers to prioritize these investments so we can bounce back stronger than before.

“We can still do better for our kids and future generations of Wisconsinites. But first we need fair maps that hold elected officials accountable to pass a budget that truly reflects the will of the People.”
