Sen.Nass - E-Update
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June 2, 2020

Governor and Attorney General Provide Funding to Group Supporting Madison Street Violence

      Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) issued the following statement regarding state funding issued to Freedom, Inc., a Madison based radical group that has issued statements supporting street violence including rioting and looting.  Since 2018, Governor Evers’ Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) provided $732,403 in grant funding and Attorney General Kaul’s Department of Justice (DOJ) issued $876,674 in grant funding, according to an analysis by Dan Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:”


“Freedom, Inc., and its leadership has been very clear in recent days condoning street violence including rioting and looting.  The radical group has regularly called for ending the use of prisons/jails to lock up criminals, removing police officers from public schools and defunding police departments.  Freedom, Inc., is calling for an end to police departments and replacing these agencies with a socialist pipe-dream of community control over society.
The taxpayers of Wisconsin should not be funding any group that supports rioting, looting and actions to terrorize citizens with street violence.  Governor Evers and Attorney General Kaul have the duty to determine that the grant funds they issued to this extremist group are not being used in any way to subsidize the street violence of the last several days.”
* To read Dan Bice's full online column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, click HERE.