Friends and Neighbors,

Our community, state, and country are in desperate need of healing and unity. After the horrible tragedy in Charleston, this has never been more clear. There are those among us whose hearts are filled with hate and the desire to act violently towards those who are not like them.

The end to this violence can only come from understanding one another. We must seek this understanding through community outreach and conversation. These conversations will not be easy, but to live in society of respect and compassion -free of violence- this must occur.

My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in the South Carolina shooting. Charleston lost a leader in State Senator Clementa Pinckney. All nine of these individuals will be in my thoughts.

As always, if you have any topics you would like to see discussed in future issues of the Sargent Voice, please contact me at 608-266-0960 or


Melissa Sargent
State Representative
48th Assembly District

State Budget still in Limbo

Republican legislative leaders remain deadlocked on key parts of Wisconsin’s next state budget with just over a week left until a deadline to have the two-year spending plan in place.

The GOP continues to go back and forth over several issues including:

  • How to finance a new Milwaukee Bucks arena.
  • How to deal with transportation funding (Speaker Vos wants to reduce the borrowing by $800 million).
  • Whether to reform or repeal Wisconsin's prevailing wage law.
  • Whether to eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax.

If a new budget is not in place by June 30, funding levels in the previous budget continue until a new one is enacted.

As the Republicans duke it out in the Capitol trying to balance special interest groups and their legislative priorities in the proposed state budget I am spending as much time as possible in my district talking to my hard working friends and neighbors about what is important to them.

I know that in order for our state to be prosperous and move forward that we must ensure that our policies benefit all people, not just the richest 1%

If you have any budget-related questions, do not hesitate to contact my Capitol office at 608-266-0960 or

Wisconsin waits for Supreme Court Decision

Affordable health care provides people with the security to live their life free of the fear of an illness turning their world upside down.

An upcoming Supreme Court decision, King v. Burwell, could dramatically alter the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In the event of a pro-King decision, states like Wisconsin who have not set up a state-based exchange, would lose their federal subsidies under the ACA.

These subsidies are what make the marketplace plans in the Affordable Care Act, truly affordable for consumers.

I am worried about the health, security, and well-being of my 190,000 friends and neighbors across Wisconsin who currently rely on the federal subsidies under the ACA. We must make sure they are not left out in the cold.

I have sent this letter to DHS Secretary Kitty Rhoades asking her what the department's plan is if the upcoming Supreme Court decision takes away these subsidies. I am also working on legislation that would provide different options for Wisconsin so there is no gap in coverage for people using the marketplace.

Wisconsin Job Numbers down under Walker

According to the latest economic data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wisconsin continues to trail the nation when it comes to job creation.

Under this data, Wisconsin is:

38th in private-sector job growth (8th out of 10 in the Midwest) over the past year.

Wisconsin’s job growth rate over the past year is 1.51%, compared to 2.57% nationally.

35th in private-sector job growth (dead last in the Midwest) over Gov. Walker’s first four years.

Wisconsin’s job growth rate over Gov. Walker’s first four years is 5.7%, compared to 9.3% nationally.

Instead of focusing on creating jobs and stimulating our economy, Republicans have been focused on divisive social issues and paying back out-of-state special interest groups.

We need a budget that invests in education and local infrastructure. Along with my fellow Democrats, I will continue to put forward commonsense plans that invest in our state and grow Wisconsin’s middle class. It’s time for legislative Republicans to stop selling out our state to advance Gov. Walker’s presidential ambitions.

Resolution to Fight Citizens United

The total number of dollars spent on the 2012 election exceeded the number of people on this planet.

About $7 billion was spent by candidates, parties and outside groups on the 2012 election – beating even the unprecedented expected total of $6 billion, according to a review of campaign finance reports by the Federal Election Commission.

This unfathomable amount of money and its influence on our modern political system is why I have been working with my colleagues in the Assembly and Senate on a resolution that would start the process of overturning Citizens United.

Passage of this resolution would allow Wisconsin to join other states across our nation in calling for a convention to propose an amendment to address the unjust influence of powerful economic forces on our elections.

This is a first step in addressing a growing problem and following the convention, a Free and Fair Elections Amendment would still need to be ratified by 75% of the states. Republican and Democratic controlled legislative bodies alike have already passed resolutions calling for this convention, as citizens across the nation become more vocal about the need to restore the integrity of our election process and democracy.

WEDC Accountability Reforms Rejected by GOP

Lawmakers are elected to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.

Sadly, time and time again we have seen the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation waste our hard earned money in an unaccountable fashion. On our last session day, Assembly Republicans rejected a resolution that would have added additional, legislative oversight for this troubled agency.

Simply put, WEDC has failed. They have failed in their mission to create jobs, and they have failed to adhere to repeated calls for stricter oversight and better reporting measures. WEDC has lost money, written off loans, and misused funds on extravagant purchases. Each time they have been audited the results have been, at best, disappointing; and at worst, they have given off the appearance of corruption.

I have serious concerns about WEDC’s continued refusal to follow even their own policies. It is our job as state legislators to ensure that WEDC is acting ethically and within the law. Furthermore, the unsecured loans given to high dollar GOP donors should set off alarm bells for each and every Wisconsinite. It is time for oversight. It is time for accountability. It is time for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to act urgently to fix WEDC.

We do not increase prosperity through pay-to-play politics. We do not increase prosperity by promising jobs but failing to deliver on that promise. To truly increase prosperity we must increase transparency, eliminate corporate welfare, and invest in our people to provide the jobs Wisconsin desperately needs.

Trek Tour

Wisconsin should be doing more for bicycling not less.

Unfortunately the current GOP agenda, that has been bought by special interest groups, is falling to see that bikes and homegrown Wisconsin businesses are a simple solution to complex problems.

I was honored to tour the Trek campus and see firsthand the amazing work being done right here in Wisconsin. It is time to get back to our roots and remember the importance of these "simple solutions".

NESCO Concerts

There is no doubt that the Northside is a special place to live, play, and work.

The Monday concerts in the park are a family favorite - food, dancing, fishing, friends and even root beer floats!

Ladies Must Swing were a hit with my clan (Keanan and I even had a dance and a twirl) I hope we see you at one of the future NESCO concerts:

Click HERE for the upcoming schedule.

Grandview Commons Update

Save The Date Richmond Hill - July 17th, 7PM

If you live in near Grandview Commons or Richmond Hill, a new town center is in the works. If you want your voice heard, there will be meetings in the next month or so. This update comes courtesy of Alder Denise DeMarb.

Alder DeMarb and Alder Amanda Hall met with representatives from Veridian late last week on the Grandview Commons Town Center. Veridian is ready to start the process of working their way through the City process. They tentatively set a date of July 17th at 7PM for the first meeting to talk to neighbors about the development.

Alder DeMarb will be in communication once the meeting time and place have been confirmed.


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June 23, 2015
Issue 56

Contact Me

State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708

Office: (608) 266-0960


On the Web:

Quote of the Week

"Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made."

-Otto von Bismarck

WEDC Loans had no Review

Under Governor Walker’s leadership 26 loans totaling more than $124 million were approved by WEDC without so much as a staff review.

I am appalled at the enormous liability we face due to the careless and irresponsible approach WEDC leadership has taken in carrying out their responsibilities. The fact that WEDC dismissively dumped thousands of pages of documents related to their loan activity late on a Friday afternoon shows their complete disregard for our citizens’ right to know about potential ethical and criminal violations and the ongoing mismanagement of taxpayer funds at Governor Walker’s WEDC.

There are still many unanswered questions and additional pertinent information regarding how many loans were approved over the objections of underwriters that still has not been provided.


Meeting with Housing First

What does homelessness in Wisconsin really look like?

In 2014 in Wisconsin there were 19,741 kids identified and reported as homeless - this number has increased 25% since 2012.

I was moved and motivated as I met with fabulous advocates for affordable housing and homelessness in Wisconsin. I look forward to working on this important issue in the coming months.


In and Around the District

Congrats to the newest Eagle Scout!

I recently received a letter in my office from John - a proud grandpa of a freshly minted Eagle Scout - asking if I would participate in his grandsons recognition.

Did you know that in 2013 only 56,000 young men earned the rank of Eagle. This is truly an elite class of leaders.

Congratulations to Darrian for being one of the 6% of all Boy Scouts who reach the rank of Eagle Scout. It was my honor to be part of your celebration.

Gardner's Bakery Tour

There are so many amazing businesses in the 48th Assembly District, it's hard to list all of them.

I took a tour of Gardner's bakery last week. They have a wonderful operation right on East Washington Ave.

Gardner's employs over 200 people and is a proud union shop. These are good-paying, family-supporting jobs. The average length of employment is over 14 years, and the workers are proud to work for this company that values them.

And in case you were wondering, this location makes fabulous bread and a variety of buns.


Did You Know?

Fun Wisconsin Fact

Wisconsin repealed its laws enforcing Prohibition in 1929, four years before the nation as a whole. In fact, the 21st Amendment, which did away with Prohibition nationwide, was authored by Wisconsin senator John J. Blaine.


Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Our local government's directly help our vulnerable citizens. Especially as Wisconsin uses a county-based human services system. Our elderly neighbors deserve our respect and our care.

Last week, Keanan and I visited the pinwheels at LakeView Hill to honor World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

The purpose of this day is to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect.


Capitol Visitors

Girl Scout Troop

Youth voice strengthens our communities and brightens our future.

I loved meeting with this group of Girl Scouts from Racine. I told them that they are leaders, and they can do whatever they want in their life.

If you have a troop in your neighborhood you would like me to meet with please reach out to me at 608-266-0960 or

People Program

The path towards higher education provides our future generations the freedom to live a prosperous life.

I was thrilled to be able to meet with the student from the People Program (Pre-College Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence) last week.

The People Program's mission is to help students successfully make each transition from middle school to high school and from high school to college. Approximately 1,300 students currently participate in the PEOPLE Program ranging from second grade through undergraduate college level. We began in 1999 with 66 eager ninth-graders from Milwaukee public high schools who are now completing college degrees and entering the workforce. The People Program has admitted 359 students to the UW–Madison under our scholarship program.

Together, we can make college accessible to more students of color and/or those from low-income families.