Friends and Neighbors,

It's hard to believe this will be the final issue of the Sargent Voice until 2015. This year has been an eventful one. While November's election results were discouraging for progressives, we must move on with a unified voice in the new year.

I, for one, love my community more each day. This pushes me to work even harder to affect the kind of positive change that we need in the state capitol. Government is here to afford people the freedom and opportunity to lead a successful, independent life. In the end, we are a collective. The 'Public' exists to help the most vulnerable among us, and to help people realize the goal of private prosperity.

I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. Together, we can make 2015 better than the past, with an eye toward the future.

As always, if you have something you would like to see in future issues of the Sargent Voice, please contact me at 608-266-0960 or


Melissa Sargent
State Representative
48th Assembly District

GOP wants new tax cuts for the wealthy

Wisconsin must work to create a tax system that works for everyone. One in which everyone pays their fair share.

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) and Republican legislators are pushing to eliminate the state's top income tax bracket of 7.65 percent, a rate paid by individuals earning $240,190 per year or more and married couples earning $320,250 per year or more.

If eliminated, the highest rate would be just 6.27 percent. Eliminating the top tax rate will reduce state revenues by $250 million dollars per year.

Minimum Wage Effort Continues


                         (click to enlarge)

Each and every Wisconsinite who works full-time should have the ability to receive family sustaining wages. A $15 minimum wage would provide workers the opportunity to live a life free of government dependence.

I was proud to, once again, stand in solidarity with fast food workers on strike this week. Brave men and women walked off the job in protest of their low wages. Wisconsin is lagging behind the national average in wage growth, and I support our workers’ efforts to fight for a livable wage.

White House Visit

The freedom to access a clean glass of water and breath air that doesn't cause asthma are human rights.

The gift of a world that understands the impacts of clean energy investments and global trade policy to our future generations is imperative.

I was in Washington DC last week with the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators at the White House Summit discussing these important topics with leaders from around the country.

We must do better. Our Mother Earth and babies not yet born depend on us.

Gov. Walker's Immigration Lawsuit

America deserves a commonsense immigration process that reflects the American values of freedom, opportunity, and security. This includes a roadmap for new Americans, and some immigrants who are already in the country, towards citizenship.

Unfortunately, Governor Walker joined sixteen other states last Wednesday to block President Obama’s efforts on immigration reform. Although we’ve come to expect political theatrics like this from Walker, his latest stunt to catapult himself into the national limelight is no less disappointing.

We’re a nation built on the backs of immigrants, and Wisconsin is no exception.

Immigrants are vital to our state’s economy, accounting for almost half of all hired dairy employees and thousands of others working in our canning, food processing, and agriculture industries. In fact, removing unauthorized immigrants in Wisconsin would result in the loss of:

  • $2.6 billion in economic activity
  • $1.2 billion in gross state product
  • 14,579 jobs


Rapid Growth of Taxpayer Subsidized Private Schools


We need a strong public education system to provide each and every child the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential in life.

Sadly, the total number of students receiving taxpayer subsidized private-school tuition vouchers in Wisconsin is nearing 30,000

Wisconsin has sadly become a leading state in this system of giving taxpayer money to fund the private education of students who were often already enrolled in the school to begin with.

Wisconsin taxpayers should not have to further fund unaccountable private schools. Voucher Programs are estimated to cost Wisconsin taxpayers $211 million dollars for the 2014-'15 school year. If left unchecked, voucher expansion will continue to erode our public schools.

Rhythm and Boom on 'Indefinite Hold'

After 22 years as a staple of our community, Rhythm & Booms has been put on an “indefinite hold” after unsuccessfully reaching a fundraising goal of $400,000. The event was held on the Northside for years until being moved downtown this past summer.

I am hopeful that we will see Rhythm and Booms again in future years as it is something that families from all around the Midwest have come to enjoy.

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Dec. 15, 2014
Issue 43

Contact Me

State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708

Office: (608) 266-0960


On the Web:

Quote of the Week

"To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people."

-James Monroe

In the Capitol

Inauguration 2015

Per statute, inauguration will begin promptly at 2:00pm on Monday, January 5, 2015 in the Assembly Chambers in the State Capitol.

If you, or anyone you know would like to come and attend, I can attempt to get extra tickets through my office; though they are extremely limited due to space.

As you plan your day, there will be complementary tours of the Capitol at 9am, 10am, and 11am that morning.

I am honored to continue serving as your state representative. Never hesitate to reach out to my office at or 608-266-0960.


In the District

Northside Community Meal

Breaking bread with your neighbors makes for a stronger community -

My family along with the Northside Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are helped the Northside Planning Council serve and host our community meal at Warner Park Community Center last week. I thank the Planning Council for all the important work they do.


Facts About Wisconsin Christmas Trees

Economic impact of the Christmas tree industry in Wisconsin $50 million

Christmas trees harvested in Wisconsin annually 1.8 million

Number of wreaths & garland made each year in Wisconsin over 600,000

Acres of Christmas trees in Wisconsin: 36,000

Christmas tree farms in Wisconsin: 1,387

Principal trees grown in Wisconsin: Balsam Fir, Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine, White Pine and Spruce, including White, Black Hills, Colorado Blue

Wisconsin is ranked 5th in the number of trees harvested across the nation. The top five are Oregon, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Courtesy of the Wisconsin Christmas Tree Producers Association


Early Childhood

I thought the findings of a recent national poll on early childhood education were extremely enlightening. The poll, conducted by the bipartisan team of Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates, shows that investing in early childhood education is a national priority.

National Results: The poll shows that 71% of voters support greater investment in early childhood education, with strong support from Democrats, Republicans and Independents. It also shows that giving children a strong start is extremely important to 85% of Americans.

I am thrilled that the President has recently announced his commitment to ensuring every child has access to quality childcare. He is calling on Congress to act in a bi-partisan manner stating 'This is an issue bigger than politics'. I look forward to carrying this message for him in Wisconsin.