The Sargent Voice

Friends and Neighbors,

Now that our legislative session calendar has slowed down, I've been thrilled to be able to get out and speak with my constituents. Each day that I knock on doors throughout the beautiful 48th Assembly district, I hear about how the past three years in the Capitol have not reflected their shared values. Many are worried that their children will not receive the same quality, public education that they had as a child. Many are concerned that they will be kicked off of BadgerCare due to Governor Walker's ill advised decision to turn down millions in federal dollars to help insure all of our citizens.  Many are worried that the GOP's social agenda has become so extreme and intolerant that even the most basic women's health care is at risk. And finally, homeowners all over the district are troubled that their property taxes are set to increase due to the recently passed budget. 

I share these same concerns, but I tell my neighbors and friends that we cannot give up, and that we must continue to work hard everyday. Not just to spread our message, and to fight for the things we believe in; but also to work toward a common ground with those who we disagree with more often than not. Moving into the fall legislative floor period, I believe there are things we can all agree on if we roll up our sleeves and work hard.

As Presidnet John F. Kennedy once said 'Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.' My hope is that the Republican majority will take heed of this message of our human commonality.


CSG Midwest


This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Council of State Government's Midwestern Legislative Conference held in St Paul, MN.

I joined state and provincial lawmakers from across the region in exploring issues of importance to the Midwest with nationally renowned experts.

We also heard from inspiring and motivating individuals such as Ann Bancroft, who was the first woman to reach the North Pole by sled and on foot, and the leader of her own foundation whose vision is for every girl and woman to achieve their goals.

More than 600 people attended this annual event, which, luckily for my sons, offered numerous family-friendly activities while I was busy learning about creating jobs and improving the economy across Wisconsin. I am looking forward to putting this newfound information to better serve the 48th Assembly district.

Mining Company Armed Guards Found to be Unlicensed

I expressed immediate concerns earlier this month over Gogebic Taconite's placing of armed guards in and around the mining site, where Wisconsin citizens could be at risk.  It was quickly discovered that this company, Bulletproof Securities, was not even licensed to operate in Wisconsin.

The local citizens were justifiably outraged and there were numerous run-ins with these guards who remained masked. 


This is yet another action by a corporation that seems content to treat the locals as adversaries, rather than community allies.  After this, how can we be assured GTAC will follow the laws to protect our pristine lands and waters, as they have promised?

Tips for Dealing with Extreme Heat

Summer in Wisconsin is an amazing time of year, but extreme heat can be very dangerous, leading to heat stroke and death.

Heat stroke occurs when your temperature rises quickly and your body cannot cool down. This condition is life-threatening, but it is preventable.

Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness:

  • Stay in air-conditioned space if possible. If your home is not air-conditioned, go to a public library, heat-relief shelter, or other cool location.

  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids (check with your doctor if you are usually supposed to limit your fluids).

  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing.

  • Cut back on exercise.

  • Closely watch those who are at high risk of heat-related illness, including older adults, young children, and individuals with physical and/or mental illnesses.

  • NEVER leave anyone in an enclosed, parked vehicle.

If you believe that you or someone else may be suffering from heat stroke or another heat-related illness, get help right away. It could be a life or death emergency.

Redistricting reform study by Common Cause
Shows the need for immediate action

Cost to Taxpayers for Current Redistricting Process?: $2 million+
Cost to Taxpayers for Redistricting Reform Like Iowa Has? $0

The cost to Wisconsin taxpayers for the 2011 redistricting process - the most partisan, uncompetitive, secretive and expensive in Wisconsin's history -- is $2 million and rising. And sadly, Wisconsin now has zero competitive congressional seats.

All eight current U.S. House districts in our state are considered "safe" for the political party currently occupying them. In the State Assembly, just 15 of 99 fall into the "competitive" category. In the State Senate -- just three (or possibly four) of 33 seats are competitive.

(click picture on the right to enlarge)


I am strongly in favor of adopting the Iowa model of redistricting. As you can see by looking at the maps above, when using a non-partisan approach, you end up with fair districts based on population, not political leaning. I have been proud to stand with my Freshman colleagues in support of this redistricting bill. We will continue to push for fair elections moving forward.

I look forward to working with Common Cause and other groups fighting for this very necessary change to our redistricting process.

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July 23, 2013
Issue 13

Contact Me

State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708

Office: (608) 266-0960


On the Web:

Freshman Caucus Highlight

Representative Eric Genrich represents the 90th Assembly District which makes up the majority of the city of Green Bay.

Eric previsouly worked for State Senator Dave Hansen and began work on a Masters in Library Science from UW-Milwaukee which he completed in 2010.

During this time, Eric married his wife Emily and in 2008 they moved back to Green Bay to start their family. They now live on the west side of Green Bay and have two children, Henry and Ameila.

Eric is a former Information Technology Librarian at the Brown County Library and he serves on the Executive Committee for Neighborworks Green Bay, a local housing nonprofit. He is also a member of the Fisk Addition Neighborhood Association.

Representative Genrich is a fabulous addition to the Assembly and I look forward to working with him for years to come!

Find Rep. Genrich on Facebook

In the Capitol


Ultrasound bill restraining order extended!

The recently passed law requiring abortionists in Wisconsin to have admitting privileges to hospitals within 30 miles of the office remains suspended, due to a decision from U.S. District Judge William Conley.


This bill would have a huge impact on women in Wisconsin. And as the judge commented, we have women who are traveling upwards of six hours to receive access to care. To shut down two of the four remaining abortion centers and greatly reduce the capacity at the other two would have a long-term negative impact on women's health care in our state.

Judge Conley filed a previous restraining order on July 8th, and this new temporary restraining order lasts for two weeks. At that time, Judge Conley will decide whether to file a preliminary injunction which would suspend the law until a final trial is completed, during that time.


Rep. Sargent named Women Legislators’ Lobby (WiLL) State Director

I am honored to be named the Wisconsin State Director of the Women's Legislators' Lobby. WiLL is a nonpartisan network of women state legislators who work together to influence federal policy and budget priorities. I hope to work with all the female legislators in both the Assembly and Senate to find common goals that we can bring to Wisconsin's Congressional delegation.


In the Districtt

Fire Station 13 Ground- Breaking

I was honored to attend the ground-breaking ceremony for Fire Station Station 13 on the east side of Madison this week. The public will be well served by this new facility that will keep our community safe, and provide a wonderful working environment for our public safety employees.

I'm already looking forward to the ribbon cutting next spring!!

Doing 'doors' in the 48th Assembly District

With the weather now cooperating, I have been out every week knocking on doors throughout our Assembly District. Myself, along with my staff, went to 866 households just last week!

If you would like to join Team Sargent to help us hand out legislative contact cards and surveys, please email or call 608-266-0960.

If you would like to fill out my legislative survey, please click HERE.