June 25, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day this past weekend! Republicans in the legislature still remain at an impasse regarding Governor Walker's budget. This week's e-update highlights a few of the recent budget headlines, June Dairy Breakfasts, recent job creation numbers, the Under the Dome update, Wisconsin DNR news, and a new business of the week.


I hope you find this information helpful, and don't forget to get out and enjoy all of the fun upcoming events in western Wisconsin.



Jennifer K. Shilling
State Senator | 32nd District






Photo: My husband Chris and sons Nathan and Zachary.

Happy Father's Day Chris!


Celebrate June Dairy Month


Left Photo: Despite the rainy weather there was a large crowd at the Crawford County Dairy Breakfast. I had a great time serving coffee to folks as they arrived. Thank you to the Jelinek family for being excellent hosts! ‪


Right Photo: Rain couldn't stop area residents from attending the Vernon County Dairy event either. There was great turnout and everyone enjoyed hearing the famed farm broadcaster Orion Samuelson. Thank you to Eness family for being fantastic hosts! ‪

Statement on King v. Burwell decision

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of upholding another key component of the Affordable Care Act in the King v. Burwell case.

With today’s ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that repealing the Affordable Care Act would have a devastating impact on people throughout Wisconsin and across the country. As a result of this ruling, tens of thousands of Wisconsinites will continue to have the security of access to affordable health care.

Today is a big step forward, but more work is needed to improve access to critical health care services and lower the cost of care for everyone in our state. It is time for Wisconsin to join the 30 other states across the country – states that are governed by both Democrats and Republicans – and accept federal funding to strengthen BadgerCare. This commonsense measure would lower health care costs for everyone and save state taxpayers an estimated $360 million over the next two years.

Badger State ranks dead last in Midwest job growth




According to the latest economic data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wisconsin continues to trail the nation when it comes to job creation. Under Republican control, Wisconsin ranks dead last in the Midwest for job creation, dead last for new business start-ups and dead last in middle class growth.

The Republican plan to cut more from our local schools, limit access to affordable health care and delay construction projects will only compound Wisconsin’s problems. We need a budget that invests in education, worker training and local infrastructure. Democrats continue to put forward commonsense plans that invest in our state and grow Wisconsin’s middle class. It’s time for legislative Republicans to stop selling out our state to advance Gov. Walker’s presidential ambitions.


News Coverage of Republican Budget Proposal

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Too many surprises in this state budget
There is sound speculation that the Legislature won't approve a state budget until possibly mid-July or perhaps even August. The main hang-ups appear to be Republican squabbles over how to fund the state's transportation needs and how to fund construction of a new arena in downtown Milwaukee. But there's another problem with this budget: It's so full of non-budget dead weight that it's kind of amazing it doesn't just sink of its own accord. –Read Full Article


Racine Journal Times editorial: Gov. Walker needs to tend to things at home
Pssst, Governor Walker, the home fires need a little tending. While we know that being a not-yet-formally-announced candidate for president is a taxing job that requires a lot of travel, there is still the matter of doing the job that you already have. And that’s being governor of the state of Wisconsin. -Read Full Article

Washington Post: As budget fight drags on at home, Wisconsin’s Scott Walker goes abroad
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker arrived in this historic Canadian city, known for its regal architecture and French cuisine, late last week for a six-day trade mission. But back home in Madison, an intense standoff over the governor’s program-slashing budget dragged on. –Read Full Article


Capital Times: Parents of students with disabilities: Take special needs vouchers out of the budget
As parents of students with disabilities, we have fought for years to protect robust public education for children across Wisconsin. We have repeatedly raised our voices to defeat the harmful special needs voucher bills that keep surfacing in Madison, pushed by big money from out of state. –Read Full Article

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: GOP leaders in Legislature squabble about budget impasse
The squabbling between Republicans over the stalled state budget on Thursday spilled out from their private talks and into the public eye. –Read Full Article

The Daily Reporter: Republicans squabble over transportation funding talks
In a highly unusual move Thursday, two Republican leaders in the state Assembly issued a press release calling a fellow Republican state senator “disingenuous” in comments she made about ongoing private budget negotiations. –Read Full Article

WBAY: Concern Grows over Local Road Projects as Transportation Talks Continue
The future of Wisconsin’s transportation funding is still unclear. State lawmakers have not yet come up with a deal and there’s a growing concern in Northeast Wisconsin about the possibility of road projects being stalled if a deal isn’t reached by July 1. –Read Full Article

Capital Times: Closed-door budget negotiations: What's old is new again
In politics, one can sometimes play "choose your own cliche," which is only slightly less fun than those "choose your own adventure" books. What's old is new again. The more things change, the more they stay the same. You get the point. And such is the case with the closed door negotiations aimed at breaking Republicans' impasse on issues like transportation funding and funding a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks, all in the hope of passing the state budget on time. –Read Full Article

Tomah Journal: Editorial - Walker breaking Tomah schools, not fixing them
Four years ago, public schools in Tomah were broken. That, in effect, is what Gov. Scott Walker is telling a national audience as he runs for president. In an extraordinary column in the Des Moines Register, Walker wrote, “In 2011, we changed that broken system in Wisconsin.” Walker led with the story of Megan Samson, a first-year Milwaukee teacher who won a teaching award only to receive a layoff notice. Never mind that school boards, due to the uncertainty of the state budget process, routinely send out layoff notices only to bring teachers back (which happened in Samson’s case) or that Samson herself has asked Walker to stop using her as a political prop. –Read Full Article

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Senate support for Scott Walker's budget is razor thin
Gov. Scott Walker's budget hangs by a gossamer thread in the GOP-controlled state Senate, where "no" votes from just three lawmakers within his own party would be enough to derail his spending plan. –Read Full Article

New York Times: Scott Walker, Promising ‘Bold Leadership,’ Faces G.O.P. Discord in Wisconsin
As Gov. Scott Walker prepares to announce for president next month, promising to bring what he calls “big bold leadership” to Washington, as he did in Wisconsin, he faces a cloud over that narrative: Republicans back home are in revolt. -Read Full Article


Around the District 


Left Photo: I had the opportunity to tour the open house for the Western Technical College Hydro Power Station in Sparta. The Hydro Power Station focuses on sustainable and green projects that will serve as learning opportunities for students. It will also help to reduce the College's own carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. Right Photo: It was a pleasure to attend the ground breaking for the new George C. Poage park in La Crosse. Mr. Poage, was the son of slaves and became the first African American to win an Olympic medal in 1904. The dedication also celebrated Juneteenth Day, the oldest nationally celebrated day to commemorate the end of slavery.


Weekly Democratic radio address: "Invest in students, not special interests" 

Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) offered last weeks Democratic radio address. In his radio message, Sen. Erpenbach highlighted the recent Republican proposal to raise taxes on middle class families to fund a new giveaway for millionaires in Wisconsin.

"After historic cuts to our local schools, Republicans want to make it easier for wealthy special interests to cheat our system. Their plan is not only fiscally irresponsible, but it’s bad for our economy." - Sen. Jon Erpenbach

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:


State Capitol Update - A recap of recent votes "Under the Dome"

This update is being provided to help keep citizens informed about important decisions happening at the State Capitol and to stay updated on how elected officials are voting on key issues in Madison.

Senate Regular Session - June 9
                      The State Senate met in regular session on June 9 to take up several legislative proposals. A full list of bills and proposals on the Senate Calendar can be found here.

Honoring the life and service of Wisconsin State Trooper Trevor Casper (SJR 40)
Summary: The Senate and Assembly took up a resolution honoring Wisconsin State Trooper Trevor Casper who was killed in the line of duty earlier this year while trying to apprehend a robbery suspect. Trooper Casper’s family and law enforcement officers were present to accept the Legislature’s condolences.
How they voted: SJR 40 was adopted unanimously by the full Senate and Assembly.

Appointment of Michael Grebe to the UW Board of Regents
Summary: Gov. Walker appointed the son of his campaign chairman to the UW Board of Regents. Democratic legislators objected to this appointment given Mr. Grebe’s political campaign connections and his support for the proposed $250 million cut to the UW System.
How they voted: The appointment was confirmed by the Republican majority on a 19-14 party-line vote.

Abortion Ban (SB 179)
Summary: This proposal would place greater restrictions on abortion care and prevent health professionals from delivering the highest standard of medical care to victims of rape and incest and women experiencing rare or unexpected pregnancy complications. SB 179 was overwhelmingly opposed by the medical community which objected to the political intrusions into the physician-patient relationship and cited the dangerous situations this bill would create.
How they voted: SB 179 was passed by the Republican majority on a 19-14 party-line vote.

Town road construction and maintenance expenditures (SB 118)
Summary: This bill, which is supported by the Wisconsin Towns Association and the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, removes the limits on town expenditures for material and equipment for construction and maintenance of highways. Town boards would have the ability, if necessary, to modify their road construction and maintenance budget throughout the year by a vote of the board while still adhering to levy limits.
How they voted: SB 118 was passed with bi-partisan support on a voice vote.

Notification of school attendance and habitually truant students (SB 122)
Summary: Currently, schools must notify the parents of a student who is habitually truant by certified or registered mail. This bill, which is supported by several Republican and Democratic co-sponsors, adds first class mail as a notification option and allows the attendance officer to simultaneously notify parents electronically. These changes will simplify and modernize the truancy notification process while maximizing contact with parents so that they have more information about their child’s performance.
How they voted: SB 122 was passed with bi-partisan support on a voice vote.

Assembly Regular Session - June 9
The State Assembly met in regular session on June 9 to take up several legislative proposals. A full list of bills and proposals on the Assembly Calendar can be found here.

WEDC Transparency and Oversight (AR 11)
Summary: Recent audits and investigative reports have raised concerns regarding a questionable loan to one of Gov. Walker’s top campaign donors. Despite public record laws, it is believed that documentation surrounding this loan was either lost, withheld from lawmakers or destroyed. Democrats introduced AR 11 to require Gov. Walker and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to submit records and documents regarding all unsecured WEDC loans, loans issued over concerns of underwriters and those for which underwriting is missing or not complete.
How they voted: AR 11 was rejected by the Republican majority on a 63-36 party-line vote.

Local Business of the Week!


I always enjoy visiting locally owned businesses throughout the 32nd Senate District and will be highlighting a different local business in each e-update. What better way to celebrate June Dairy Month than to highlight the Coulee Region's very own Westby Cooperative Creamery!

Since 1903 the Westby Co-op Creamery offers a variety of high-quality culture and hard cheese, dips, yogurts, sour creams and organic products. As a farmer owned business, more than 100 farmers and their families supply milk daily to the creamery. They share a philosophy in ensuring the best welfare to their animals.

Get some squeaky cheese curds today from the Westby Cooperative Creamery!

Dems renew call for WEDC investigation as GOP remains silent

A Friday evening document dump by officials at Gov. Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) confirmed that top administration officials were responsible for steering taxpayer dollars to at least one high-profile campaign donor. Despite ongoing calls for an independent investigation into these troubling revelations, Republican leaders have resisted further scrutiny.

It’s concerning that Gov. Walker and Republican legislative leaders remain silent as this scandal continues to worsen. The latest round of records prove that dozens of loans were rushed through the approval process by top administration officials without proper oversight.

Gov. Walker has opposed efforts to have the WEDC Board immediately review questionable loans and possible corruption.

If crimes have been committed, taxpayers deserve to know. I appreciate the efforts of Rep. Barca and Sen. Lassa to uncover the truth and press for action. Rather than dragging their feet and opposing additional oversight, we need Republican leaders to help us get to the bottom of this mess.


You can check out the Capital Times full article here.

 Summer in Wisconsin!


If your family is looking for a fun summer activity, look no further than the beautiful Great River Road. We have a lot of great places to visit in western Wisconsin! Travel Wisconsin recently highlighted the five Mississippi River towns to explore and places and events to attend.  

I'm happy to see Travel Wisconsin featuring 32nd Senate District gems - Stoddard, De Soto, Ferryville, Lynxville and Prairie du Chien.

As Mark Twain once said, "Piloting on the Mississippi River was not work to me; it was play – delightful play, vigorous play, adventurous play – and I loved it."

Wisconsin DNR Updates

Wood in the water gaining wider welcome
The benefits of wood in the water have long been known to natural resource managers; now, growing numbers of citizens appear to be taking an active interest in the subject. -Read Full Article


New and improved bird hunting dog training license now available
Training dogs for bird hunting is a popular activity throughout Wisconsin, and an improved licensing process coupled with new public lands open for dog training will make it easier than ever to prepare your dogs for hunting season. -Read Full Article


DNR launches improved meetings and hearings calendars
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has launched updated and improved calendars listing upcoming public meetings and public hearings conducted by the agency. -Read Full Article


Recently Introduced Legislation

If you are interested in legislation that is being introduced, the Wisconsin Legislative website posts bills as they are being introduced in the Senate and Assembly. Check it out and stay informed!  

Calendar of Events




6/25 Bethel Home Strawberry Social Viroqua
6/27 Wild Mississippi River Cruises Prairie du Chien
6/28 Bits and Pieces Prairie du Chien
6/28 American Indian History and Culture on the Upper Mississippi Cruise Prairie du Chien
6/28 Bike the Barns - Driftless Sparta
7/1 Concerts in the Park Sparta
7/3 Whopatooli Summer Party Sparta
7/1-7/6 Villa Louis Wisconsin Women of Style Prairie du Chien
7/3-7/4 Stump Dodger Dash Gays Mills
7/3-7/4 La Farge's Annual 4th of July Celebration La Farge
7/4 Eastman 4th of July Celebration Eastman
7/1-/7/4 Riverfest La Crosse
7/8 Pub Run: Howie's on La Crosse La Crosse
7/8 Cheeseburgers, Ride, Ales, and Pins Weekly Bicycle Ride La Crosse
7/8 La Crosse Concert Band 2015 (98th Season) La Crosse
7/10-7/12 43rd Annual Trempealeau Lions Catfish Days Trempealeau
7/11 Seneca Ridge and Valley Rally Seneca
7/11 Chamber of Commerce Annual Fireworks Prairie du Chien
7/11 7th Annual Youth Outdoor Fest La Crosse
7/11 Summer Contra Dance La Farge
7/12 Bethel Oaks Memory Care Home Dedication Viroqua
7/18 Viroqua Triathlon 2015 Viroqua
7/18 Driftless Music Festival Viroqua
7/18-7/19 War of 1812 Re-enactment Prairie du Chien
7/18 5 Mile Run/3 Mile Walk Prairie du Chien
7/22-7-25 Crazy Days Prairie du Chien
7/25 Coon Creek Trout Fest Coon Valley
7/25 River Bluff Daze Ferryville
7/31-8/1 Prairie Dog Blues Festival Prairie du Chien


I apologize if any upcoming events in the area were left off. If you would like me to include an event in future e-updates, please email me the date, location and a website with details.

Senator Jennifer Shilling
P.O. Box 7882 - Madison, WI 53707

phone: 608.266.5490   

email: sen.shilling@legis.wi.gov


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