March 5, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


March is already off to a busy start with agency budget briefings in front of the Joint Finance Committee. This e-update highlights concerns with Right to Work legislation, my Save SeniorCare petition, DNR updates and a new business of the week!


I hope you find this information helpful, and don't forget to get out and enjoy all of the fun upcoming events in western Wisconsin!



Jennifer K. Shilling
State Senator | 32nd District



Overwhelming Opposition to GOP Legislation

Thousands of Wisconsin workers and business owners gathered at the State Capitol to express their united opposition to a Senate Republican proposal that would lower worker wages, decrease workplace safety and cut funding from high-demand worker training programs.

Public testimony on Senate Bill 44 is overwhelmingly opposed to the bill with many workers testifying about their opposition to lower wages. Wisconsin employers also spoke against the bill and the negative effect it will have on worker training programs. They noted that without access to skilled workers, they would be unable to operate safe, successful and profitable operations.

Wisconsin workers and local businesses have been clear in their overwhelming opposition to this bill. So-called ‘Right to Work’ legislation undermines our economic partnerships and increases costs for taxpayers at a time when Republicans should be focused on fixing their $2.2 billion budget crisis.

Over the past week, Wisconsin residents and media outlets have questioned why several Senate Republicans have flip-flopped their position on RTW legislation. After repeatedly calling this issue a distraction, several Republican Senators have changed their position and sided with out-of-state special interests who want to drive down family wages.

Wisconsin workers and business owners have spoken loud and clear. They don’t want this misguided government intrusion into private business contracts.


Click here to sign the petition if you think 'Right to Work' is Wrong for Wisconsin


Minnesota capitalizes on WI GOP "Bad-for-Business" legislation

As Wisconsin Republicans continue to rush legislation that reduces worker pay and decreases workplace safety, Minnesota is looking to capitalize. In a press release, Minnesota's Job Growth and Energy Affordability Committee Chairman Rep. Pat Garofalo (R-Farmington) announced that he has “extended an invitation to two Wisconsin businesses offering assistance relocating their headquarters to Minnesota.”

According to Rep. Garofalo's statement, "Wisconsin's Right To Work legislation would negatively impact the private contracts between these companies and the unions they have voluntarily decided to partner with. It's heavy-handed and the wrong for Wisconsin to inject government into these private contractual relationships that has worked well for private companies for decades."

While Wisconsin Republicans have made deep cuts to schools and worker training programs, Minnesota took a different approach and invested in education, expanded access to affordable health care and raised their minimum wage to encourage economic growth. As a result, Minnesota is outperforming Wisconsin in terms of job creation, business climate and family income. And because of their growth, Minnesota has a $1.87 billion budget surplus while Gov. Walker and Legislative Republicans in Wisconsin are struggling to address a self-inflicted $2.2 billion budget deficit.

We cannot afford to lose more businesses and workers in Wisconsin because of the misguided and harmful legislation being rushed through by Republicans. We need to stop driving out businesses and start putting Wisconsin families first by strengthening our schools, boosting family wages and investing in our communities.


Senate Democrats launch petition drive to Save SeniorCare

Democrats are continuing to pressure Republican legislators to save SeniorCare and block Gov. Walker’s proposed $15 million cut to the popular prescription drug program. I have been a longtime supporter of the SeniorCare program and I am urging concerned citizens to sign an online petition at to make their voices heard.

For years, we’ve been able to find bipartisan support for this vital and cost-saving prescription drug program. Now that Gov. Walker is again proposing to limit access and make deep cuts, it’s important that Wisconsin residents share their concerns at and help protect access to affordable prescription medications.

A similar SeniorCare petition drive in 2011 collected thousands of signatures and helped to successfully block Gov. Walker’s proposed cuts. I hope to replicate that effort and help educate the public about the positive impact of the SeniorCare program.

Gov. Walker’s proposal to kick people off of SeniorCare and force them into the more expensive and complicated Medicare Part D plan doesn’t make sense for Wisconsin seniors or taxpayers. By negotiating lower prices with pharmaceutical companies, our state has been able to save taxpayers money and provide seniors with affordable access to the prescription drugs they depend on. We should continue to support Wisconsin seniors and expand access to quality health care services.

SeniorCare provides reliable access to affordable prescription medication for approximately 85,000 Wisconsin residents aged 65 or older. Unlike Medicare Part D, SeniorCare has a simple enrollment process, a low enrollment fee, income-based deductibles and co-payments of just $5 for generic medications.

In addition to the online petition at, I will be collecting signatures in my district office at 205 5th Ave. S. Suite 312 in La Crosse.


Click here to sign the Save SeniorCare petition



Around the District

Left: Representative Steve Doyle and I had the opportunity to speak with the School District of La Crosse school board. We discussed various education issues and budget cut concerns. Right: I had a great time meeting with local residents from Kwik Trip, METCO and Hillsboro High School. 


News Coverage of Gov. Walker's Budget Proposal

During the past few weeks, various aspects of Governor Walker's budget have been brought to the forefront. These proposals make drastic changes to our UW schools, FamilyCare Program, and to many state departments.

You can read some of the budget news coverage here:

Advocates: Walker's budget could hurt programs for disabled
— Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed cuts to programs that help people with disabilities live independently are being criticized as potentially devastating by advocates and those who use the services. - Read Full Article

Lawmakers have yet to scratch surface on Scott Walker budget changes
-With Scott Walker weighing a presidential run, lawmakers considering a controversial union bill, and state universities staring down a $300 million cut, some of the major changes in the governor's budget proposal aren't getting much ink. - Read Full Article

Faith group says lawmakers should slow down on right-to-work
- Wisconsin's largest coalition of Christian churches called on lawmakers Wednesday to halt the fast-tracking of the right-to-work legislation that is expected to be approved by the Senate in an extraordinary session Wednesday. -Read Full Article

Scott Walker budget gives governor more control over hiring
- The agency charged with weeding out political patronage and overseeing Wisconsin's merit hiring system would be brought more fully under Gov. Scott Walker's control, under his proposed budget bill. - Read Full Article

Cathy Stepp tells panel DNR may sell naming rights to state parks
Wisconsin will consider selling naming rights to state parks to help them operate without tax support as proposed under Gov. Scott Walker’s biennial budget, Department of Natural Resources Secretary Cathy Stepp told lawmakers Tuesday. - Read Full Article


Local Business of the Week!


I always enjoy visiting locally owned businesses throughout the 32nd Senate District and will be highlighting a different local business in each e-update. This week's featured business is Sharing Spaces Kitchen!

Sharing Spaces Kitchen is a shared-use incubator kitchen facility located in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. The kitchen is home to a bakery retail outlet store, a small-scale processing and packing operation that strengthens the local food economy.

Sharing Spaces Kitchen offers a very critical piece to the local economy and the kitchen allows every step of the food's journey to remain local.

Make sure you stop at Sharing Spaces Kitchen the next time you are in Prairie du Chien!

Department of Natural Resources Updates

News from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources:

Yes, it's cold, but Wisconsin's best trout waters remain ice-free
Early trout season on the horizon as DNR experts offer fish finding tips MADISON -- With statewide temperatures projected to remain below freezing through the first week in March, the 2015 Wisconsin early trout season may be on the chilly side. - Read Full Article

Two state fish hatcheries to get key upgrades following building commission approval
MADISON -- The Art Oehmcke Hatchery in Oneida County and Gov. Tommy G. Thompson Hatchery in Washburn County will receive important upgrades under plans approved by the state building commission.         - Read Full Article

Order seedlings now for spring 2015 planting
MADISON -- Winter allows landowners a chance to relax and enjoy their property draped in a blanket of snow, but it is also the time they should be preparing if they are considering tree planting on their property next spring. - Read Full Article


Recently Introduced Legislation

If you are interested in legislation that is being introduced, the Wisconsin Legislative website posts bills as they are being introduced in the Senate and Assembly. Check it out and stay informed!  

Calendar of Events





Bald Eagle Day



Creative Communities Art Demonstration and Sale

La Farge

3/7 ARK Educational Event - Growing Energy Viroqua


Ice Cave Hike Series

La Farge

3/11 Coulee Region Transportation Study La Crosse
3/12 Coulee Region Transportation Study Onalaska 
3/14 Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade Prairie du Chien
3/14 Shamrock Shuffle Prairie du Chien
3/14 Kickapoo Gold Open House and Pancake Breakfast Westby
3/13-3/14 Viroqua High School Musical Viroqua
3/15 Sparta Eagles Lumberjack Breakfast Sparta
3/17 St. Patrick's Day United States
3/19 Spring Fever - Pearl Street Brewery La Crosse


I apologize if any upcoming events in the area were left off. If you would like me to include an event in future e-updates, please email me the date, location and a website with details.

Senator Jennifer Shilling
P.O. Box 7882 - Madison, WI 53707

phone: 608.266.5490   



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