February 18, 2016

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


The Senate convened for the second to last floor session of the year this week, and once again I was disappointed to see misplaced priorities on display. Rather than eroding local control and jeopardizing our clean water, we should be working to empower Wisconsin citizens and getting our economy back on track. Senate Democrats continue to push for protection of our state's resources, investments in education, long term transportation solutions and expanded access to affordable healthcare. With one day of session left this year, I remain committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get our state back on track.


This e-update highlights Senate Democrats' continued push for student loan debt refinancing, Organic Valley's first legislative day at the capitol, the weekly Democratic radio address, the local business of the week and more.


I hope you find this information helpful, and don't forget to get out and enjoy all of the fun upcoming events in western Wisconsin!



Jennifer K. Shilling
State Senator | 32nd District



Another session of Republican inaction on student loan debt

With just days left in the current legislative session, Republican legislators have yet to put forward any substantive solutions to lower current student loan payments for the nearly one million student loan borrowers in Wisconsin. After cutting state investments in higher education by nearly $1 billion since taking office and leaving thousands of students on a waitlist for financial aid, Republicans continue to ignore the growing student loan debt crisis in Wisconsin.

Unpaid internships and debt reminder letters won’t do anything to lower the $19 billion in student loans that Wisconsin borrowers owe. Democrats recognize the scope of this crisis and have a comprehensive plan to lower student loan debt payments. While Republicans continue to defend the Wall Street banks who profit off high interest rates, Democrats are committed to passing real relief for hardworking families.

Legislative Republicans continue to block action on the Democrats’ Higher Ed, Lower Debt Bill which would provide immediate relief to Wisconsin’s one million student loan borrowers. The proposal would target tax relief to student loan borrowers and allow families to refinance their student loans. Minnesota recently launched a similar student loan refinancing effort which is estimated to save an average borrower thousands of dollars in lower interest payments.

Meanwhile, I spent time with my Democratic colleagues hosting a campus discussion on student loan debt and effective ways to alleviate the burden placed on Wisconsin citizens. If you weren't able to attend, you can visit my website and share your story here.

A recent report found that Wisconsin is third-worst in the nation in the percentage of residents with student loan debt, yet Republicans have not provided any meaningful leadership or relief.

Journal Times editorial: Keep profit motive out of our water

The following article was featured in the Racine Journal Times:

Businesses exist to turn a profit. Business owners and operators are constantly on the lookout for ways to cut costs and maximize return on investment, either for themselves or for their investors, or both.

For those very reasons, we shouldn’t have private enterprise anywhere near our water supply.

A bill which has already passed the state Assembly, AB 554, would make it easier for private companies from outside Wisconsin to buy public drinking water systems. It would make a public referendum on the sale of water and sewage disposal systems optional instead of mandatory as is currently the case.

And if residents gathered enough signatures to force a vote, it would take place before the terms and conditions of a sale are known.

“I don’t know why we would want to go out of our way to make it easier for private, for-profit companies to come in and own our water utilities,” said Amber Meyer Smith, a lobbyist for Clean Wisconsin, told the Wisconsin State Journal. “I would think we would want the highest and best level of accountability with something as important as water quality.”

We agree with Ms. Smith on that. A private enterprise is responsible first to its shareholders; a private utility would be susceptible to favoring shareholders over utility customers.

The legislation was introduced at the request of Aqua America, a private water and sewer corporation based in Pennsylvania that may wish to acquire water utilities here, said Rep. Tyler August, R-Lake Geneva, the proposal’s lead author.

You can read the full article here.

Organic Valley Legislative Day in the Capitol!


Organic Valley hosted their first legislative day in the Capitol! ‪#‎GrassUpWI‬ is Organic Valley's educational campaign to promote a more sustainable food future. From western Wisconsin to across the country, Organic Valley plays an integral part in our agricultural economy. Thank you for hosting this fantastic event!


Weekly Democratic Radio Address:

"GOP suppresses voter registration"

Senator Julie Lassa (Stevens Point) recently offered the Democratic radio address. In her radio message, Sen. Lassa highlighted the recent changes made to elections in Wisconsin.

"This is a direct attack on groups like the League of Women Voters, whose registration drives help thousands of people have a say in their government. And this change could mean longer lines on Election Day as more people try to register at the polls." - Sen. Julie Lassa

The audio file of last week’s address can be found here: http://media2.legis.wisconsin.gov/multimedia/Sen24/lassaradio2.11.16.mp3


Local Business of the Week!

I always enjoy visiting locally owned businesses and nonprofits throughout the 32nd Senate District and will be highlighting a different local businesses in each e-update. This week I am featuring the International Bake Shoppe!

Owners Don and Mary Hennessey purchased the bakery in July of 2001 and have spent the last 15 years expanding the business and "wowing" customers with their delicious baked goods. Known for the butter cream icing and raspberry filling in many of its two layer cakes, these made-from-scratch items are the main source of sales for the bake shop. But don't forget about the cookies, pies, pastries, cake pops and cupcakes that are all featured at the International Bake Shoppe along with the wedding cakes that make May through October the busiest months. (They use one and a half tons of butter every year!)

So if you're in need of a wedding cake, a birthday baked good or a simple pastry to appease your sweet tooth, make sure to come see Don, Mary and daughter Becky at the International Bake Shoppe for an out of this world eating experience. Thank you, Hennessey family for making La Crosse such a sweet place to live!

News Across the State

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Senate considers bills on privatizing water utilities, property rights

Wisconsin's water and sewage treatment utilities are virtually all owned by municipalities, but that could change under a bill the Senate will take up Tuesday. - Read Full Article


WTMJ Radio: FBI takes over investigation of Lincoln Hills

After the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Secretary resigned and news emerged that a judge sent a letter four years ago warning Governor Walker of possible criminal conduct at the state juvenile prison facility, the FBI has said it has transitioned from "assisting in the investigation to leading the investigation." - Read Full Article


Wisconsin Public Radio: Public Schools Concerned Voucher Change Could Cut Another $14M

A controversial school funding bill that Wisconsin public schools are saying could cost millions of dollars is set to go before the state Legislature this week. -Read Full Article


Wisconsin State Journal: Scott Walker's office warned in 2012 of safety issues at Lincoln Hills

A Racine County judge warned Gov. Scott Walker’s office in 2012 of severe safety issues at the state’s youth prison, and later the county stopped sending its juvenile offenders to the Irma facility that is now the subject of a criminal investigation. -Read Full Article


Democratic legislators push for student debt solutions
Under the hashtag #HigherEdLowerDebt, the legislators, including Senate Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse, Rep. Jill Billings, D-La Crosse, and Rep. Steve Doyle, D-Onalaska, said refinancing student loan debt would be able to help a majority of Wisconsin students afford college unlike Gov. Scott Walker’s proposals, which they said would only help a few. - Read Full Article


Mother left in dark about son's sexual assault, beating at Lincoln Hills

When a Racine County youth was sexually assaulted and beaten in a Northwoods prison in 2012, state officials told his mother that something had happened but didn't share with her the full and troubling picture. - Read Full Article


Spring/Summer Events Guide





As we approach the Spring and Summer months, there will be new and exciting seasonal events and outdoor adventures available all across the state. If you would like the new Wisconsin Department of Tourism Spring/Summer Events Guide, feel free to email my office at Sen.Shilling@legis.wi.gov to request a copy! These guides are a great resource for planning trips, discovering new parks and finding festivals and performances all around Wisconsin. Happy travels!

Winter Fun!

The late winter months can feel a little bleak at times, and that's why we make sure to get out and enjoy some seasonal activities to keep our days bright. Whether it's heading to Westby for the annual ski jump, building a snowman or enjoying some sweetheart pancakes to celebrate Valentine's Day, we know how to make winter fun!


 Shilling applauds passage of “Safe at Home Bill”

Bipartisan proposal seeks to strengthen victim protections

A bipartisan proposal that I proposed along with my colleague, Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) recently passed the State Senate and Assembly. Senate Bill 488, also known as the “Safe at Home Bill,” would create an Address Confidentiality Program and strengthen protections for survivors of domestic abuse, stalking and sex trafficking.

For survivors of domestic abuse, stalking and human trafficking, safety is always a top concern. Things that most families take for granted – like paying a utility bill, enrolling a child in after school activities or applying for a job – create potentially dangerous situations for many survivors. By passing the “Safe at Home Bill,” we can protect individuals from violence and help survivors move forward with their lives.

The Address Confidentiality Program would allow at-risk individuals to obtain an alternate postal address and have mail forwarded to their confidential home address. At least 30 states currently provide residents with similar safeguards. Minnesota launched an address confidentiality program in 2007 which has served more than 5,000 residents since its inception.

Senate Bill 488 is supported by End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, Legal Action of Wisconsin, the National Association of Social Workers - Wisconsin Chapter, the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association, the Wisconsin Association of Family & Childrens Agencies and the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Now that the bill has passed both houses of the legislature, it heads to the Governor's desk to be signed into law.

Action from the Capitol

Top Left Photo: I always enjoy talking to librarians from western Wisconsin, and was honored to be presented with a 2016 Wisconsin Library Champion award. Libraries are great assets to our communities, thank you for all of your hard work!

Top Right Photo: Recently the Senate passed a Joint Resolution commemorating Syttende Mai Weekend in Wisconsin. It was an absolute delight to have the Westby Syttende Mai Royalty in attendance. You have been doing a great job representing the Westby Syttende Mai festival and your community. Mange takk!

Bottom Left Photo: Students from Career and Technical organizations across the state visited legislators in the Capitol! Organizations such as DECA, FBLA, FFA and HOSA teach leadership, networking and technical skills. They contribute to students being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.

Bottom Right Photo: It has been a busy few weeks in the Capitol! I also recently met with area doctors for Doctor Day and discussed ways we can improve our health system here in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin DNR updates

News from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources:


DNR and key partners lay the groundwork to bolster Jackson County elk herd
The second year of Wisconsin's elk reintroduction effort is now complete for the 2016 season, and 40 elk currently await transport to their new home in Jackson County. - Read Full Article

DNR Lake Michigan experts to speak at Great Lakes Fishery Commission meeting in Milwaukee
Fisheries biologists from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will be among those presenting information at the upcoming Upper Lake Committees Meeting sponsored annually by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. - Read Full Article


Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas seeks more volunteers for largest bird survey in state history

With Wisconsin's earliest nesting birds already tending to nests, organizers of a statewide breeding bird survey are looking to recruit new birders to their volunteer corps, gathering information that will guide bird conservation efforts for the next generation. - Read Full Article


Natural Resources Board to meet February 24 in Madison

Approval of recommendations for the second phase of Department of Natural Resources land sales to occur under the direction of the 2013-15 state biennial budget bill and adoption of an emergency board order for proposed rules related to modernizing the automated system for issuing recreational license products are among the items the state Natural Resources Board will address when it meets Feb. 24 in Madison. - Read Full Article


Invader Crusader Award nomination period opens

The Wisconsin Invasive Species Council has announced the 12th annual Invader Crusader Awards for the upcoming Invasive Species Awareness Month in June. - Read Full Article

Recently Introduced Legislation

If you are interested in legislation that is being introduced, the Wisconsin Legislative website posts bills as they are being introduced in the Senate and Assembly. Check it out and stay informed!  


Calendar of Events




2/19 Winter Trails by the Light of the Snow Moon La Farge
2/19 Album Encounter La Crosse
2/19 Norskedalen Candlelight Snowshoe Hike- Rescheduled Coon Valley, WI
2/20 Ice Cave Hike Series La Farge
2/26-2/27 Bald Eagle Appreciation Days Prairie du Chien
2/27 Ice Cave Hike Series La Farge
2/27 La Crosse Bike Swap Logan Middle School
3/5 Dinner on the Bluff Lanesboro, MN
3/6 Rockin Out Hunger La Crosse
3/10 Tomah School District Art Exhibit La Crosse
3/10 International Women’s Day La Crosse
3/11 Contemporary Native American Music La Crescent, MN
3/12 Victory over Violence Gala and Auction La Crosse
3/12 Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade Prairie du Chien
3/12 Shamrock Shuffle 5K Prairie du Chien
3/12 La Crosse Symphony Orchestra: The Heavenly Life La Crosse


I apologize if any upcoming events in the area were left off. If you would like me to include an event in future e-updates, please email me the date, location and a website with details.

Senator Jennifer Shilling
P.O. Box 7882 - Madison, WI 53707

phone: 608.266.5490   

email: sen.shilling@legis.wi.gov


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