Email Banner: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald


April 30, 2010

Senate Democrats Mislead the Public on Illegal Immigrants

Last week, Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) continued the Democrats’ nearly two-year long assault on Wisconsin business. This time, the excuse was a “crackdown” on the hiring of illegal immigrants in the form of Senate Bill (SB) 600. The truth of the matter is, the legislation would do little to nothing in stopping the hiring of illegal immigrants, but it would severely impact small business across Wisconsin.

My record in the State Senate on issues dealing with illegal immigrants has been a strong one. I have fought efforts to grant illegal immigrants breaks on tuition, grant them driver’s licenses, and make it easier for them to vote illegally. To suggest, as Senator Hansen does, that I would try to block legislation that makes it harder for illegal workers to find employment in Wisconsin would be laughable if it were not so offensive.

Senator Hansen’s proposal would have put dairy farmers and small businessmen in a precarious position by placing the onus on business instead of on illegal immigrants. Senator Hansen relies on a system that has been criticized for being vulnerable to fraud and identity theft.

Fitzgerald on 2009-10 Session...
"...I think the big disappointment is that, although they took care of many of the special interests...they did not take care of the unemployed."

April 29, 2010

Democrats’ Tax Increases Threaten to Drive Out Another Major Employer

1,400 Jobs at Stake as Harley Looks to Leave Wisconsin

[Madison, Wisc….] Today, long-time Wisconsin employer, Harley-Davidson, announced that it may close operations in Wisconsin. More than 1,400 jobs are on the line in Tomahawk and Menomonee Falls as the company looks to cut $54 million a year in manufacturing costs. This announcement comes after Senate Democrats, including Senators Sullivan (D-Wauwatosa), Lehman (D-Racine), and Holperin (D-Conover) who have constituents employed at Harley, hit the employer with $22.5 million in tax increases in 2009.

“We could see the writing on the wall last year when the Democrats raised taxes and fees by nearly $5 billion. One of those measures socked Harley with a $22.5 million tax increase,” said Senator Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau). “At a time of recession when businesses are struggling to stay afloat and keep their employees, the last thing that government should be doing is layering on burdensome taxes and regulations. It’s a job-killing recipe. The results are being clearly demonstrated today.”

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