Email Banner: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald


April 16, 2010

2009-10 Session
Coming to a Close

The 2009-10 Wisconsin legislative session is coming to a close at the end of April. With just a few session days left, legislators are in a mad rush to move the bills that they’ve been working on over the past 16 months. It is the last opportunity to stop or advance key issues before session ends. If a bill fails to pass both the Assembly and Senate before the end of April, it would have to be re-introduced next year in order to receive consideration.

Some of the more high profile bills that were voted on this week in the Senate include


Democrats not serious about repealing auto insurance changes

I moved to pull SB 646 to the Senate floor for a vote. The bill repeals some of the auto insurance rate hikes the Democrats enacted last year. Despite SB 646 having three Democrat Senate authors, the pulling motion failed with some of the bill's Democrat authors voting against bringing the bill forward. Clearly, the vote showed that the Democrats were never serious about repealing these auto insurance changes.

April 14, 2010

Democrat Bill Eliminates Checks & Balances Preventing Voter Fraud

Madison, WI… In a press conference held Wednesday, Legislative Republican leaders revealed how a bill backed by Democrats could lead to dramatically increased voter fraud in Wisconsin. According to Assembly Minority Leader Jeff Fitzgerald and Senate Minority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, “The Voter Fraud Bill,” Assembly Bill (AB) 895 and its companion, Senate Bill (SB) 640, will leave Wisconsin with the weakest voter protections in the nation.

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